Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 465 Wu Tong is here, Li Qingqiu has clues!

Chapter 465 Wu Tong is here, Li Qingqiu has clues!
"Master, Wu Tong is here!"

At the Xiao family's old residence in the capital, Qin Shi stood respectfully in front of Xiao Jingzhe to report.

In front of the desk, Xiao Jingzhe slowly raised his head, looked at Qin Shi, and asked with furrowed brows, "Who are you talking about?"

Everything has been piled up these days, and Xiao Jingzhe is very busy.

Because Li Qingqiu was not found, Xiao Jingyao and the Li family were almost driven crazy!Everything was pressing on him, and when he suddenly heard the name, he couldn't even remember who Wu Tong was.

"Wu Tong is Wu Tong, the son of Yonglin Wu Tongpan!" Qin Shi explained, looking at his master with some distress.

After hearing what Qin Shi said, Xiao Jingzhe remembered it and asked doubtfully: "What is he here for?"

After asking, he couldn't help but rub his eyebrows, "Invite him in!"


Qin Shi withdrew in response, and soon invited Wu Tong, a simple and simple man, in.

Wu Tong entered the door, saluted Xiao Jingzhe and said hello, then took out a kit from his sleeve.

"Fourth Master, my lord asked me to bring you here!"

Xiao Jingzhe was a little confused. When did his eldest brother need someone to make a personal trip to pass something on?

I didn’t say anything in the last letter!

Could it be something important?

Before Xiao Jingzhe could think clearly, Qin Shi had already taken the things from Wu Tong's hands and handed them over.

Xiao Jingzhe took it, opened it, and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Ranran is awake?"

When Xiao Jingzhe saw the Fu Zuan in his purse, he became obviously excited. The fatigue of the past few days was instantly wiped away. He excitedly walked up to Wu Tong and asked steadily, "Ran Ran But have you returned to Yonglin?"


Seeing Xiao Jingzhe being so excited, Wu Tong scratched the back of his head naively, "Sir, no!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe became disappointed again, and his face instantly regained its previous calmness.

Wu Tong sighed slightly in his heart and said: "Don't worry, Fourth Master, now not only Ba County and Yonglin, but also many other places in the Zhou Dynasty have built temples dedicated to Ran Ran, with so much incense. With the power of faith of the people, I believe Ran Ran will wake up and return to the Xiao family soon."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe did not feel comforted, but his hand subconsciously tightened the purse Wu Tong gave him.

Wu Tong raised his head and glanced at him, then continued: "Sir, this talisman is the truth talisman! It was given by Ran Ran before! When Master Wu was delivering the message to you, my father happened to overhear it and knew that the man named Wu I haven’t found Miss Li yet! I thought I still had the Talisman of Truth here, so I asked me to personally deliver it to the Fourth and Fifth Masters."

"Truth Talisman? Do you still have a Truth Talisman?" Xiao Jingyao heard these words just in time as he walked to the door. The decadence in his body was swept away, and he excitedly grabbed Wu Tong's shoulders as soon as he entered the door.

Looking at the unshaven Xiao Jingyao, Wu Tong almost couldn't recognize him.

Is the person in front of me really Mr. Xiao?

It’s almost unrecognizable!
The beard on this face is simply thicker than his beard.

There are also wrinkles on the clothes... and the smell of alcohol emanating from all over the body...


It is hard to imagine that the once high-spirited young man has become like this.

Love is... so difficult!
He, Wu Tong, might as well be a bachelor for the rest of his life!
Wu Tong coughed lightly, removed the waste from his mind, and looked at Xiao Jingyao and nodded heavily.


Seeing Wu Tong nodding, Xiao Jingyao immediately burst out laughing. While laughing, he patted Wu Tong on the shoulder, "Wu Tong, Wu Tong! You are really my good brother! You are mine and Qingqiu's." A lifesaver!”

"When Qingqiu and I get married, I will definitely let you sit at the head table!"

Wu Tong: "..."

Simply flattered!
Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

After rescuing the person, whether he can marry him or not is still a question! "Here you go, interrogate the Wu family and his son as soon as possible!" Xiao Jingzhe handed over the talisman in his hand.


Xiao Jingyao immediately took over, took the talisman and ran out.

Seeing his excited expression, Xiao Jingzhe suddenly felt a bit envious in his heart, and suddenly shouted to Xiao Jingyao's back, "When you go to see Miss Li, remember to take good care of yourself! "

"Got it!" Xiao Jingyao replied, and soon disappeared.

Xiao Jingzhe shook his head helplessly, thinking he would be more stable!
"Qin Shi, arrange for Wu Tong to stay here!" Xiao Jingzhe said.


Qin Shi responded and left the study with Wu Tong.

Xiao Jingyao quickly went to the dungeon after leaving Xiao Zhai.

At this time, the Wu family father and son were tortured beyond belief, but in order to save their own lives, they did not tell the whereabouts of Li Qingqiu at any cost.

And Xiao Jingyao and the Li family had to save their lives for Li Qingqiu.

They were executed every day and someone was found to diagnose and treat them every day.

Therefore, the father and son now look in a mess and covered in blood, but their spirits are still good.

As soon as Xiao Jingyao came to the cell, the father and son looked over with disdain.

Wu Youyou sneered: "Don't waste your efforts, we won't tell you! Hahaha...hahaha..."


In the past, Xiao Jingyao would have been so angry that he wanted to punch someone, but now he just gave a disdainful chuckle.

Xiao Jingyao didn't even say a word of nonsense to Wu Yongyong. Xiao Jingyao took out the self-truth charm and put it on Wu Yongyong's forehead.

Wu Youyou: "???"

Wu Xi: "???"

The truth talisman flashed on Wu Youyou's forehead and disappeared. The Wu family father and son looked at each other and became panicked.

"You... what did you do to me!?"

Xiao Jingyao was too lazy to answer such nonsense and asked directly: "Where is Qingqiu? Did you arrest her?"

Hearing Xiao Jingyao ask this commonplace question again, he wanted to give the same answer as usual without thinking, but the words changed when he spoke.

"Li Qingqiu is locked up in the cold palace."


As soon as the words came out, Wu Xi looked at his father in disbelief.

The whereabouts of Li Qingqiu is now the life-saving talisman for their father and son. They have not said how much suffering and pain they have suffered in the past half a month since they were arrested!

What's going on now! ! ! ?
This made him feel like his persistence was a joke.


Wu Youyou himself was also shocked.

He didn't want to say anything, but he just couldn't control himself!


Xiao Jingyao sneered and asked the Yamen servant to call Li Boming to interrogate Wu Youyou again, and he hurried to Prince An's Mansion.

No one can enter the palace without being summoned!

At this time, the only person who can help him enter the palace is Prince An.

(End of this chapter)

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