Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 466: Cold Palace Fire, Heading to Northern Xinjiang!

Chapter 466: Cold Palace Fire, Heading to Northern Xinjiang!

Prince An was also shocked when he learned that Li Qingqiu had been imprisoned in the palace.

They never expected that this person who was looking for him would be right under their noses.

The Cold Palace is indeed a good place to hide people.

After all, no one goes to that place nowadays!

After Prince An informed the head of the Li family and Mr. Li Liu, he immediately took Xiao Jingyao into the palace.


When they hurriedly and slowly arrived at the cold palace, the cold palace was already ablaze with raging fire.

Looking at Leng Gong who was annihilated by the fire, Xiao Jingyao's vision went dark and he almost fainted. Fortunately, King An helped him and pinched him hard, which made him recover.

As soon as he recovered, Xiao Jingyao was about to rush into the fire.

Seeing that he was so desperate for his life, King An quickly hugged him hard!

"Calm down, calm down!"

King An looked at Xiao Jingyao who seemed to be going crazy, and slapped him.

"Let go, let me go!"

Xiao Jingyao roared angrily and threw himself into the fire no matter what.

It had been several months since he finally got news about her, but what he got was this result!How could he bear it?
King An couldn't resist him, so he simply asked his subordinates to knock him out and take him back.

Xiao Jingyao had not been able to sleep well for a long time. This time Xiao Jingyao was so angry that he fell into a coma for a day and a night before waking up.

As soon as he woke up, he saw Xiao Jingzhe standing in front of him.

"Fourth brother, where is Qingqiu? Has Qingqiu been rescued?" Xiao Jingyao jumped out of bed excitedly and looked at Xiao Jingzhe expectantly.

"I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Xiao Jingzhe said calmly and calmly.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Good news!" Xiao Jingzhe replied randomly without thinking.

"The good news is that Miss Li is not dead. There are indeed traces of someone living in the Cold Palace! At the same time, a secret passage was dug, which leads to the outside of the palace! So we conclude that Miss Li was taken away by someone."

"The bad news is that our people can't find any whereabouts for the time being."

"Really? Qingqiu is not dead?" Xiao Jingyao couldn't believe his ears. The raging fire before coma seemed like a dream.

"Yeah." Xiao Jingzhe hummed lightly.

"It's good that she's not dead, it's good that she's not dead! I can still find her if she's not dead!"

Xiao Jingyao murmured to himself, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Jingzhe looked at Xiao Jingyao who looked like a fool, his eyes darkened.

"Yesterday, there was an urgent call from the imperial court! The North Xinjiang side is preparing to attack the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is bound to break our Great Zhou Dynasty. General Jin asked for support. You can go with the third brother!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"No, I want to stay. Qingqiu hasn't been found yet! I won't leave here!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Fifth Master, you'd better go!" Qin Shi said: "When you went to the palace, the Wu family father and son were rescued! Judging from the clues left behind, it should be Ye Zhaozhao!"

"Now that the war is tense, the Wu family's previous power has been almost destroyed by us, so... the fourth master guessed that Miss Li was taken away by Ye Zhaozhao, and their purpose was the Li family's wealth."


Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiao Jingzhe intently.

As if to confirm his words, at this moment the concierge's voice sounded outside the door, "Fourth Master, the two masters of the Li family are here, saying that someone sent them a letter! They wrote about Miss Li's whereabouts!"

As soon as the concierge finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao opened the door and ran out like a gust of wind.

Xiao Jingzhe shook his head helplessly. "Fourth Master, now that Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang are attacking us from both sides, I am afraid that General Zhu's rebellion in Southern Xinjiang will not be able to hold on any longer!" Qin Shi said worriedly.

"Don't worry! Southern Xinjiang will retreat soon!" Xiao Jingzhe said solemnly.

Qin Shi's eyes lit up, "Master, do you have any ideas?"

"Yes." Xiao Jingzhe said lightly, "You have people prepare for it. I will go to Southern Xinjiang myself!"


Qin Shi responded, feeling faintly excited.

After so many years, I finally waited for my master to go to the battlefield again.

He almost missed his invincible master on the battlefield.

Xiao Jingyao quickly went to the front hall.

Seeing Xiao Jingyao's appearance, Mr. Li subconsciously frowned and looked at him with some disgust.

Even if Qingqiu is not here, don’t make yourself look like this!

That girl likes good-looking people the most!

This slovenly look is no different from the one outside with messy hair, a broken bowl and a dog stick!

"Uncle, do you have news about Qingqiu!? Show it to me quickly!" Xiao Jingyao didn't notice Master Li's disgusted expression at him at all, and asked excitedly.

"Look at this!"

Mr. Li handed over the letter.

Xiao Jingyao couldn't wait to open it and read it.

After reading it, my whole face wrinkled up.

"It is indeed them. My fourth brother's guess was absolutely correct!" Xiao Jingyao squeezed the letter in his hand tightly and said through gritted teeth.

The letter was left by Ye Zhaozhao, asking the Li family to exchange two-thirds of their property for Li Qingqiu.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will leave for the northern border tomorrow! I won't let anything happen to Qingqiu!" Xiao Jingyao said loudly.


Mr. Li sighed helplessly and patted his shoulder.

"I, the Li family, are born and die as Da Zhou's ghosts. I will not do anything like betraying Da Zhou! I see your affection for Qingqiu! My Li family is willing to use half of our family wealth to support it. Help the imperial court fight against Northern Xinjiang! As for Qingqiu...she will understand our feelings, so she will leave it to you!"

"No matter what the outcome is, you, Xiao Jingyao, are my son-in-law, Li Yuanchao!"

Speaking of the latter part, Mr. Li's eyes turned red.

Qingqiu is his daughter, the apple of their Li family's eye.

If she was kidnapped by others, they would spend all their money to save her.

But now it is no longer as simple as ordinary kidnapping!

As the head of the Li family, he cannot lose the reputation that the entire family has built up over hundreds of years just because of one child.

The Li family swears to death not to be that traitor!
"Don't worry, father-in-law, I will definitely rescue Qingqiu! She was born by me, and when she dies, I will die with her!" Xiao Jingyao said with red eyes.

That night, Xiao Jingyao packed up, said goodbye to King An and the emperor, and left the next day with Wu Tong, Zhang Biao and others.

Zhang Biao is from Northern Xinjiang and is very aware of the situation in Northern Xinjiang and the major forces.

This time, they went not to the battlefield, but to Kyoto in southern Xinjiang!
At the same time, Xiao Jingzhe also took Qin Shi and others to the border in southern Xinjiang.

Time flew by, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Jingyao and others arrived at Baling, the capital of northern Xinjiang, in early April!
(End of this chapter)

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