Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 467 Arriving in Northern Xinjiang, bad idea!

Chapter 467 Arriving in Northern Xinjiang, bad idea!

Northern Xinjiang, Baling.

"Fifth Master, you go and have a rest first, and then I'll go and investigate." Zhang Biao said.

Baling is the place where he grew up. Although he has not been back for many years, it has not changed much.

In addition, he understands the accent here, so even if he inquires about something, he will not arouse any suspicion.

This time, they came to Baling under the name of a business.

It's a good thing.

"Okay, be careful and don't forget your identity." Xiao Jingyao reminded.

The four Zhang Biao brothers were all spies sent to other countries.

Later, when he returned to northern Xinjiang, he was about to be executed and killed, so he fled to Dazhou.

The injuries they had back then were not something ordinary people could sustain.

Xiao Jingyao's warning was also to let them be wary of people from the past, so as not to bring danger to themselves.

"Don't worry, Fifth Master! I have a sense of propriety." Zhang Biao said solemnly.

This time, he came back not just to save Miss Qingqiu, but if he had the chance to take revenge, he would never not take it.

"Well, go ahead!" Xiao Jingyao nodded.

What happened in the past few months has made him calm down a lot, and the playful and smiling face from before has long disappeared.

The group tidied up and returned as soon as they settled down with Zhang Biao.

"How is it? Have you found out any information?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"Fifth Master, it is King Li and Crown Prince Yue Ningxiao of Northern Xinjiang who advocate war."

"But Prince Qin and some civil servants advocated peace."

"I just heard that Prince Qin was arrested for rebellion a month ago and is still being held in a dungeon."

"Even the eldest prince Yue Ninghe and the queen have been placed under house arrest."

"The emperor does nothing, and all matters in the court are controlled by the crown prince and King Li."

"As for Miss Li, there is no news yet! But my subordinates heard that an immortal has come to Prince Li's Mansion."

"My subordinates guess that the person is Ye Zhaozhao."

After Xiao Jingyao heard this, he clenched his fists tightly, and after a long time he asked, "Who were you loyal to in the past?"


Zhang Biao hesitated and said nothing.

Xiao Jingyao pursed his lower lip slightly, then waved his hand, "Forget it, I shouldn't ask this, fourth brother promised you, you can talk about the past things if you want to, but don't talk if you don't want to."

"No, that's not the case!" Zhang Biao lowered his head and said feebly: "We actually don't know who we are loyal to!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Zhang Biao continued: "We were adopted since childhood and trained in one place until we were 14 years old."

"After that, we lived in the capital for two years. In these two years, we learned some things about the world, and we never did any tasks."

"After that, we were sent to various places, and we were contacted by specific symbols and superiors. It was not until we completed the mission and returned to Kyoto that we lost value, and then we were hunted down and escaped all the way to Dazhou Yonglin."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

He really didn't know what to say!
After working hard for most of my life, I don’t even know who I am loyal to.


The less people like them know, the better.

Even if he is accidentally caught, he will not reveal the mastermind behind it.

If it weren't for their status as spies, it wouldn't be surprising that Zhang Biao and the others would eventually be granted the title of marquis and prime minister based on their abilities.

It is normal for such people to be feared when they come back.

The person behind it must be afraid too!
So I wanted to take the opportunity to kill them!
It's just that they were lucky enough to survive!
"Is there any way to get into Prince Li's Mansion? Or... rescue Prince Qin?" Xiao Jingyao asked in confusion. "Prince Qin is imprisoned, and we have nothing to do for the time being! As for entering Prince Li's Mansion... I have a plan!"

"Tell me!"

Zhang Biao whispered a few words into Xiao Jingyao's ear.

Xiao Jingyao's face darkened after hearing this!

"What a bad idea you have!"

"Ahem!" Zhang Biao coughed lightly, "Fifth Master, think about Miss Li! If Miss Li knew that you had sacrificed so much for her, she would definitely be moved and remember it for the rest of her life!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"No! Absolutely not!" Xiao Jingyao sternly refused.


The next day, I saw her appearing in front of me dressed in women's clothing and coquettishly.

Xiao Jingyao originally had a male-female appearance, and he looked very similar to Xiao Ning. Dressing up in women's clothing at this time did not feel inconsistent at all.

When Wu Tong looked at him for the first time, he was shocked by his appearance.

"Fifth Master, it is not an exaggeration to say that your face is unrivaled. If Crown Prince Nali is really discerning, he would not look down on you!" Wu Tongtong.

Yes, according to the information Zhang Biao received, Prince Li was very fond of beauties.

Li Wang's Mansion is heavily guarded, so no one can get in just because they want to, so they have to do this as a last resort.

Xiao Jingyao pursed his lips, rubbed the two big buns on his chest, twisted his waist, and hummed: "If I can't get in like this, just wait for me!"

If the two guys in front of me are not allowed to wear women's clothes for two months to meet people, his surname will not be Xiao.

Seeing Xiao Jingyao's malicious eyes, both of them shuddered in unison.

Tsk... I hope Fifth Master can achieve great success this time.

"Let's go! Where is that guy?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"Yicui Pavilion."

Soon, several people appeared near Yicui Pavilion.

It was still early at this time, and the door of Yicui Pavilion was still tightly closed.

"Come on! Tie me up." Xiao Jingyao wiped a handful of ash on the ground, and then wiped it on his body and face, making himself dirty all over.

Wu Tong: "???"

Zhang Biao: "???"

"Hurry up!" Seeing the dumbfounded looks of the two people, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but explain: "Although Crown Prince Li has been living in a place like this all year round, he is not necessarily a brainless person!"

"If we show up rashly, it will inevitably arouse his suspicion."

"Since you are going to do a show, then make it more realistic for me."

"You two pretended to be gamblers and sold me here."

"If Prince Li is really a greedy and lustful person, I can not only make him let go of some of his wariness, but also attract his attention!"

"Most of these men like weak and weak women!"

"Besides, don't stay at the inn! Zhang Biao, find a way to give us a new identity."

"Yes!" Zhang Biao responded, "Fifth Master is still thoughtful."

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. We've been waiting for this for such a long time! In just a few days!"

"Yeah." The two nodded.

Both Zhang Biao and Wu Tong are tall and strong, especially Wu Tong, who has a big beard and doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

The two tied up Xiao Jingyao and sold him to a brothel.

(End of this chapter)

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