Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 468: Old events in Prince Li’s Mansion!

Chapter 468: Old events in Prince Li’s Mansion!
Xiao Jingyao was sold for 60 taels of silver.

After Wu Tong and Zhang Biao got 60 taels of silver, they left Yicui Pavilion happily.

In the next few days, Xiao Jingyao played various chaste and martyr girls in Yicui Tower.

After Yi Cui Lou's mother explained and used various unsavory methods, he seemed to finally accept the reality and obeyed his mother's words obediently.

After being trained for half a month, her "highlight" moment finally came.

On the night when he was auctioned for the "first time", Xiao Jingyao appeared shyly on the booth.

His gesture immediately caught Prince Li's attention.


Xiao Jingyao was snatched away by Crown Prince Li without any effort.

After one night, Xiao Jingyao was brought back to Prince Li's Mansion by Crown Prince Li.

Seeing Xiao Jingyao entering Prince Li's Mansion, Wu Tong and Zhang Biao couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I was also wondering, last Xiao Jingyao subdued Prince Li! ? ? ?

However, they dare not ask about this!
After entering Prince Li's Mansion, Xiao Jingyao was not in a hurry to inquire about anything.

Instead, he started a life of intrigue with the concubines of Prince Li.

In just three to five days, Xiao Jingyao succeeded in turning the twelve concubines of Prince Li into his good sisters.

Some of these people have been in the government for two years, and the shortest has been two months!

Xiao Jingyao didn't go to inquire about it himself, but he was able to inquire about everything in this mansion while drinking tea and chatting with them for free!

For example, the romantic history of the imperial concubine and Prince Li!
It is said that King Li and the emperor were good brothers. When they were young, they went out together but were assassinated.

Just when their lives were hanging by a thread, the imperial concubine came to them like a god and saved them with the petals of the Tianshan Snow Lotus.

Afterwards, the imperial concubine left, but the grandmother of the imperial concubine's family passed away.

The emperor and King Li found the imperial concubine at the same time.

The emperor promised to give the imperial concubine the position of queen and brought her back home.

However, King Li could only keep his love deep in his heart due to his brother's affection and the majesty of the emperor.

Later, the emperor had no choice but to marry someone else as the queen. Out of guilt and kindness to the imperial concubine, he gave her equal rights with the queen, but broke his promise to give her the position of queen.

King Li married the twin sister of the imperial concubine.

Although they each have their own destinations, King Li still misses the imperial concubine.

As the only heterosexual king in Baling and deeply trusted by the emperor, the emperor gave him a large part of his power.

Prince Li was handsome, and although the imperial concubine was deeply favored by the emperor in the palace, the emperor failed to fulfill his promise, which made her very unhappy!In addition, the queen was pressing down on her, and beauties were entering the palace again and again, which made her even more unhappy.

King Li only married one woman, her sister, but he always kept her place in his heart.

As a result, the imperial concubine soon hooked up with King Li.

Under the operation of King Li, Yue Ning Xiao soon became the prince.

If it weren't for the fact that the prince looked similar to the emperor, it would have been rumored that he was the illegitimate son of the imperial concubine and King Li.But even though there were thousands of such rumors, the old and confused emperor still believed in King Li.

Now, the Queen's faction is all under custody.

The emperor was groggy all day long, and all the power of the court fell into the hands of King Li and the prince.

Xiao Jingyao knew this from these "good sisters" and couldn't help but curiously asked: "You are talking about the matter between King Li and the imperial concubine. Does the princess know about it? Couldn't she have misunderstood?"

A sister named Mudan said: "Hey, so what if you know, so what if you don't know? Our princess has not been interested in worldly affairs for many years! All she does is stay in the Buddhist hall, chant sutras, and pray for blessings. !”

"That's right." Haitang also agreed, with a tone of pity and sympathy, "Speaking of which, Princess Li is also a pitiful person. It is said that she originally had a loved one and was forced to marry the prince."

"Yes, yes, if it hadn't been for the old princess's words, it would have been impossible for the prince and the princess to get married. I heard..."

Rose paused when she said this. She rolled her eyes and saw that no one was around before she continued, "I heard that even when they consummated their marriage, they were drugged by the old princess."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

The woman in this backyard picks people to gossip about when she has nothing to do! ?

Xiao Jingyao's eyes widened in surprise, "What else is there?"

"Isn't it!?" Haitang said, "Don't make such a fuss", and then sighed, "I heard that the old princess even said that if the princess couldn't conceive the child, the prince would live in the princess's house for the rest of his life. You are not allowed to come out."

"So the princess became pregnant with the prince later?"

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads in unison, and Rose said regretfully: "This is what's so pity, the princess is pregnant! She gave birth to twins, one boy and one girl!"

"It's a pity that one of these two children was brought into the palace by the prince when he was five years old. He fell into the pond and drowned for some reason! It is said that the prince did not take good care of the child because he went to see the imperial concubine, causing the little princess Xiao Xiao Those who are old will lose their lives.”

"The same goes for the previous young prince! He was forced by the prince to be sent to the palace to be a companion to the current prince, but when he was ten years old, he fell off a horse and broke his head."

"I haven't woken up since then."

"It is said that at that time, the prince and the princess had a falling out! The princess hated the prince and the imperial concubine so much that she went to the small Buddhist hall to pray for her former son every day!"

"What about our prince?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"Our prince is the nephew of the princess's mother-in-law, and he is also the second grandson of the current Duke of Zhenguo! It was the princess who proposed to adopt him to the prince!"

"That's right, how can the prince not respond to the imperial concubine's request? In addition, what happened to the former prince and the little princess had something to do with the palace and even the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine has always felt guilty about this matter. !”

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

What guilt?
If all this is true, then this imperial concubine clearly wants to get what she can't get and doesn't want others to get it.

And, what adoption?
It was obvious that he valued this big piece of fat from Prince Li's house.

Thinking about it, Xiao Jingyao asked, "How is the relationship between the princess and her natal family?"

Hearing this, the concubines all looked at each other in confusion, and finally Haitang said: "The Duke's mansion is not peaceful either. The princess only goes back once a year on the birthday of the old Duke."

"And it's always very unpleasant."

"However, the eldest lady of the Zhenguo Palace has visited the princess a few times. The relationship between the princess and him is pretty good."

"It's just that the husband of this eldest lady is the same father as our princess."

(End of this chapter)

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