Chapter 469 Chapter 470 Quarrel!

Based on these news, Xiao Jingyao instantly found his breakthrough.

In the next few days, Xiao Jingyao and these sisters wandered around the palace. At the same time, he also sent a message to Zhang Biao and others to investigate the situation in the town's palace.

That night, after Xiao Jingyao knocked Prince Li unconscious, he quietly went to Yulinxuan, the residence of Prince Li's son.

During the day, he quietly inquired about this place. It seemed that no one was guarding this place, but there were a few secret guards hidden in the darkness.

However, his concealment skills are not limited, and it is not difficult for him to sneak in quietly.

However, when he arrived at the door, Xiao Jingyao was surprised to find that the secret guards were guarding the door.


Xiao Jingyao looked at the door suspiciously.

Could it be that King Li was afraid that Princess Li would do something bad?So why put her under house arrest here?
As soon as Xiao Jingyao thought this, he became more and more curious.

If this is really the case, then if he starts to break through from Princess Li, there may be unexpected results!
Xiao Jingyao became excited and quietly sneaked in from behind.

As soon as he approached the main room, Xiao Jingyao heard an angry voice, "Get out, get out! My Lin'er doesn't want to see you!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's heart trembled.

Listening to this voice, it should be from Princess Li.

But Princess Li dares to talk to King Li like this?

Even though the coma of King Li's former eldest son Mo Yunlin and the death of the little princess were related to King Li, what I heard these days was that King Li was a man of his word.

Shouldn't such people be arrogant?

But now...

Before Xiao Jingyao could figure it out, he heard a deep subwoofer sound coming from inside. The tone was not as angry as he imagined, but gentle, even with a gentle coaxing and a hint of pleading.

"I just want to come over and see Lin'er! Why are you so angry? Don't let your anger break your body!"


Princess Li snorted coldly, her face cold and devoid of any emotion at all, "Stop your hypocritical concern! If the prince has such a heart, you should go and accompany your savior!"

When she talked about her savior, a trace of ridicule flashed across Princess Li's beautiful eyes.

"My child can't stand your care. He has already been killed by you. What else do you want? Could it be that you really want to kill him before you are willing to do it!?"


King Li was choked for a moment!
"I'm sorry for you!" King Li's dark eyes fell deeply on Princess Li, with a sense of indescribable self-blame.


Princess Li turned away her face and uttered a word coldly.

Now, just looking at the person in front of her makes her feel sick.

King Li pursed his lower lip slightly and continued: "In addition to wanting to see Lin'er this time, there is also good news."

After King Li finished telling the good news, he subconsciously looked at Princess Li's face.

However, Princess Li seemed as if she had never heard of it.

King Li suppressed the disappointment in his heart and continued, "No matter what, Lin'er is my child, and I hope he can wake up more than anyone else."

"The prince has met a capable person who is proficient in magic and summoning ghosts and gods! She said that Lin'er is just missing a soul. As long as he summons this soul back, it will be easy to wake up."

Xiao Jingyao outside the door was shocked.

The capable person mentioned by King Li is probably not Ye Zhaozhao! ?

How could Ye Zhaozhao be so kind as to save the former crown prince of King Li! ?

Shun Jian, Xiao Jingyao smelled a hint of conspiracy and calculation in it.

From his perspective as a bystander, the trouble that happened to the crown prince and the little princess of the Li Palace was absolutely due to the imperial concubine's handiwork.

Otherwise, there would be no mention of the adopted nephew from his mother’s family coming to be the heir apparent!


Princess Li and Concubine Huang are twin sisters. Why would Concubine Huang harm her own sister's child?
Could it be that she really liked King Li?So he can't see his sister living happily?
Or is there another reason for this! ?
Just when Xiao Jingyao was thinking about something, Princess Li over there sneered: "No need to bother! My Lin'er doesn't need it! Your Majesty, please come back!"

After saying that, Princess Li pushed Prince Li out without any explanation.

Then with a "pop" sound, the door was closed mercilessly!

King Li touched his nose, stood at the door and sighed deeply before slowly leaving.

When he left, his face was full of depression that could be seen with the naked eye.

Looking at Wang Li's leaving figure, Xiao Jingyao's eyebrows were full of confusion.

As a man's intuition, this King Li did not have any affection for Princess Li.

(End of this chapter)

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