Chapter 470 Intensifies conflicts!
After King Li left, Princess Li sat on a chair in the house for a long time.

Then he saw her take out a jade bracelet from her purse.

This jade bracelet is all green and full of water. It is not difficult to see how precious this jade bracelet is.

Princess Li was fascinated by the jade bracelet, and then she saw her holding her handkerchief and carefully wiping it. Finally, she put it in her hand like a treasure and pressed it tightly against her heart.

Xiao Jingyao has been observing her expression.

Seeing how precious this jade bracelet was to her, an idea suddenly came to her mind.

From the mouths of Haitang and Meigui, we learned that Princess Li had a crush on her before marrying Prince Li.

Could it be that this jade bracelet was actually... a token of love between her and her lover?
According to the direction of the script, could this be a drama about beating a mandarin duck with a knife to win love?
Apart from this, Xiao Jingyao really can't think of anything else.

After all, it can be seen from the look and expression of Princess Li that she does not have much affection for King Li!
So this jade bracelet could never have been given to her by Prince Li!

The next day, Xiao Jingyao received news from Zhang Biao and Wu Tong.

The relationship between the government and the government in this town is also somewhat complicated.

The current old Duke has five children in total.

Among them, the eldest son Yunxian was born to his first wife, and the remaining four children were born to his stepwife.

Among the four children born to his stepwife, the imperial concubine Yun Rong and the Li princess Yun Jin were twin sisters. The second master, Yun Bo, was the minister of the Ministry of War, and the third master, Yun Shan, was the mighty general.

According to the practice in northern Xinjiang, the position of the Duke of this country has always been inherited by the eldest son, that is, Yun Xian.

However, Yun Xian only has one daughter!Moreover, his position in the military is not as good as that of Yun Bo and Yun Shan brothers, so the position of the crown prince of the country has been unresolved.

Although Yunxian and Princess Li are half-brothers and sisters, they were raised by their grandmothers from childhood, so their relationship is deeper than that of other brothers and sisters.

According to the information found by Zhang Biao and others, there are deep conflicts within the town's government.As for what happened between Princess Li and the Zhenguo Palace, no one knew, let alone who Princess Li loved back then!

After grasping the news, Xiao Jingyao made a series of plans.

That night, he secretly stole the jade bracelet collected by Princess Li.

As soon as Princess Li discovered that her bracelet was missing, she immediately started looking for it anxiously.

Searching up and down was like a headless fly.

As Xiao Jingyao expected, when the secret guards hiding in the dark saw Princess Li's anxious look, they immediately went to report to Prince Li.

King Li hurried over, and Xiao Jingyao took advantage of his arrival to place Princess Li's jade bracelet on King Li's path.

As he wished, King Li "picked up" the jade bracelet of Princess Li.

Looking at the bracelet, King Li's face instantly turned black as if he had been splashed with ink!
The whole person exuded a strong anger.

Seeing King Li like this, Xiao Jingyao silently prayed for Princess Li in his heart.

"Princess Li, you must hold on!"

"And King Li, if you really like me and feel guilty, you must hold back and don't do anything!"

Although it was really selfish of him to do this, he had no other choice!
Only by intensifying their conflicts can they find some information they want to know.

He can also know more clearly whether King Li likes the princess more or the imperial concubine more!
in this way!

Only then can he adjust his next plan!

(End of this chapter)

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