Chapter 471 Li Wang’s purpose!

inside the house.

King Li entered the door aggressively and threw the bracelet in his hand onto Princess Li.

Princess Li was caught off guard and did not reach out to catch it. The jade bracelet fell to the ground with a "snap" and shattered into pieces.

Princess Li was stunned for a moment. After she realized what she was doing, her eyes suddenly turned red, and a beautiful tear slowly fell from the corner of her eye.

When King Li saw this, a trace of panic flashed across his eyes, but his face was extremely gloomy.

"You like that person so much! Still thinking about him after all these years!?"

King Li almost roared, his tone and attitude were extremely bad.

No matter who knows that his wife has another man in her heart, I'm afraid she won't be happy!

Princess Li didn't seem to hear what he said. She knelt down and slowly picked up the jade bracelet on the ground.

But just when his hand was about to touch the bracelet, his whole body was suddenly pulled up.

King Li's hand grasped her wrist tightly, and his eyes seemed to be spitting fire, "Tell me! Who is that man! Who is it!?"

"Let go! Let me go!"

Princess Li struggled hard, but she didn't mention a word about "that man".

Her attitude angered King Li even more.

King Li grabbed her hand and pulled hard, and Princess Li suddenly moved forward and hit King Li's chest as hard as iron with a "bang".

Princess Li screamed in surprise, and the next second her slender waist was tightly clasped by a big hand, forcing her to stick tightly to her body.

Even though they were an old married couple, Princess Li still inevitably blushed at this moment.

An embarrassed voice escaped from his mouth, "Let me go!"

"You are the king's concubine!"

King Li gritted his teeth. Not only did he not let go of Princess Li, but he tightened his grip on her waist.

"I will ask you again, who is that dog man?"

Princess Li's eyes were full of hurt.

She moved her lips but nothing came out.The two were in a stalemate for a while, and then Princess Li gave a bitter smile, with tears in her eyes, a mixture of resentment and hatred, "Why do you have to be so aggressive, Your Majesty!"

"Isn't that person always living in your heart, Your Majesty! Even if that person killed your daughter and made your son a half-dead person! You still miss her! You even trapped the entire northern Xinjiang for your own selfish interests. The people are ignored!"

"Mo Beichen, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson here! Let go!"


After Princess Li finished speaking, she slapped Prince Li on the face, and at the same time she tried hard to break free from his restraints.

Prince Li's anger rose, but when faced with Princess Li's pear blossoms and rain, he quickly suppressed his anger again!
"Whether you believe it or not, this king is doing this for Lin'er!"

Princess Li turned her face away, not even looking at him, as if he was some dirty thing!

King Li looked at her deeply, seeming to feel powerless.

Then I heard him say angrily: "Even if you don't say anything, I will find that bitch man!"

With that said, he left angrily!
Xiao Jingyao, who saw everything in the dark: "..."

That's it? ? ?

Is this King Li... too weak?
Do not!
To be precise, King Li likes Princess Li!

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have tolerated this from her!

So...those rumors are true or false! ?
Or should I say that both Li and Wang sisters like it! ?

Or maybe his desire for Princess Li is just a husband's possessive desire for his wife! ?
Do not!
According to his little experience, King Li still liked the princess.

It's just that there is a conflict between these two people!

As for the contradiction, it is unknown!
If that's the case, then what's going on between King Li and the Imperial Concubine! ?

The bloody drama between King Li, Princess Li and the imperial concubine made Xiao Jingyao very excited!

She desperately wants to know the answer!

Or... is it really like what he said, that everything he did was for the sake of the former eldest son of King Li?

(End of this chapter)

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