Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 472: Marriage with Prince Xin’s Mansion, we are in the same boat!

Chapter 472: Marriage with Prince Xin’s Mansion, we are in the same boat!
The next day, Xiao Jingyao and his "good sisters" were chatting together when they suddenly saw a haggard-looking woman being hurried in by a woman.

Xiao Jingyao happened to know that mother-in-law, she was the mother-in-law who was with Princess Li.

This scene immediately aroused his curiosity.

Before he could ask, Rose beside him asked in confusion: "Why is the eldest lady of the Yun family here? Looking at her appearance, something big must have happened, right?"

The eldest lady of the Yun family?
Xiao Jingyao glanced over meaningfully, with curiosity on his face.

Logically speaking, this eldest lady of the Yun family is only in her early forties, why does she look like she is fifty?

"I thought all the ladies of noble families were dressed up beautifully, but this lady doesn't look so good!" Xiao Jingyao touched his bun, his posture was extremely enchanting, and his tone was a little bit contemptuous. He was interested, but inside he was full of inquiring intentions.

"Sister Yao, you don't know this! This lady is such a pitiful person!" Rose said.

"Oh?" Xiao Jingyao looked at them doubtfully.

Haitang said: "This eldest lady is only 35 years old this year. Ever since she gave birth to Miss Yunlian, her body bones have not been very good. She has been pregnant with a child almost every year over the years, but this child always fails. It fell off before it took shape.”

"No!" Rose sighed, "How can the eldest lady of this aristocratic family do it without a boy by her side? What's more, the eldest son of the Duke's palace is still competing with the second master for the position of the heir apparent."

"What about this uncle?" Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but ask one more question.

"This uncle is quite a good man. It is said that even though he has only had one daughter over the years, he has not married any concubines. Even if the eldest lady forced him to marry a concubine and have a child, he would not do it! It is said that he is also an honest man. , The official’s job is not big but he is honest!”

After Haitang finished speaking, Rose giggled. She covered her mouth with the handkerchief and said, "Who knows whether they are honest or not? Some people just look honest, but who knows whether they are doing the same thing in person or behind their backs?" What about a set? Aren’t there a lot of adults who keep their wives behind their backs?”

"Who said no!"

Listening to what they said, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but think of Wu Xi again.

Isn't that a person who pretends to be a doting wife on the surface, but what he does behind the scenes is nothing personal?

Maybe this Yun family uncle is also like this.

A few people left while talking and laughing.

Xiao Jingyao excused himself to not feeling well and went back to his room. In the blink of an eye, he quietly slipped away to Princess Li's yard.

As soon as I reached the edge, I heard Madam Yun crying: "Why? Why do you think they have it? I only have a daughter like Lian'er, why do I push her into the fire pit?"

"When Prince Xin's palace was at its peak and Prince Xin was well, they all said that it was Yun Yan who made the engagement with Prince Xin back then. Now that Prince Xin is about to die and they need this marriage to celebrate, they said This marriage is our Lian'er's, it was our Lian'er who made the decision between Prince Xin's Mansion and Duke Guo's Mansion back then!"

" poor Lian'er! Why are they doing this!"

Madam Yun was crying so hard that she couldn't help herself, her eyes were red.

Princess Li hugged her and leaned on her shoulder with heartache, and her eyes were red.

It's just that she is stupid and doesn't know how to comfort her.

On the other hand, the mother-in-law on the side said something more, "Is it true that Prince Xin Wang will never get better?"

Mrs. Yun Da shook her head, "It's not like you don't know what happened to Prince Xin back then. According to the power of Prince Xin's Palace, Prince Xin's Palace will not fail to save him if there is a chance!"

"Prince Xin's Mansion now only believes that Prince Wang is a single person! In recent years, in addition to the imperial doctors in the palace, Prince Xin, a famous doctor in other places, has also sent people to look for him, but there is no way."

"Now Prince Xin's illness is getting more and more serious. They also want to leave a queen for Prince Xin's palace!" "But... why is it my pity son!"

"Yun Jin, please help me, help Lian'er!" Mrs. Yun held Princess Yun's arm with eyes full of pleading.

Princess Li's eyes were red and she couldn't help but glanced away.

"Sister-in-law, you know that because of what happened back then, I have already broken off our friendship with them!"

When Mrs. Yun heard this, a flash of despair flashed across her eyes, and she slowly let go of Princess Li.


Yun Jin had long since severed ties with the Duke's Mansion.

In the past few years, because of the relationship between the Duke and the Duke, she would go back to visit him every year on his birthday, but since Lin'er was injured in the palace, she has never set foot in the Duke's mansion again.

She forced it!
She had forgotten that Yun Jin's two children were...

"Sister-in-law, I will go and see Prince Xin. Prince Xin still holds military power in his hands. They can't wait to marry the daughter of the Yun family just because of that military power!" Princess Li said, her eyes The sarcasm flashed past.

She has seen this matter very clearly. Otherwise, with the current power of the imperial concubine and the prince, it would be easy to withdraw from the marriage to Prince Xin.

Although she has been indifferent to everything these years, she also knows that King Xin holds military power but he advocates peace.

He was also the one who signed the peace agreement with Da Zhou that year.

Now that Northern Xinjiang is inexplicably attacking the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is understandable that they want the support of King Xin.

Using an unfavored daughter in exchange for the support of one hundred thousand soldiers is a good deal for them!

At the door, Xiao Jingyao's eyes lit up after hearing these words.

It turns out that there are people in northern Xinjiang who do not support the attack on the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If that's the case, destroying this marriage considered the first step? to destroy it?

It would be great if the marriage could be ruined and King Xin could support him in opposing the prince's party's attack on Zhou Dynasty.

Thinking about it, Xiao Jingyao took a deep look inside the room, left the place and quietly left Prince Li's Mansion.

In the room, Madam Yun looked at Princess Li with eyes full of gratitude. She moved her lips and said, "If I can't retreat, then...then I will have to die! Once I die, Lian'er must do it for me." Keep filial piety.”

"It's's just that from now on, if the child doesn't have her mother by her side, I have to trouble Yun Jin to take good care of her!"

From Mrs. Yun's tone, it was obvious that she had been prepared to die before she came.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Upon hearing Mrs. Yun's words, Princess Li angrily scolded her.

Just after they finished their angrily reprimand, both of them were already holding their heads in pain.

"Let me tell you, if you die, I will not help you take care of Lian'er! Whose daughter will be taken care of!" Princess Li said in an uneasy tone.

Both of them were deeply persecuted by the Duke's government, and when they hugged each other, they felt like they were in the same boat.

(End of this chapter)

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