Chapter 479 Xiao Jingyao sets up a trap again!

"Madam, have you forgotten? The lady has gone out to pray for you and burn incense!" Songbai replied without knowing why.

"Yes, yes, yes, Lian'er went out to burn incense."

Hearing Songbai's words, Mrs. Yun couldn't help but relax her heart and murmured. After finishing speaking, she coughed heavily.

Seeing this, Songbai hurriedly stepped forward to pat Madam Yun on the back, and comforted her softly: "Madam, don't worry, just take care of yourself!"

"I only have a child like Lian'er, how can I not worry? Ahem..."

Doctor Yun had a wry smile on his face, "Besides other things, Prince Xin is indeed a good person, as is Princess Xin, who believes in the old prince! But I can't bear Lian'er is so good!"

"Isn't it better now? Prince Xin's palace has taken the initiative to ask for the second young lady. Our eldest lady can find a good family in the future! This is a good thing. Why should Madam be so worried!?"

Mrs. Yun Da shook her head, "I have been fighting with that second lady for so many years, and I know her character clearly! It seems that she has compromised on the surface! But she may still be holding back some bad things in her heart!"

Songbai didn't dare to answer this casually.

"When will uncle come back?"

Mrs. Yun Da asked softly after calming down for a while.

Songbai said: "Madam, don't worry, uncle said! I will definitely come back in the evening!"

"Yes." Mrs. Yun nodded, thinking about it and saying uneasy: "Go and arrange for a few reliable people to pick up the young lady. Make sure that the young lady comes back safely."

Songbai felt that his wife was worrying too much, but he still nodded obediently and went to make arrangements by himself.

As soon as the confident old prince left the Duke's mansion, he asked people to buy betrothal gifts in a big way. Unexpectedly, in half a day, the news that Princess Yan was marrying Prince Xin spread throughout the entire Kyoto city.

When Xiao Jingyao got the news, he couldn't help but be stunned. He looked at Zhang Biao and asked: "The one who is engaged to Prince Xin's Mansion is not the eldest lady of the Yun family, the daughter of the eldest lady of the Yun family? Why did it suddenly change?"

"Fifth Master, you don't know something. It is said that Miss Yun and Prince Xin are in love with each other!" Zhang Biao replied.

Then he added, "Fifth Master, didn't you ask your subordinates to pay more attention to the Duke's Mansion and Prince Li in the past two days? The relationship between the two people does not seem to be so harmonious."

"Oh?" Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows, "Tell me in detail!"

Zhang Biao told Xiao Jingyao the news he had learned, and then told him in detail about how Prince Li had brought Prince Xin into the box to talk.

"Are you suspecting...that these inconsistencies were actually caused by Prince Li behind his back?" Xiao Jingyao said.

"That's right." Zhang Biao nodded.

Xiao Jingyao held his chin with one hand and rubbed his smooth beard with his thumb. After thinking about it seriously, he said, "If your suspicion is correct, then what is King Li's purpose?"

Suddenly, Xiao Jingyao's eyes lit up and he said, "I know!"

Zhang Biao: "???"

"Fifth Master, what do you know?"

"The purpose of King Li's doing this is clearly to force out the so-called miracle doctor." Xiao Jingyao said.

Analyzing the current situation, King Li seems to be on the side of the imperial concubine and the prince, but in fact he is at odds with his brother-in-law and cares so much about his princess.

Not only that, he also secretly instigated the relationship between Xin Lao Wang's Palace and Guo Gong's Palace.

On the surface, he supported the war, but secretly blocked the marriage between Prince Xin's Palace and Duke Guo's Palace.

As far as he knew, the Duke's Mansion was very fond of Princess Yan, and Princess Yan also had an affair with the prince.

As far as the Duke's palace is concerned, it is much better to marry your daughter to the prince to make your mother look good to the world in the future than to marry a sick young man who is about to die.However, the prince and the imperial concubine were too ambitious and wanted to use their military power to plunder other countries, and the old prince Xin happened to have the military power they wanted.

As for Prince Xin, he naturally did not support the war, but he did not want his only grandson to die like this, so he came up with a way to force the Duke's government to save his grandson.

All of them are human beings.

For them now, this situation is favorable. I believe that within a few days, the government will make a decision.

Either marry Yunyan and ask Ye Zhaozhao to come out to rescue King Xin and get the support of the [-] soldiers from Prince Xin's Mansion, or give up Prince Xin's Mansion and weaken the military strength.

And no matter which one, it is not a good thing for the Duke's Mansion.

"Fifth Master, we don't have much time! As soon as the news that the Li family is unwilling to hand over their property spreads here, Miss Li will lose its value. Then Ye Zhaozhao will inevitably..." Zhang Biao couldn't help but remind him. road.

The purpose of their trip was to find Li Qingqiu!

Before coming, they also made an agreement with the Li family to let the Li family cover up and delay it for them, but it would only last for two months at most.

If Li Qingqiu cannot be found within these two months, she will be in danger.

Counting the days, it has been more than a month since they arrived here.

They have less than half a month left.

Xiao Jingyao was shocked when he was reminded by Zhang Biao!
"We can't wait any longer!" Xiao Jingyao looked at Zhang Biao and said, "It is best to have a well-founded secret to reveal the secret of the miracle doctor hidden in the Duke's Mansion."

"Fifth Master, we have already used this method once!" Zhang Biao reminded.

"It just works, right?" A sneer flashed across Xiao Jingyao's lips.

Perhaps it would be better if this capital city were to be in chaos!
With Ye Zhaozhao's ability, if they rashly broke into the Duke's Mansion, they would undoubtedly be seeking death.

It would be different if we relied on the power of the people and the power of Prince Li's Palace and Prince Xin's Palace.

Force Ye Zhaozhao out, and then publicize the things Ye Zhaozhao did in their great Zhou Dynasty, this northern Xinjiang will not be in chaos.

Sure enough, just as Xiao Jingyao expected, as soon as they spread the news that the "miraculous doctor" was admitted to the Duke's Mansion the next day, many people came to seek medical treatment.

Seeing the people waiting for medical treatment at the door of his house, the second master of the Duke's Mansion almost went berserk.

Things haven't been going well lately.

If anyone knew who had revealed such news, he would have to let his brain blossom.

Second Master Yun immediately asked people to drive those people away.

However, his attitude caused extreme dissatisfaction among everyone.

At the same time, Xiao Jingyao changed his clothes and appeared next to Crown Prince Li, the youngest son of Master Yun.

Except for the days when Xiao Jingyao was deprived of his luck, Xiao Jingyao used to win every bet, and it was no problem to deal with a playboy like Yun Jue.

With him as Yun Jue's opponent, Yun Jue would lose so quickly that she would lose all her pants.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Jingyao asked others to encourage him to borrow money.

Yun Jue borrowed a lot of money with a wave of his hand because of his face, and the result was naturally quite disastrous.

(End of this chapter)

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