Chapter 480 I owe 20 taels!

When Yun Jue returned to Prince Li's Mansion after losing everything, the news had already been known to Prince Li.

King Li, who originally didn't like such a thing as his son, immediately stopped being polite and vented all the resentment he had received when he went to Princess Li today on Yun Jue.

What he does is called ruthless.

Yun Jue was beaten until his skin and flesh were torn to pieces, oh so hard!
Finally, it was carried back to its own courtyard.

When Yun Jue was beaten, the sisters naturally couldn't miss a moment of greetings, and Xiao Jingyao naturally couldn't miss a moment of comfort.

After everyone left, Xiao Jingyao quietly slipped back and gave Yun Jue an idea.

"Can this really work?"

Yun Jue's eyes lit up after hearing the idea Xiao Jingyao gave him. When he got excited, he accidentally touched the wound, which made him grimace in pain.

"Of course, the Crown Prince! Don't forget, you are the son of the Second Master of the Duke's Mansion! You are the beloved wife of the Second Lady. It's just such a trivial matter, how can they blame you!" Xiao Jingyao pinched his throat. , opened her mouth delicately.

"Besides, he's just a doctor. That's what us people think highly of and calls her a miracle doctor! He's not a great person!"

Xiao Jingyao looked at Yun Jue's face as he spoke.

Seeing his thoughtful look, Xiao Jingyao felt confident and continued to encourage: "Sir, what is your identity? What is the identity of the miracle doctor? If you can seek medical treatment from him, don't you think highly of him?"

"If I were him, I would definitely come here when I heard your name."

When Xiao Jingyao said this, Yun Jue felt so sweet in her heart that she almost floated up. She nodded arrogantly and said, "Yao'er is right, who is this prince! He's just a commoner." That’s all, it’s a blessing for me that I like him.”

Seeing Yun Jue's arrogant look, Xiao Jingyao's eyes were full of ridicule!
To send such an idiot to Prince Li's Mansion to be the heir apparent, I really don't know if the people in the Duke's Mansion are stupid or have some ulterior motive.

But it's a good thing that he is such a fool, otherwise if it had been any other person, this matter would not have gone so smoothly.

After a night's rest, Xiao Jingyao secretly said the next day that if you want to see a doctor from the Duke's Palace, you must first pay Prince Li a deposit of 1 taels.

This news only spread among those who came to seek medical treatment, so it was carried out very covertly.

In less than half a day, Yun Jue received no less than 10 taels.

Money came so easily, which made Yun Jue feel a little elated.

In the afternoon, the injury on my body got better, and I started jumping around again.

Then in the next afternoon, I lost everything again.

At this time, Xiao Jingyao asked Zhang Biao to tell Yun Jue that he could not hire a miracle doctor.

So there was an incident where Yun Jue was besieged in the street.

Xiao Jingyao just stood at the window of the inn with his hands folded across his chest, looking down at the "fun" he had created.

"Qingqiu, it's quick! I believe I will find you soon, I won't wait too long!"

Xiao Jingyao looked up at the sky and murmured.

Not long after, questions came one after another from below. As Xiao Jingyao expected, in order to prove his "ability", Yun Jue immediately started talking nonsense on the street.

Claiming that he will be able to help them find a miracle doctor.

But where are these people willing to believe it?

Not long ago, the Duke's Mansion released news that there was no so-called miracle doctor in the Duke's Mansion.

But this child from the Duke's Mansion took money from them for medical treatment.Who should you believe in this?

So, this scene happened next.

Yun Jue was taken to the Duke's Mansion by the people who came to seek medical treatment.

At this time, in the Duke's Mansion, Mr. Yun's face was filled with coldness, and the ground was full of broken lamps that he had smashed.

Mrs. Yun'er's face didn't look very good either.

It can be said that everything went wrong these two days.

She had just coaxed her daughter well, and now she had to comfort her husband!
Why didn't anyone come to comfort her?
Just as she was about to speak, the servant's voice suddenly came from the direction of the door, "Second Master, Second Master, it's not good, it's not good!"


The three words "It's not good" were like stepping on a landmine in Master Yun's heart, and it exploded with a "boom".

The boy was startled by Master Yun's words, and he knelt down with a "pop", his body trembling.


Seeing this, Mrs. Yun Er could not help but step forward and reach out to Master Yun Er to caress his chest, "Master, don't be angry first, listen to what he has to say first!"

After saying that, he still glanced at the boy kneeling on the ground and asked, "What happened outside? Why are you so panicked?"

"Back to the Second Master and the Second Madam, the Third Master has been tied up! Right at the gate!" The young man didn't dare to hide it and said tremblingly.

"Who! Who is so brave!? This is life-threatening, isn't it!"

Upon hearing that her beloved son had been tied up, Mrs. Yun Er could not sit still and immediately screamed sharply.He grabbed Mr. Yun's arm and headed towards the gate.

When Second Master Yun heard this, he was much calmer than Mrs. Yun, and asked quickly, "Do you know why those people arrested the Third Young Master?"

The young man stood up and followed the two of them. Hearing Second Master Yun's question, he lowered his head and said respectfully: "In reply to Second Master, Third Young Master... Third Young Master collected money from those who came to seek medical treatment at the door. And he also went to a gambling house and lost all his money!"


When Mr. Yun heard this, his voice suddenly rose.

Not only was the young man shocked, but Mrs. Yun Er beside him was also shocked.

"Look at the son you raised! He can't do anything but eat, drink, whore, and gamble! You're used to him becoming like this!"

Mrs. Yun Er felt extremely aggrieved and said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't it just that I lost a little money in gambling? At worst, I just have to pay it back! Deposit? How much can the deposit be?"

Servant: "..."

"Second Madam, this...this deposit totals 20 taels!" The young man lowered his head and reminded kindly.

"What!?" The couple stopped and looked at the boy at the same time.

"How many did you say!?"

Second Master Yun thought he was hearing something, so he couldn't help but pick out his ears.

The young man's scalp felt numb when his master looked at him like this, but he still said bravely, "If I go back to the second master, the third master has received a total deposit of 20 taels!"

What the boy didn't dare to say was that in addition to the 20 deposit, the boss of the gambling shop was also standing at the door with an IOU!I guess there's a lot of money on it.

(End of this chapter)

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