Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 481 Meeting the enemy, the person behind it!

Chapter 481 Meeting the enemy, the person behind it!
"How much did you say? 20 taels!? Then why didn't you rob or steal it, you bastard?" Mr. Yun said angrily.

Mrs. Yun Er: "..."

Servant: "..."

"Master, first of all, let's go see how Jue'er is doing now, right? He has been pampered since he was a child..."

Before Mrs. Yun Er could finish her words, she was interrupted by Mr. Yun Er, "Look at whatever you want, whatever you want to look at! A loving mother often loses her son, and you are the one who got him into what he is now! "

"I..." Mrs. Yun Er choked and snorted coldly: "If the master doesn't go, I will go! I want to see how these people unjustly accused my son of taking their deposit without any evidence. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Yun Er walked boldly towards the gate. However, after just a few steps, Er Ye Yun pulled her back and knocked her unconscious with a palm of her hand.

Boy: "???"

what's the situation?
"Go, go outside and tell those people that there is no so-called miracle doctor in our Duke's Mansion. They were ignorant and gave the deposit. That is their own business and has nothing to do with our Duke's Mansion! Let them get out!" Mr. Yun Er held Mrs. Yun Er's body and said gloomily.

The boy was shocked and asked hesitantly: "But what if those people hurt San Gong?"


After the boy finished speaking, he was glared at by Second Master Yun, "What third master! How can there be any third master in our Duke's mansion!? The one outside the door is Prince Li. If anything happens to him, it is Li who should go. Prince's Mansion, what are you doing in front of the gate of our Duke's Mansion?"

After saying that, Mr. Yun Er held Mrs. Yun Er who fainted and left.

The boy stood there, stunned for a long time, and then he went to the gate and told Mr. Yun what he said again.

In the crowd, Xiao Jingyao and Zhang Biao couldn't help but sneered when they heard this.

"This Second Master Yun, when nothing happens, Yun Jue is his precious son. When something happens, he disowns his relatives. This blame-shifting is more powerful than anyone else!"

"No!" Zhang Biao agreed, "But isn't this just playing into your hands, Master Wu?"

"That's right." Xiao Jingyao curled the corners of his lips, "The more this happens, the more beneficial it will be for us."

It's not that the Duke's office couldn't come up with hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, but it happened to support the war. Previously, there was a charity donation in Kyoto for the soldiers in the army. At that time, the Duke's office complained that there wasn't that much money. I only took out a small amount of 10 taels of silver.

If at this time, because his son went gambling, he took out hundreds of thousands of taels at once, I am afraid that so many people in Kyoto could drown the Duke's Mansion with just a drop of saliva.

If he couldn't get it out, it would be a good idea for him to cajole the fool a few more words and let him take the lead, so as to test whether Qingqiu was in the Duke's Mansion.

As for King Li...

It is absolutely impossible to get him to pay this amount of money.

Unless his brain is funny, it's almost the same.

At this moment, Yun Jue, who heard the boy's message over there, suddenly cried loudly, "You are talking nonsense, my father and mother will not do this to me! You are talking nonsense!"

"Mom, I want to find my mother! Mom, come out quickly, your son is going to be bullied to death!"

"Woooooo... You said that as long as I go to Prince Li's Mansion and become the crown prince, everything in Prince Li's Mansion in the future will belong to our Duke's Mansion, and it will all be mine! You said you won't let me go! You can't Don't keep your words! Mom, come out... Mom!"

"Prince Jue, I'm offended!"

Just when everyone was shocked by Yun Jue's words, a person suddenly appeared at the door and knocked out the crying Yun Jue.

"It's him!???"

At this moment, Zhang Biao was shocked, and his eyes were fixed on the person who had just appeared.Xiao Jingyao was still happy that this idiot said such words, when he heard Zhang Biao's words.

"Him? Who?" Xiao Jingyao looked at him doubtfully.

Zhang Biao's eyes showed hatred, and his hands on both sides were squeezed loudly.

Just listen to him say: "The person who is chasing us!"

Hearing this, the expression on Xiao Jingyao's face turned serious. He grabbed Zhang Biao's arm and said, "Let's talk about it when we get back."

Zhang Biao's neighbor was stretched straight, and Xiao Jingyao used all his strength to pull him.

As soon as they arrived at the place where they were staying, Xiao Jingyao closed the door tightly. Wu Tong in the room looked puzzled, "Fifth Master? Is this not going well?"

Although Wu Tong belongs to them, only a few people in the Xiao family know about the Zhang Biao brothers.

Wu Tong only knew that Zhang Biao was from Northern Xinjiang in the past, and knew nothing else.

Regarding Wu Tong's words, Xiao Jingyao did not answer but shook his head slightly, motioned for him to look at Zhang Biao, and then said, "I met an enemy!"

Wu Tong was also a smart man. Seeing Xiao Jingyao's serious expression, he also knew that this matter was not simple, so he was smart enough not to ask any more questions.

Zhang Biao was silent for a long time, and then he said: "I know that man even if he turns to ashes. He is the man who chased and killed our brother! I will never mistake the scar on his hand!"

"In that case, the person behind you was the Duke's Mansion?" Xiao Jingyao said.

"That person is helping the Duke's Mansion, it's obvious!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao patted Zhang Biao's hand, sighed and comforted: "Don't be impulsive. Now that you know who the enemy is, you will always find an opportunity for revenge!"


Zhang Biao looked up at Xiao Jingyao and said loudly: "Don't worry, Fifth Master, my subordinates cherish their lives very much now and will not give away their lives in vain!"

"But...but since those people are raised by people from the Duke's Mansion, then the Duke's Mansion is more difficult to deal with than we thought. Grandpa Fifth, it's better to be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Xiao Jingyao patted Zhang Biao on the shoulder.

After instructing them to continue to pay attention to the movements in the Duke's Mansion, Xiao Jingyao left the place where he was staying. Before leaving, he specifically asked Wu Tong to pay attention to Zhang Biao and not let him have the opportunity to act alone.

After Yun Jue was knocked unconscious, he was sent to the door of Prince Li's Mansion.

Those who had been cheated of their money also followed closely one by one.

Compared with their arrogance in the Duke's Mansion, these people did not dare to be arrogant in front of Prince Li's Mansion.

Prince Li and the others did not dare to provoke him casually.

King Li had just been rejected by Princess Li. As soon as he arrived at his door, he found that his door was surrounded by people.

Immediately, his brows frowned tightly, as if he could pinch a fly to death.

"What's going on!? Who asked these people to gather here!"

(End of this chapter)

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