Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 482 Report to the official, continue to encourage!

Chapter 482 Report to the official, continue to encourage!

"Replying to the prince, it's because the prince owed money outside and someone came to visit him!"

The steward of Prince Li's Mansion whispered the whole story to Prince Li, and then asked: "Your Majesty, how should we deal with this matter?"

"How should we deal with this kind of thing? Do you think that I, Prince Li, have been taken advantage of? How should I deal with it? It is natural to pay back debts!" ​​Prince Li had no expression on his face, coldly flicked his sleeves, and spat out two words indifferently. The words, "report to the official!"


"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, is this inappropriate? Report to the official?" the housekeeper asked stammering, with a cautious look on his face.

After all, it is Prince Li who is in trouble now, and the title on his head is the title of Prince Li!If this matter spreads, the prince will probably be laughed to death, right?
"Hmph, what's wrong?"

He is not the kind of person who will compromise casually for a few messages from others. Who dares to laugh at him?You don’t want to live anymore, do you?

If you dare to send such a piece of shit to him, don't blame him for being heartless.

Hearing this, the housekeeper did not dare to say anything more and hurriedly sent someone to report to the official according to King Li's instructions.

At this time, the Jingzhao Mansion was listening with great interest to the people below reporting this matter, and was wondering whether the matter should be handled by Prince Li's Mansion or the Duke of Guo's Mansion!

You must know that the Third Young Master Yun was forced into Prince Li's Mansion to become the heir apparent by the emperor, his concubine, and the second master of the Duke's Mansion.

Although King Li agreed on the surface, since the "cheap son" came in, he had been indifferent to his affairs. In addition to giving him food and clothing every month, he also gave him a salary according to the rules. Just monthly money.

This matter is no secret in the entire Kyoto.

After all, Prince Li only goes back to his home every once in a while to cry about his poverty!

However, at this moment, the drum sound at the door suddenly rang, and the sound was so frightening that Jing Zhaoyin dropped the pastries he was about to eat.

Who, who, can't let me live in peace! "

Jing Zhaoyin stood up angrily. As soon as he finished speaking, a government servant hurriedly ran in at the door, "Sir, it's King Li! The people from Prince Li's palace are here! They sent Prince Li directly!"

Jing Zhaoyin: "..."

He was wrong, he shouldn't have been gloating just now!

Is this not?

This unfortunate thing happened to him so quickly.

If this matter is not handled properly, he will either offend King Li or the Duke of Guo, and he, a small official, will end up being a human being.

Jing Zhaoyin walked around the room anxiously, and for a moment he really didn't know what to do.

"Sir, if you want to see this matter, why don't you go and see the attitude of the Duke's Mansion first? Find out what they say? Even if you offend him, you won't offend him to death!" suggested the master next to him.

"Yes, you are right, go there yourself!" Jing Zhaoyin said.

"Yes!" Master responded and hurriedly left for the Duke's Mansion.

Soon, Jing Zhaoyin closed the gambling house. As for the reason, it was naturally against the regulations and needed to be closed.

This gambling house is the most profitable industry. If it is closed for one day, it will lose a lot. In the end, the owner of this gambling house can only admit that it is unlucky. Who gave them some backing, but this backing is not big!
Offending the Duke's Mansion is equivalent to offending the future emperor!
They just thought it was a waste of money to eliminate disaster.

However, the gambling house's accounts were settled, but there were still deposits from those seeking medical treatment, totaling 20 taels.

It would be okay if this matter didn't become a big deal. Now that this matter has become a big deal, you can't use your power to suppress people like you did with the gambling shop.

Soon, Jing Zhaoyin came to the conclusion that Yun Jue was tricked by a gambler. When the gambler is caught and brought to justice, the money can be taken back.

Therefore, this traitor undoubtedly turned to Xiao Jingyao and the others.

After receiving the news, Wu Tong, Zhang Biao and others immediately changed their clothes, and then changed their residences.Because they left in such a hurry, they left some clues behind, which made them even more convinced that they were the ones who came to disrupt the situation.

After the second master Yun from the Duke's Mansion got the news, he was so angry that he smashed several cups.

"Damn, it's really too hateful!"

"Master, please calm down! We can just get this news out so that those people don't have to guard our door every day." Mrs. Yun Er said while stroking Master Yun's back.


After hearing this, Mr. Yun finally felt a little less angry.

"Jue'er, please educate him well and don't let him say anything he shouldn't say again!" I thought that if my people hadn't taken action in time today, there would be other things affecting it, otherwise those things at the beginning would have to be It was taken out and told that it was not allowed.

Originally, they had some rifts with King Li, and their relationship depended entirely on the imperial concubine.

If those words had reached the ears of King Li, I am afraid that King Li would have come and destroyed their Duke's mansion.

In any case, they must not fall out with Prince Li's Palace before they get the military power of Prince Xin's Palace.

However, what Erye Yun didn't know, he knew all about Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

Do they think he is the kind of person who can be easily cajoled into giving in with a few words?


"My lord!"

At this time, a dark shadow flashed in and kneeled respectfully in front of Prince Li.

"Have you found out who those people are?" King Li asked.

"Replying to the prince, although they were very careful to cover up, they still exposed some flaws! One of them spoke with the accent of Da Zhou." said the black shadow.

"Is it from Dazhou?"

King Li gently rubbed the stubble on his chin, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Just keep an eye on it. Since they want to disturb the water, let's give them a push!"

Hearing this, a look of astonishment appeared on Heiying's expressionless face.

"Okay, you go down first!" King Li waved his hand.

"Yes!" The black shadow responded, and disappeared in the blink of an eye just like when it came.

At this time, Xiao Jingyao and Wu Tong did not know that they had been targeted by King Li's people.

After finding a new place to stay, Xiao Jingyao quietly returned to Prince Li's Mansion.

At this moment, Crown Prince Li Yunjue had been sent back. Xiao Jingyao immediately went to Crown Prince Li's yard as soon as he came back.

"Your Majesty, I personally prepared a nourishing decoction and came to see you!" Xiao Jingyao pinched his throat and walked in delicately, his face full of worry.

Yun Jue has been struggling all day, and the wounds where she was taught yesterday have opened some more, and she is currently lying on the bed wailing!

Xiao Jingyao wiped the corners of his eyes with an embroidered handkerchief stained with onions, and his eyes instantly turned red.

Full of heartache and self-blame, he said: "Your Majesty, it's all my fault, it's all my fault! If I hadn't given you a bad idea, how could you have allowed your Majesty to suffer like this!? Ugh, oh, oh, oh, oh! ...It’s all my fault. I personally prepared the medicine for the prince. I don’t ask for forgiveness from the prince, but I do ask him to be gentle in his punishment!”

(End of this chapter)

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