Chapter 486 Revealing one’s identity!

"This is good, this is good!"

Xiao Jingyao was full of joy and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Xuan Yin and teased: "When Qingqiu and I get married, you must be the head table!"

"Hey, don't get too happy yet. Whether you can go out or not is still one thing!" Xuan Yin said.

When they first came in, they noticed a lot of experts coming here. Now that the barrier here has been lifted, those people may come in at any time.

This is Northern Xinjiang, not their territory.

There are only a few of them, no matter how good they are at getting around the little girl, it will still take a lot of effort to leave safely.

What's more, the little girl still has to concentrate on dealing with Ye Zhaozhao.

As soon as he finished speaking, many people appeared not far away.

Each of these people holds a torch in their hands!

Judging from his clothes, he must be from the Duke's Mansion.

Sure enough, when he got closer, Xiao Jingyao saw the face of Second Master Yun.

"Who are you! How dare you break into our government's palace privately!? Someone is coming, get it for me!" Mr. Yun's face was extremely ugly. With a wave of his hand, he ordered the masters following him to attack Xiao Jingyao and the others. Take action.

"Fifth Master, these people were all trained by the Black Rock. Their martial arts skills are roughly the same. They are all top masters. We have to be careful!" Zhang Biao reminded him in a low voice, and he made preparations to step forward first. Prepare.

Xuan Yin immediately took out a stack of talismans from his own body and stuffed a few talismans into each of their hands.

"These were all drawn by the little girl on the way here! Take it, you can use it at critical moments!"

A few people were not polite and took it casually.

However, before they were ready to take action, another powerful voice suddenly sounded from the courtyard, "The Duke's Mansion is really lively!"

Hearing this voice, everyone looked towards the source of the voice.

Over there, Prince Li and Prince Xin were seen striding towards this side with a large number of people.

That posture, as soon as it came up, surrounded the Duke's Mansion and others and blocked them.

Mr. Yun's face immediately turned green.

This Li Wang clearly got it right!
Here's what to do! ?

"Prince Li, old Prince Xin, what do you mean?" Second Master Yun asked with a dark face.

"What do you mean?" King Li raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Mr. Yun calmly, then pointed at the little breast dumplings and Ye Zhaozhao who were fighting fiercely above the sky, and asked: "Second Master Yun, aren't you supposed to follow Shall we explain it properly?”

"I...what can I explain!? I don't know them! These people appeared above our palace for no reason, and I brought people over to check them out!" Erye Yun said.

King Li suddenly smiled, "That's a coincidence! Old Prince Xin and I also saw this scene and were worried that something had happened to the Duke's Mansion, so we brought people here!"

Second Master Yun: "..."

I believe you a ghost!
"Really? Then I'm going to catch these thieves!" Mr. Yun said while winking at the people around him.

When those losers saw this, they immediately attacked Xiao Jingyao and the others.

Xiao Jingyao knew that if he had a head-on fight with them at this time, they would definitely not be their opponents, and they would also distract Xiao Naituanzi from dealing with Ye Zhaozhao.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take the initiative to tell the story.

At least, their identities can still be of some use.

Thinking about it, Zhang Biaoxuan beside them led them to greet him.

"Stop!" Xiao Jingyao scolded, then flew in front of King Li and said in a deep voice: "I am Xiao Jingyao, the son of the Xiao family of the Duke of Dazhou Town, and I am also the sworn brother of the Crown Prince of Dazhou! This trip to Northern Xinjiang is really a privilege. I have no choice but to ask Prince Li to atone for his sins!"

"Please also ask Prince Li to let go of these brothers of mine. I am willing to follow Prince Li as a puppet!"


King Li looked at him indifferently, his eyes seemed to have inadvertently fallen on the second master Yun next door, and then he asked curiously: "Now that our northern border is at war with the Great Zhou Dynasty, how can Master Xiao do this?" When you come to the Duke's Mansion, it's hard for anyone to doubt Zhou's intentions!"

"Prince Li, Mr. Yun from the Duke's Mansion captured my Xiao Jingyao's fiancée and demanded a huge amount of property from my in-laws' family to use for the war! Are you in Northern Xinjiang so despicable?"

"In addition, Second Master Yun has also cultivated countless masterpieces and sent them to various countries to sow discord between countries. Do you think that if this matter spreads, how will the people of the world view your northern Xinjiang!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, Second Master Yun over there became angry with embarrassment, "Come here, arrest this traitor who talks nonsense!"


When the losers around Mr. Yun heard this, they immediately responded, and then swarmed up and surrounded Xiao Jingyao and others.

At this time, Zhang Biao suddenly took off his clothes and revealed a special eagle-shaped symbol on his waist.

"Everyone, you should be very familiar with this symbol, right!?" Zhang Biao said coldly.

When those who wanted to come forward heard this, they all showed shocked expressions.

This sign is very familiar to them!

People who were cultivated from that place all have a mark on their body, one way or another, with different shapes.

And this eagle shape represents the second strongest person in the base, which is for people who are excellent in all aspects!

It is said that these people will be sent to other countries when they are young. As for what they do, only the master who trained them, that is, Black Rock, knows.

And the little they knew was that the potion reflecting that symbol was unique and only their base had it.

Therefore, even though the marks on Zhang Biao's body were different from theirs, they still recognized him at a glance. Zhang Biao came from their base.

"what is this!?"

King Li asked, but his eyes glanced at Mr. Yun.

Mr. Yun couldn't help but panic when he saw this sign, but he quickly calmed down and said calmly: "How do I know! It's just a random sign, how do I know?"

"This is the unique sign of a Beizhiang spy!" Zhang Biao said loudly.

He was very reluctant when talking about his identity as a spy.

But there are some differences between King Li and Prince Xin and Prince Li. It would be beneficial for them to tell the past things at this time.

There may be spies from other countries in every country, but this is an unspeakable secret.

not to mention……

These spies didn't look like they were trained by the royal family, but by Mr. Yun from the Duke's Mansion.

"Prince Li, I am someone he trained personally!" Zhang Biao pointed to the black rock that had been burned to death on the ground, and then pointed to the guards of the Duke's Mansion who were surrounding them at this time, with an expressionless expression on his face. Said: "And so are they!"

"If you don't believe it, you can check to see if there is a skull symbol printed with the same juice on their waist!"

"In that base, those with strong abilities will be sent out, while those with weak abilities will stay as guards."

"They are the weak ones!"

The guards who were surrounding them said: "..."

They also want to save face, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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