Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 487 1 Everything is under the control of King Li!

Chapter 487 Everything is under the control of King Li!
"It's just nonsense. One moment they say they are from the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the next moment they say they are spies sent out by our government! It's not credible to change orders day by day!" Erye Yun said with a cold face.

"Second Master Yun, what are you explaining in such a hurry, are you afraid!?" Xiao Jingyao looked at Second Master Yun with a half-smile.

"Whether this is true or not, I believe Prince Li and Prince Xin will eventually know after investigation."

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao glanced at Mr. Yun again and continued: "There is an incident in our Zhou Dynasty where monsters appear, using poison to control living people to make puppets, using the hearts, livers and spleens of living people to refine elixirs, and even sucking people's energy and spirit. , after half a year, I believe this matter has spread to Northern Xinjiang."

"Prince Li, Prince Xin, do you know where that monster is now?"

Prince Li and Prince Xin looked at each other, a dark color flashed in their eyes.

They knew about such a big thing early on.

It was precisely because of this incident that Li Wang felt something was wrong, so he conducted a secret investigation, which also allowed him to find out some unknown things.

However, the stakes are high!

He always makes plans before taking action!
"We don't know whether a monster is a monster or not, so don't be alarmist!" Mr. Yun said first.


Xiao Jingyao let out a light chuckle, pointed at Yun Jue over there, who had been sucked dry by Ye Zhaozhao, and said, "Well, that corpse over there can prove whether what I just said is true or false!"

Everyone followed Xiao Jingyao's line of sight and looked over.

At this time, Yun Jue was already a mummy on the ground, but his clothes and accessories were still there.

People who are familiar with him can tell at a glance that this person is Yun Jue.

Second Master Yun staggered a few steps in disbelief, then strode forward.

After a while, he was seen kneeling on the ground, trembling hands trying to touch Yun Jue's body.


Second Master Yun could hardly believe his eyes. When he slowly turned Yun Jue's body around, he was even more shocked when he saw his unrecognizable appearance and fell to the ground in shock.


"No, it won't! This is not Jue'er..."

Second Master Yun murmured, and got up from the ground as if he had lost his soul. Then he took a few steps back, pointed at Yun Jue on the ground and said firmly: "No, it's impossible! He is not Jue'er. It can’t be him! He’s in Prince Li’s Mansion right now, why is he here!”

As he said that, he pointed his finger at Xiao Jingyao again, "It's you, it must be you!"

"You did it on purpose to wrongly accuse me! You ambitious people deliberately provoked internal conflicts among us and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to win!"

"I tell you, it's impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"I, Northern Xinjiang, are the king of this land!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

I am deceiving myself and others at this time, really
okay! ?
Xiao Jingyao was too lazy to talk too much nonsense to him, so he directly threw out his trump card, "Old Prince Xin, Prince Li, don't you want to save your grandson and son? My little niece is Master Lokong's little apprentice. , her medical skills are even better than Master Kong!"

"If we can get her to take action, the chance is [-]%!"

"Xiao knows that this is the time when the two armies are fighting, and it is extremely inappropriate to appear in the capital of Northern Xinjiang. However, he also knows that the two princes love the people as their own children and do not want the people of Northern Xinjiang to suffer from displacement. "

"How about we negotiate a deal!?"

"Ha!" After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, King Li suddenly smiled. He greatly admired Xiao Jingyao's courage and intelligence.

I have long heard that the four sons of the Xiao family of Great Zhou are all rare talents.

This Wulang is unknown!
Unexpectedly, when I met him today, I found that this person was not an ordinary person.

He seemed to have seen through his plan and guessed his purpose, so he said such words.

He raised his head and looked at the people who were fighting fiercely. Prince Li suddenly narrowed his eyes and commanded in a deep voice: "Come here, Second Master Yun is involved in colluding with monsters and causing trouble in Northern Xinjiang. Arrest him for interrogation."

"In addition, send people to surround the Duke's mansion, and no one will be allowed in or out until the matter is investigated clearly!"


After receiving Prince Li's order, the soldiers who came with him all responded, and the following secret guards in black emerged from the darkness and headed directly towards Mr. Yun.

Of course, Second Master Yun was not a vegetarian, so he immediately resisted.

"Li Ye, you despicable and shameless villain! You came prepared, you did it on purpose! You are also involved in what happened today!"

Second Master Yun said through gritted teeth while resisting.

"Hmph!" King Li snorted coldly, "It's you who have done so many unjust things!"

"Catch him!" Prince Xin also ordered in a deep voice.

Suddenly, the scene became chaotic.

Xiao Jingyao and Zhang Biao just stood there and watched the scene.

"Prince Li, because you are so selfless, I give this to you!" Xiao Jingyao gave a talisman to Prince Li, and his tone of voice was more or less mocking.

He thought he had disturbed the situation in Northern Xinjiang, but judging from what happened tonight, it would have been impossible for them to proceed so smoothly without King Li behind it.

and so……

Since they came to Kyoto in northern Xinjiang, they may have been living under the surveillance of King Li.

When he thought of this, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but think of the clever tricks he played in front of King Li!
From Wang Li's perspective, he was like a clown, jumping repeatedly in his sight.


This did not prevent him from ridiculing Prince Li.

How strong is it?

Aren’t you even unable to keep your own woman?
He even made a mistake, causing his sweetheart to suffer for most of his life.

How could it be that King Li didn't hear the mockery in Xiao Jingyao's words?After taking a deep look at him, his eyes fell on the talisman in his hand. He did not reach out to pick it up immediately, "What is this!?"

"Truth Charm!"

Xiao Jingyao was also secretive and put the talisman directly into Prince Li's hand, "Didn't the prince always want to know what the princess concealed back then? With this talisman here, what did she say when you asked her!"

Hearing this, Prince Li looked at Xiao Jingyao coldly, raised his head and said: "What the hell? If I want to know anything, I will naturally investigate it myself. Do I need this thing!?"

Xiao Jingyao watched him say this arrogantly while hiding the talisman in his sleeve, and his face twitched involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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