Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 488 Ye Zhaozhao escapes again and fights for the little breast dumplings!

Chapter 488 Ye Zhaozhao escapes again and fights for the little breast dumplings!
Everyone said that Xiao Jingyao was thick-skinned!
But compared with Prince Li's like heaven and earth!

He is so shameless... He is beyond his reach and will never be able to catch up in his lifetime.

Immediately afterwards, I heard King Li say expressionlessly: "I will keep this talisman compilation first. I always want to verify whether what you say is true!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Prince Li, do you think I believe it?
With such shamelessness, why didn't you use it on your wife? ?
"Haha, of course! That's natural!" Xiao Jingyao said with a stiff face and an embarrassed smile.

Prince Xin couldn't help but feel ashamed when he saw Prince Li's shameless appearance. He had lost all his shame abroad!
Thinking about it, he simply turned his back on him and rushed forward to catch Mr. Yun.

Not long after, several men in black came over, and some of them held several people in custody.

Xiao Jingyao took a closer look!
Good guy, these are all the family members of the Duke’s Mansion!
"Your Majesty, when I went to the old Duke's yard, I found that the old Duke had...hanged himself!" said the leader in black.

Hearing this, King Li could not help but close his eyes.

He has never liked his father-in-law very much. He only thinks that he is too paranoid and too indifferent to his daughter.

But now that he heard the news that he had hanged himself, King Li inevitably felt uncomfortable.

"First collect the body properly and bury it properly!" King Li ordered.

"Yes!" The leader in black responded.

Then King Li added, "Don't tell the princess beforehand!"


I thought that with the threat of these people from the Duke's Mansion, Mr. Yun would restrain himself, but unexpectedly, he became more and more resistant.

And Xiao Naituanzi and Ye Zhaozhao were also fighting fiercely.

Ye Zhaozhao was completely suppressed by the little breast dumplings. He was already a little unbearable, but the aura in his body gradually became chaotic.


Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi condensed countless golden lights of merit together, and gradually transformed into a divine sword, heading straight towards Ye Zhaozhao's body.


Ye Zhaozhao's body was penetrated, and he slowly fell from the sky with his eyes closed.


The people on the ground all moved out of the way, and Ye Zhaozhao fell to the ground, making a deep hole.

At the same time, Xiaonuituanzi turned into a golden light and appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing her tiny person holding a big money sword in her hand, many people were stunned.

Such a rare and shocking battle was actually two idiots fighting?

Just when everyone thought Ye Zhaozhao was dead, black mist suddenly rose from Ye Zhaozhao's body and headed straight towards Xiao Jingyao.

"Uncle Five, be careful!"

The little breasted dumpling exclaimed and headed straight towards Xiao Jingyao, but what she didn't expect was that the black shadow only swayed for a moment. When the little breasted dumpling flew towards Xiao Jingyao, it quickly turned in another direction. He got into the body of Mr. Yun over there, then knocked down the people around him with one blow, and fled away.

Before anyone could react, Erye Yun had disappeared without a trace.

"Mother, mother, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

At this time, a weak voice sounded, and everyone looked over, only to see a thin little girl holding Mrs. Yun who had just fainted and shouting anxiously.Xiaonuituanzi glanced over there, then dug and dug out of his pocket, took out a pill, stepped forward and stuffed it into Mrs. Yun's mouth.

The pill melted in the mouth, but Mrs. Yun woke up after a short while.

"It's okay~ Miss, there's no need to cry, good people are rewarded! Your mother will be lucky!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi said in a sweet voice, and then jumped up and down in the eyes of everyone. In front of Xiao Jingyao.

The little girl jumped forward and landed on Xiao Jingyao's body. Two soft arms like lotus roots immediately wrapped around Xiao Jingyao's neck and said happily: "Fifth uncle, I miss you so much! You did you miss me!"

Xiao Jingyao subconsciously reached out and grabbed her little buttocks. Seeing her full of energy appearing in front of him, his nose suddenly sore and his eyes turned red, but he said with disgust: "Who would I miss you, you annoying little villain!"


The little girl snorted coldly, pouted her lips and said, "Okay, since you dislike me so much, then don't see my sister Qingqiu anymore, you useless old thing!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Sure enough, it was a little goblin sent by God to grind him down.

"Okay, okay, okay, I was wrong! Isn't it okay that I was wrong?" Xiao Jingyao pinched her little nose angrily.

We haven’t seen each other for several months. The little girl jumped up and became a little heavy.

"There's no point admitting your mistake now!" Xiao Naituanzi snorted, and then glanced his little head to the other side.

As soon as he turned his head, he was met with the envious expression of Prince Li looking at them. Xiaonuituanzi blinked his big innocent eyes at him, and then smiled at him again.

Prince Li felt as if his heart was about to melt instantly.At the same time, guilt and remorse flashed in his eyes.

His daughter was also a little bit older back then, but because of him...

"Prince Li, it's very late today, why don't we each go back first? We will give you an explanation tomorrow for what happened tonight!" Xiao Jingyao said solemnly.

"It's not suitable for you to live anywhere else. Why don't you live in my palace, Prince Xin!" At this time, Prince Xin suddenly said.

At this time, he looked at the little breast dumpling with some eagerness.

The first is that I really like this fleshy, soft-spoken little dumpling.Secondly, he also believed what Xiao Jingyao said and wanted Xiao Naituanzi to show his grandson what his illness was.

In the end, it was natural to monitor their every move.


King Li objected: "My family has a big business, and the place is spacious! It's better to live in my Wangfu family!"

As he spoke, King Li glanced at Xiao Jingyao, which seemed to be a warning, "If you dare to say no, I will tell you about your disguise as a man!"

What a joke, how can we let them live somewhere else at this time! ?

This little girl is so cute. If she went to Prince Li's Mansion, she might be able to coax her princess back.

This little girl is so smart and eccentric, the princess will definitely like her.

Besides, he could clearly see what this girl was capable of. It would be even better if he could really revive his son!
At this time, he would not miss such a good opportunity.

What's more, in addition, many things require their cooperation in investigations.

Xiao Jing instantly understood what was going on in Wang Li's eyes, and he suddenly despised Wang Li in his heart.

How could such a dignified prince act like a villain! ?

(End of this chapter)

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