Chapter 489: The whole thing is grasped!
"Ahem!" Xiao Jingyao coughed lightly and said sheepishly: "In our Xiao family, women have always been superior to men. Women have the final say! We still need to ask our Ran Ran's opinion on where to live."

Well, of course he doesn’t want to go anywhere!

He still wants to go back and see his wife!

How can other people’s homes have the convenience of their own territory! ?
After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, he winked at Xiao Naituanzi.

He's an adult and can't say no, but Xiaonuo Tuanzi is a little baby!If she refuses, it won't cause unnecessary trouble.

The most important thing is that these two princes have something to ask for.

The little breasted dumpling comes out and grabs the whole thing!

"If you let Ran Ran choose, Ran Ran will choose to go to the master's house~" Xiao Naituanzi stared at the face of Prince Xin and blinked his big eyes.

After saying that, he extended his arm towards Old Prince Xin, "Grandpa, hug!"

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

What's going on, little girl?

What a tacit understanding between their uncle and nephew! ?
Prince Li looked disappointed, subconsciously touched his face, and fell into self-doubt!

Could it be that by not smiling, the child was frightened? ? ? ?
As he thought about it, Prince Li forced a silly smile on his face.

Fortunately, no one else saw it, otherwise this smile would have shocked a few people's jaws.

Prince Xin, on the other hand, showed an expression of disbelief.

Seeing the little breast dumpling extending his hand towards him, he also stretched out his hand, but as soon as he stretched it out, he retracted it and wiped it on his clothes before reaching out to pick up the little breast dumpling again.

"Oh, what a big baby!"

Prince Xin held the little breast dumpling in his arms and hugged her tightly, as if he was afraid that he might accidentally drop her!
Everyone looked at him holding the little breast dumpling in his arms, smiling so hard that there were a few creases on his face, and they instantly felt envious!
"Hey, since Ranran has gone to grandpa's house, my fifth uncle should go back to his place!"

Xiaonuituanzi suddenly said something again.

Xiao Jingyao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly in his heart.

This little girl is still thinking of him after all!

Knowing that he and Qingqiu hadn't seen each other for a long time and needed some time alone, he stayed far away on his own.

When Prince Li saw Xiao Nai Tuanzi's decision, he couldn't bear to refuse, but he still felt a little unhappy in his heart, so he glanced at Zhang Biao and landed on Zhang Biao.

"In that case, then let him go with me!"

Zhang Biao: "..."

Why do I feel that Prince Li is a little uneasy and kind-hearted? ?

However, thinking that after all, he was from Northern Xinjiang, some things must be explained clearly, so he nodded.

"Uncle, please don't bully my uncle Zhang Biao~"

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly spoke again, and there was a hint of warning in the milky voice.

Zhang Biao was moved instantly!
Prince Li was even more envious, and at the same time he felt even more guilty that he had caused such an accident to his daughter due to his negligence.

Soon, everyone dispersed!

This night was destined not to be a peaceful night.

The commotion in the Duke's Mansion was not small. King Li and Prince Xin led troops to surround the Duke's Mansion. The Duke hanged himself, Uncle Yun did not return, and the Second Master Yun escaped. One of the three young masters of the Yun family died, and two of them died. One is on the battlefield.

The rest of the people were besieged in the palace.And not just that.

It is said that Prince Li ordered the guards to directly surround the imperial concubine's palace that night and put her under house arrest in the palace.

At this time, the prince was on the battlefield and the emperor was seriously ill. This made the people speculate whether Prince Li wanted to rebel, and each of them fell into a dangerous situation.

However, within half a day, the rumors changed again.

It turned out that King Li and the Emperor had known for a long time that the imperial concubine and the prince had impure intentions. They designed to frame the minister of humerus in the court and drugged the emperor's diet.So the emperor and King Li gave them a trick to find out the forces behind the imperial concubine and the prince.

Such a shocking change can't help but make people sigh.

However, none of this affects the love between Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu.

Li Qingqiu was captured at first, and he suffered a lot while trying to escape, but he was still recaptured.

After arriving in Kyoto in the Great Zhou Dynasty, some people could still be seen after being locked up in a separate courtyard at first, but later because Xiao Jingyao returned to Kyoto, he was secretly sent to the palace by the Wu family.

Those two months of living in the cold palace of the palace were a shadow that Li Qingqiu could not erase for the rest of his life.

Afraid that she would cause trouble, those people would give her sweat medicine every day, causing her to feel dizzy every day.

When he was conscious, he was also thinking about Xiao Naituanzi, Xiao Jingyao and his parents.

It was not until later that she finally learned that Ye Zhaozhao had escaped, and that the Wu family and the Ye family who helped her had been arrested!Finally, a glimmer of hope ignited in her heart.

But after only two days like this, Ye Zhaozhao suddenly appeared and told her that Xiao Naituanzi was dead!A fire burned Leng Gong and took her away from the secret passage.

Next comes another long journey.

She saw with her own eyes Ye Zhaozhao's viciousness and cruelty in sucking people's energy, saw her viciousness and disgust, and even knew her purpose and ambition in catching her.

She wants to die!
But in Ye Zhaozhao's hands, she couldn't even die.

After arriving in northern Xinjiang, she suffered from vomiting and diarrhea.

Living in the same courtyard as Ye Zhaozhao, she tried not to go out so as not to see anything that would make her uncomfortable.

Therefore, in the past half year or so, she has endured too much.

The moment she met Xiao Jingyao, she always felt that it was not real at all.

The whole night, she held Xiao Jingyao tightly, for fear that this was a dream!

If this was really a dream, she would never wake up.

Looking at the skinny Li Qingqiu, Xiao Jingyao felt heartbroken.

After coming back, he stayed by her side.

The two talked to each other about everything they had experienced in the past six months.

A whole night passed, and neither of them felt sleepy at all.

Even if they don't speak, the two of them clinging to each other can still make people feel extremely satisfied.

The other people living here were also very discerning and did not disturb them.

As for the soldiers from Prince Li who were guarding the door, they were more like fine wood, standing motionless.

Xiang Jiao was attracted by the comfort and tranquility of this small courtyard, but at this moment, there was a different scene in Prince Xin's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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