Chapter 49 She has two dads?


"How did she leave?"

Qin Shi, the guard beside Xiao Jingzhe, said in confusion, "Where did this child come from in these barren mountains and wild mountains?"

However, as soon as he said these words, he saw the figure of the small breast dumpling not far ahead flash and quickly disappear from sight, as if what had just appeared was an illusion.

"Fourth Master, this kid seems to be an expert!" Qin Shi stammered.

When Xiao Jingzhe heard this, his weathered eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a look of loneliness in his eyes.

"Fourth, that child just said that her father is your eldest brother!" Madam walked over, looking slightly anxious, "Did you see how similar she looks to your eldest brother!"

When Xiao Jingzhe heard this, he was slightly stunned.

Thinking of Lu Qing's letter to him, his heart trembled, as if a stream of warmth had suddenly been injected into him.

Could it be that that was really Ning'er's child?
But shouldn’t she be in Yonglin at this time?This place is still one day away from Everlasting.

"Sister-in-law, she doesn't look like eldest brother, but Ning'er!" Xiao Jingzhe said lightly.

His voice was low and hoarse, full of loneliness, and a bit sad if you listened carefully.

Xiao Ning!

That was the pain in the hearts of the Xiao family, and it was the deepest bond that had been tightly entangled in Xiao Jingzhe's heart for so many years.

After so many years, it was like a shackle, tightly locking his heart.

Jin Ling, the eldest lady of the Xiao family, paused when she heard the name. She looked towards the direction where Xiaonuituanzi had left just now and said, "Then she...isn't she?"

Xiao Jingzhe looked at Jin Ling, and a rare smile appeared on his pale and bloodless face, "Let's go, maybe we will have the answer after we meet big brother."

"But she said your eldest brother is her father!"

Jin Ling is still struggling with this matter.

Hongxing next to her said: "Madam, don't think too much. That child looks like she is four years old. You have been by your side all these years. Where did he get such a big daughter?"

After saying this, Jin Ling's heart gradually relaxed.

He gritted his teeth and said: "He Xiao Jingxuanruo dares to give me such a big girl, let me see if I won't pick him up!"

Xiao Jingxuan, who was far away in the Yonglin County Government Office, sneezed loudly inexplicably.

The little girl quickly returned to the inn, but Xiao Jingzhe's face kept flashing in her mind, making her a little absent-minded.

When Lu Qing and Wu Tong saw her coming back, they finally felt relieved.

But while eating, Xiao Naituanzi didn't move at all in front of a table full of food, which made both Lu Qing and Wu Tong confused.

When he saw the little breasted dumpling sighing for the 10086th time, Lu Qing finally couldn't help but put down the chopsticks in his hand and asked, "What's wrong? You don't even want your favorite chicken drumsticks?"

"Uncle Lu, do you think one person can have two fathers?"

The little breasted dumpling held her little face and said worriedly.

"How is that possible!" Lu Qing looked at her doubtfully, "What are you thinking about in your little head? And what on earth have you been doing? Your hair is so messy that you can raise chickens."

Hearing this, the little breast dumpling rolled his eyes and stared at Lu Qing, and said angrily: "Would you like to raise one?"

Lu Qing shrank his neck and said with a smile: "Uncle Lu is just joking, just joking!" "Hey"

The little breasted dumpling sighed again, tangled up her hair, her little face was tangled, and she looked at the big chicken drumsticks in front of her that no longer smelled good.

"Brother Wu Tong, do you think I jumped out of a stone? That's why I have two fathers?"

Xiaonuituanzi hesitated for a while and then looked at Wu Tong and asked.

Wu Tong buried his head in picking up the rice for a moment, then smiled at her naively, "If it pops out from the cracks in the rocks, then you have more than one father. You have to call all the rocks daddy."

Small breast dumpling: "."

"Where did you see your father?"

Lu Qing asked casually and looked at her funny.

"Just now!"

Hearing this, Lu Qing's hands froze and he couldn't help but sit up straight, "So, do you really have a father of your own?"

The little breasted dumpling glanced at his mouth and spit out two words coolly, "Nonsense!"

"Uh" Wu Tong scratched his head and asked doubtfully, "Isn't Mr. Xiao your father?"

"Yes!" Ran Ran nodded heavily.

Hearing this, Wu Tong was puzzled and looked at Lu Qing doubtfully.

Lu Qing did not dare to directly say that Xiao Jingxuan was not the father of Xiao Naituanzi, so he could only explain a few words in a low voice in Wu Tong's ear.

As soon as Lu Qing finished speaking, Wu Tong suddenly asked the doubts in his heart, "Sister Ranran, why did you say that Mr. Xiao is your father?"

"The line of kinship!"

Xiao Naituanzi blinked his big eyes, puffed out his cheeks and said, "Master said that relatives are connected by blood, and there will be a line of kinship."

"So, when I first saw my father, I discovered that there was a thread of kinship between him and me~"

"So you are really your biological father?" Lu Qing frowned fiercely and muttered: "Then your Excellency has hidden it really deep these years. Not only did he hide it from me, my personal bodyguard, but he also hid it from me. Did he hide it from his wife, who spends all his time with him?"

"Tsk, tsk. I didn't expect him to be such an adult!"

Wu Tong had heard of Xiao Jingxuan's reputation earlier. When he heard Lu Qing's muttering, he thought about it for a while and asked, "Is this line of kinship reliable?"

"Of course~"

The little breasted dumpling nodded heavily, then lowered his eyelids, holding his little face and saying tangledly: "But I just met someone, and there is a line of kinship between him and me!"

Wu Tong reached out and rubbed her little head, and said: "Sister Ranran, isn't it said that there is a line of kinship if there is a blood relationship? Then maybe that person is not your father, but is someone who is related to you by blood? "

"That's right!" When Xiao Naituanzi heard this, he slapped himself on the forehead, "Why didn't I think of that?"

After saying that, he blinked and looked at Wu Tong in confusion, "Then besides father and mother, who else can be related to Ran Ran by blood?"

Lu Qing said: "That's a lot, your father's brothers and sisters, the children born by brothers and sisters. Your mother's brothers and sisters and the children they gave birth to. Above that are the brothers and sisters of your grandparents, maternal grandfather, and grandmother. child."


The little breasted dumpling's little face suddenly wrinkled, "Why is it so swollen?"

(End of this chapter)

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