Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 50 Ranran is the fifth child of the Xiao family?

Chapter 50 Ranran is the fifth child of the Xiao family?
"I'm just telling you, my master has always been a very clean man, and his relationship with his wife is as strong as ever. How could he have an extra daughter for no reason!"

"So Ran Ran, my adults are probably just relatives with some blood relationship with you, not your father~"


Upon hearing Lu Qing's words, Xiao Naituanzi burst into tears immediately.

The teardrops fell down as if they were desperate.

"He is my father, he is my father, I will not admit it!"

"Uncle Lu is bad, I don't like you anymore!"

"Wow I want daddy, I want daddy!"

Lu Qing and Wu Tong were immediately at a loss when they saw the little naughty dumpling suddenly crying.

"Ran Ran, don't cry, don't cry! My lord may not be your father, but at least it means that you are related by blood. With this relationship, won't it be much easier to find your father?"

"Besides, even if I am not your father, I still like you very much and love you very much!"

"You don't know, I have three children, but I have never hugged them. You are the only baby I have ever hugged~"


Perhaps it was Lu Qing's last words that had an effect. Xiaonuituanzi raised his head with tears in his eyes and looked at Lu Qing pitifully with red eyes.

Lu Qingdeng was immediately distressed by his appearance, and took his sleeve to wipe her tears.

After wiping it, he raised his right hand and said seriously: "I swear, everything I just said is true."

Ranran pursed her mouth, shrugged her nose, and said softly: "I miss daddy, I want to go back."

"it is good!"

Lu Qing nodded, took two large chicken drumsticks and stuffed them into Xiaonuituanzi's hands, "Eat quickly. Let's go back when we're full."

After saying that, Lu Qing winked at Wu Tong, and then left the inn to prepare for the carriage.

With tears in her eyes, Ran Ran grabbed a big chicken drumstick in one hand and started to bite it hard.

This was Wu Tong's first time seeing such a battle, and he didn't know how to appease Xiao Nai Tuanzi, so he had to ask the waiter at the inn to pack all the dishes on the table and take Xiao Nai Dumpling downstairs.

When the carriage arrived at Yonglin County Government Office, it was completely dark.

The little girl ran straight to Xiao Jingxuan's study as soon as she got off the carriage, with Lu Qing behind him unable to catch up with her.


Xiao Jingxuan was fidgeting in the study looking at the case files when he suddenly heard this familiar voice and stood up excitedly.

The next second, he saw a familiar little figure pushing open the study door, rushing in like a small cannonball, and then hugged his legs tightly.

Lu Qing and Xiao Naituanzi have not come back these days. Xiao Jingxuan's heart was hanging nervously. Now that he saw Xiao Naituanzi coming back, his heart dropped to the ground.

The little breasted dumpling hugged his leg tightly, and her little head gently rubbed against his leg.

"Daddy, Ranran misses you so much!"

The little girl said angrily, looking up at Xiao Jingxuan, her big eyes filled with mist.

The little one looks so aggrieved.

Xiao Jingxuan clearly felt that Xiaonuituanzi's mood was very different from before, so he hurriedly bent down and hugged her.


Nestled in Xiao Jingxuan's arms, smelling the familiar and reassuring smell, Xiao Tuanzi burst into tears, hugging his neck tightly with both hands, crying so unbearably.Xiao Jingxuan's heart skipped a beat. He had no experience in comforting Little Nipples, so he could only hug her and let her cry as much as she wanted.

When Lu Qing came over, the little breast dumpling was already sobbing and falling asleep in Xiao Jingxuan's arms.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at him faintly, and then returned to the room with the little breast dumpling in his arms.

After putting her to bed, she walked out.

"what happened?"

Standing at the door, Xiao Jingxuan lowered his voice, looked at Lu Qing seriously and asked.

Lu Qing explained in detail all the things that happened when he went out to catch Qingxuan this time, and then said: "Sir, Ran Ran may be sad because she knows that you are no longer her father."

After listening, Xiao Jingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly and thought about it for a long time before he said: "If it is true as she said, one of her biological father or mother must be from my Xiao family!"

"But now I am a member of the Xiao clan."

"Sir, I have something I don't know whether to say or not!" Lu Qing lowered his head and said in confusion.


"Those clan members of the Xiao family, sir, are all in the fifth service of your generation. Ran Ran looks so similar to you. It's not like she comes from those clansmen, but more like..."

After saying that, Lu Qing paused for a moment, quietly glanced at Xiao Jingxuan's face, and then continued bravely: "It seems like the fifth master's kind!"


Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan gritted his teeth, his face full of seriousness, and his fists clenched, "It seems like something that bastard can do."

Lu Qing nodded slightly, "My subordinates have thought about it and feel that it is the fifth master who is most likely."

"First of all, the fifth master looks the most similar to you. Although Ranran looks like you, if the fifth master is here, you will find that he is more like the fifth master."

"Secondly, judging from Ran Ran's age, the fifth master happened to have such an incident more than five years ago."

"The girl was still missing after that, so my subordinates guessed that Ran Ran is more likely to be the Fifth Master."

Xiao Jingxuan's face darkened, "If it's really that bastard child, look at how I will deal with him later!"

Hearing this, Lu Qing silently lit a candle for Xiao Jingyao in his heart.

"Sir, if Ranran is really the fifth master's child, it can be regarded as the fifth master's merit. No one else can ask for such a smart and cute child!"

After Lu Qing finished speaking, Xiao Jingxuan's clenched fists loosened and his jaw clenched tightly, "Send a letter to the old lady and ask them to come to Yonglin when they are ready!"

"If Ranran is really a child of my Xiao family, she must not be left alone."


Lu Qing responded and went down to write a letter.

At night, Xiao Jingxuan sat by the bed and looked at the little breast dumpling who was not sleeping peacefully. He stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder gently, with a loving look on his face.

Thinking of what Lu Qing said, his temples felt a sudden pain again.

How could a bastard like Xiao Jingyao give birth to such a cute child?
His wife and two younger brothers and sisters looked for the stars and the moon, but they couldn't hope for a girl. However, the fifth child was able to get a girl in one fell swoop. It didn't make sense to think about it.

Xiao Jingxuan sat beside the bed, feeling depressed for a long time without sleeping.

It wasn't until he saw that Xiaonuituanzi was sleeping soundly that he lay down on the small couch next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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