Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 491: Don’t accept it, the king brother needs it!

Chapter 491: Don’t accept it, the king brother needs it!

"Grandma, don't be sad, Ranran is here!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi said, patting his small chest.

Prince Xin didn't tell her that Xiao Nai Dumpling might be able to cure her illness. Now when she heard Xiao Nai Dumpling say this, Princess Xin only thought that Xiao Nai Dumpling was trying to comfort her!
"You, even if you run away now, grandma won't be able to catch up with you~" Princess Xin nodded her little nose and said with a smile: "You kid, if you keep grandma here to spend more time with grandma, grandma will be satisfied. Got it!"

"Well... Ran Ran is just staying here for a few days. Tell grandma quietly that Ran Ran can cure my brother's illness~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said mysteriously to Princess Xin.

Xin Laowang was suddenly stunned.

Seeing the confident look on the little breasted dumpling, she inevitably felt a little more hopeful.

But this hope had just risen and was quickly extinguished.

She almost believed it.

But seeing Xiao Naituanzi's eyes shining brightly, it was not easy to pour cold water on her, so he echoed and asked, "Ran Ran has never seen my brother's illness!"

"But Ranran can pinch and count!" Xiao Naituanzi chuckled, and continued: "Grandpa and grandma are both very wealthy people. It's a pity that the children are not close to each other, but there is no need to worry. Grandpa and grandma will have children and grandchildren. The house is full~”

"And grandparents live long lives!"

As the little breasted dumpling spoke, he tilted his head and stared at the old princess for fear that she might not believe it. He looked at her face carefully and told her a few important things.

Princess Xin only thought she was joking at first, but after hearing what she said, she couldn't help but be shocked.

Because what Xiao Nai Tuanzi said was very accurate, she had almost forgotten some of the old things in her heart, and almost no one knew about it, but what Xiao Nai Tuanzi said was not bad at all.

These things are relatively hidden, and except for a few people, it is impossible for others to know.

and so……

Doesn't this kid really have that all-powerful ability? ?

Thinking about it, Princess Xin became a little excited. She held Little Nipple Dumpling's hand and said, "Is what Ran Ran said true? Can my grandson's disease really be cured?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

Although she hasn't met this brother of the county prince yet, she noticed something unusual in Xinwang's palace last night when she wrote to him~
Last night, she specifically asked who lived there.

Grandpa Wang said that his grandson lives over there!
He also mentioned his grandson's condition in passing.

So, she knew it in her heart!
"Then how to cure it?" Princess Xin looked at the little breast dumpling doubtfully.

"Well... grandma will know it in the evening!" Xiao Naituanzi smiled and let it go.

At this time, the housekeeper slowly came forward. After saluting, he asked hesitantly, "Old princess, do the wedding items prepared for the county prince... need to be arranged?"

Hearing this, Princess Xin sighed deeply, "Put them all away, we won't need those things anymore."

I was anxious to prepare these things, but it was just for the sake of happiness!
It was said to be a happy occasion, but it was just for the sake of peace of mind as a couple!

But now that I think about it, this is really ridiculous, and it will also harm other girls.

But now it's even better, the betrothed Duke's Mansion can't protect itself now!
This happy event will never happen again!
"Don't accept it, Brother Prince needs it!" Xiao Naituanzi smiled mysteriously.

Princess Xin: "???"

need! ?

"But the Duke's Mansion..."

"Grandma, don't worry! Why don't you listen to what the prince brother wants?" Before Princess Xin finished her words, Xiao Naituanzi interrupted her.

Princess Xin wanted to ask more questions, but Xiaonuituanzi had already stood up and yawned several times, "Well... I'm so sleepy, so sleepy! I'm going to sleep!" After that, Xiaotuanzi said The guy jumped away.

Princess Xin: "..."

Didn't this little girl just get up not long ago?
"Old madam, do you still want to collect these things?" The housekeeper next to her couldn't help but ask again.

"You go down first, I'll go and see the prince before we talk!" Princess Xin said.

"Yes!" The butler responded and stepped back.

Just after the housekeeper left, Princess Xin thought for a while and took the little girl beside her to Prince Xin's yard.

Prince Xin's courtyard is in the northwest corner of Prince Xin's Mansion. Because he prefers peace and quiet, and it is close to the Huxin Pavilion, he has always lived here.

As soon as you enter here, you will feel a refreshing and cool feeling.

Compared with the temperature outside which is so high that it can wet people's clothes at will, it feels a bit cooler here. In such weather, you need to wear an extra thin shirt.

"Old princess!"

As soon as the old princess entered the courtyard, a guard came out of the darkness and stood in front of her.

"Where is the county prince? Why aren't you with him!?" Princess Xin looked at the guard in confusion.

This guard's name is Morey, and he is the personal guard of her grandson Prince Xin. She has grown up with him and has never left him even half a step away.

"Replying to the old princess, the prince was sunbathing in the lake pavilion and said he wanted to be alone for a while!" Morey replied respectfully.


Princess Xin nodded softly, then waved her hand, "You go down first, I'll go talk to Yu'er."


Morey responded and left.

The two little girls who were following the old princess stayed behind and were waiting not far away.


Princess Xin called out and walked over slowly.

However, upon hearing her voice, Prince Xin, who was still in a daze, became inexplicably panicked, and put the things in his hands into his sleeves in a panic.

Princess Xin had sharp eyes and saw her grandson's actions at a glance, but she didn't ask any more questions!
"Grandma, why are you here!?"

Prince Xin's voice was very weak, he was obviously out of breath, and his face was a little pale.

As soon as he spoke, his face turned red inexplicably, and even his eyes flickered slightly.

Princess Xin squatted down in front of him, stretched out her hand to pull his clothes, and said lovingly: "Although the sun is a bit strong at the moment, you can't let the wind blow in your bones."

"I know, grandma!" Prince Xinjun said.

Princess Xin looked at him with a somewhat sad look.

What a high-spirited young man he used to be, his appearance has completely changed in just a few years!
I don't even want to say a few more words.

"Grandma, my grandson has something to tell you!" Prince Xin suddenly said as if he had made some kind of determination.

(End of this chapter)

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