Chapter 492: Marriage to the Duke’s Mansion!
"Oh? Yu'er, what do you have to say!?"

Seeing him like this, Princess Xin couldn't help but be curious about what he was going to say.

"Grandma, please cancel your grandson's marriage!" Prince Xin said seriously.

"Oh? Why?"

Princess Xin couldn't help but laugh a little when she thought about the little breast dumplings.

She is so old, but she didn't expect to be frightened by a few words from a little baby. She almost believed her words!

Her grandson actually wants to break off the engagement!

"Grandma, my grandson's health is like this. Wouldn't marrying that girl back be ruining her life? My grandson has thought about it carefully. He doesn't have many days left. Instead of marrying a wife and coming back and making a fuss, , it’s better to go quietly.”

"My grandson used to think that if he left, someone would take care of his grandfather and grandmother for him! But... my grandson doesn't want to be so selfish!"

"Grandma, when the time comes, you and your grandfather will accept Morey as your grandson! He will take good care of you on behalf of your grandson!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Princess Xin's eyes were red, and she couldn't help but wipe her tears with a handkerchief, "If you don't want to marry, just don't marry. Why do you need to curse yourself!?"

"Grandma, my grandson has already accepted the life he lives on his fingers. Why should he deceive himself? It's just that my grandson is unworthy of the kindness of his grandfather and grandmother in raising him." Prince Xin's face was full of guilt.

From the time he got sick to now, he has slowly accepted himself like this.

He also accepted that he was about to leave this world.

He had been in pain, confused, hated, struggled...but now he felt more relieved.

Maybe after leaving, he can truly be free.

She was both sad and relieved to hear what her grandson said.

"Okay! Grandma promises you that she won't find another wife for you!"

Princess Xin said heartbrokenly.

After saying that, she stood up, called Morey over, and ordered: "The prince is weak and will be sick in a while. Don't let the prince stay here for too long!"

"Yes!" Morey responded.

As soon as Princess Xin left, Prince Xin took out a purse hidden in his sleeve again.

Morey glanced at the purse and couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, my subordinates just learned something, I don't know whether to talk about it or not!"

Prince Xin didn't even raise his eyelids, he just looked at the purse in his hand calmly, with a faint smile in his eyes.

He has always been like this, except what he cares about in his heart, he doesn't care about anything else.

Morey didn't care whether he wanted to hear it or not, and said bluntly: "Last night, the old prince led his troops out. Does the county king know where he went?"

Hearing this, Prince Xin raised his eyelids slightly.

He has always been weak and has been ill for many years. Except for being awake at noon every day when the sun is at its strongest, he is either asleep or groggy at other times.

Last night, there was a lot of commotion in Kyoto City, but he was completely unaware of it.

Prince Xin had not led troops out for many years. Suddenly hearing Morey's words, Prince Xin couldn't help but feel curious and worried.

"But what happened!? Is grandfather okay?" Prince Xin asked.

"Prince, don't worry, the old prince is fine! He's fine! But... the one who's in trouble is the one who got engaged to you, the Duke's Mansion!"

After Morey finished speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Prince Xin's face.

Sure enough, his expression changed.

Before he could ask, Morey told everything that had happened in the past few days.

After hearing this, Prince Xin involuntarily clenched the purse in his hand, and said with some annoyance: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!?" Morey: "..."

"Well, my subordinate originally thought that since the old prince and the old princess had arranged a marriage for you, it would be a marriage that could not be concluded anyway, so I didn't say anything!"

"As for what happened last night, my subordinates didn't know everything at first. They wanted to find out more about it and then report it to the king. But who would have thought that the king... you would tell the old princess to break off the engagement so quickly!"

Morey's voice became softer and quieter, until it was so quiet that even he himself couldn't hear it clearly.

Prince Xin: "..."

"If...if she married me, wouldn't she have to die!?"

Prince Xin looked at the purse in his hand and asked in a murmur.

"My lord, do you need your subordinates to report this to the old prince and the old princess?" Morey asked.

However, when he asked this question, he received no answer from the person opposite.

At this moment, a black cloud suddenly floated in the sky, blocking the original strong light. Prince Xin's spirit became inexplicably chaotic, and he fell asleep in an instant.

Seeing this, Morey sighed slightly and pushed him slowly towards the house.

When he put him on the bed, he saw the emerald green purse tightly held in his hand. He wanted to take it off but couldn't.

Morey had no choice but to give up.

Turning around, he went to Princess Xin's residence.

Princess Xin was relatively slow in legs and feet. As soon as she returned to her yard, she saw Morey coming and was immediately startled.

"Mo Lei, why are you here!? Did something happen to Yu'er?" Princess Xin asked excitedly.

"Don't worry, old princess. The county prince just fell asleep and there is nothing serious. I just have something I want to report to the old princess."

After hearing this, Princess Xin was slightly relieved, and asked Morey to sit down in the living room, and then listened to his slow report.

After listening to Morey's report, Princess Xin couldn't help but be a little surprised, " said that Yu'er has fallen in love with Miss Yun from the Duke's Mansion?"

"Yes!" Morey nodded, "The prince has a green purse with green bamboo embroidered on it! That is Miss Yun's purse."

"It's a coincidence that on the day of the prince and princess's memorial day, the prince went out to pay homage and met Miss Yun to pray for Mrs. Yun."

"The county prince asked his subordinates to donate some sesame oil money to the temple. Unexpectedly, just a short while after his subordinates left, the prince couldn't hold on and fainted, and he fell to Miss Yun. in front of me.”

"At that time, Mrs. Yun had some snow lotus pills in her purse that were used to nourish Mrs. Yun's health, so she gave them to the prince! She also gave some of the remaining pills to Prince Ke!"

"Later, the county prince saw the second Miss Yun, Yun Yan, bullying her and laughing at her. He also said that Miss Yun was about to marry the county prince, a dying man."

"Miss Yun looked soft and weak, but after hearing what Miss Yun said, she fought back."

"She meant to protect the county king both inside and outside her words! Therefore, the county king has a good impression of her!"

"My subordinate Daguo informed the prince about the affairs of the Duke's Mansion. Although the Prince fainted without a clear answer to his words, my subordinate clearly knew that the Prince did not want Miss Yun to be implicated by the Duke's Mansion. of!"

"This marriage... the county prince will not back off!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Okay!" After hearing Morey's words, Princess Xin said three good words in a row, and she smiled so much that there were two more wrinkles on her face.

"Mo Lei, when the prince wakes up, tell him that this marriage will not be canceled and let him prepare well!"


Morey resigned!
"Ouch! It seems that the little girl was right! This little girl is really amazing! Do you think she is telling the truth? Can Yu'er's disease really be cured!?"

(End of this chapter)

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