Chapter 493 Double happiness, big baby!

When the little girl next to her heard this, she couldn't help but laugh, "Old princess, didn't the little girl Ran Ran say let's take a look tonight? Let's take a look!"

"Yes, you are right!"

From the beginning, Princess Xinlao had no trust in Xiao Nipple Dumpling, but now she has vague expectations for Xiao Nipple Dumpling.

The change in mentality caused her mood to change a lot in an instant.

"What's right!"

At this time, Prince Xin Lao Ting Long Ting strolled in from outside and responded to what Princess Xin Lao Wang said.

Seeing this, the little girls around him walked out one by one, leaving the space for them to talk.

Princess Xin recounted today's events with a smile, and then said: "Do you think that kid Ran Ran is really that powerful? If true, then our Yu'er..."

"Hahaha, I forgot to tell you! Don't look at that little girl, she is so powerful!"

The old prince Xin heard what the old princess said, so he told the old princess Xin about the origin of the little breast dumplings and what happened between her and Ye Zhaozhao last night.

The more Princess Xin listened, the bigger the smile on her face became.

She was even more confident that Xiao Nai Tuanzi could cure her grandson's disease.

At the same time, I am also very envious of my family members who have small breast dumplings.

I don’t know how the Xiao family gave birth to such a baby!
So powerful at such a young age.

When Prince Xin saw the envy and joy on Princess Xin's face, he knew what she was thinking. But when he thought of Prince Li's interrogation of Mrs. Na Yun today and what she confessed, Prince Xin couldn't help but I'm a little more worried about the little breast dumpling.

He could clearly see the battle above your Duke's mansion last night.

Although that little girl Ran Ran is powerful, she is not without her own weaknesses.

Now that Ye Zhaozhao has entered Second Master Yun's body, he is afraid that he will cause chaos.

King Li had noticed something was wrong before, so he conspired with the emperor to make a lot of preparations, but what they didn't expect was that Ye Zhaozhao was also involved.

Counting the time, Ye Zhaozhao is only nine years old this year!

But the black rock is already hundreds of years old.

According to the information Zhang Biao told, the Duke's government had been planning those things more than [-] years ago.

They couldn't figure out what was going on here.

If you want to know the truth, you may have to wait until you catch Ye Zhaozhao.

"That's great!" Princess Xin didn't expect to believe the old prince as much as she did, and said with a smile: "In that case, we are going to have a double happiness in the Xinwang Mansion."

Double happiness! ?
These words stunned Old Prince Xin for a moment!
What a double happiness! ?

Princess Xin told Morey's words with a smile.

As soon as he heard that his grandson fell in love with a girl from the Duke's mansion, the old prince Xin couldn't help but get a few more wrinkles on his face.

When he went to the Duke's Mansion to lick his face and ask for marriage, he still felt a little uncomfortable thinking about the faces of those people!
What's more, Mrs. Yun Da didn't want her daughter to marry into Prince Xin's palace. For this reason, she went to see Prince Li to tell him.

If not to give face to King Li, but also to cooperate with him in acting.Why would he, Tang Xin Wangfu, do the marriage exchange?
"I know you are angry, but if what Morey said is true, then Miss Yun is also a rare and good girl!" Princess Xin patted Prince Xin on the arm and said.

"If you think about it from their point of view, Mrs. Yun is right if she doesn't want to!"

"Don't others know about the things that happened between the first and second bedrooms in the Duke's mansion? Don't you and I still know about it? The husband and wife in this first bedroom only have such a daughter, and their health is so bad, and our Yu'er's body is And like that, it’s understandable that she doesn’t want to.”

"Okay, I will talk to the emperor about this! Although the eldest son of the Yun family is a member of the Duke's Palace, he has been working in front of the emperor these years. Last year, he was successful in curing floods. If he can bring King Li along with him, It is not impossible to plead for him and let him leave the Duke's mansion to save the lives of their family of three." Old Prince Xin said.

"it is good."

Princess Xin nodded with a smile.

There was hope for her grandson's illness, and her grandson's daughter-in-law had found a solution. Princess Xin seemed to be ten years younger, and she was in an extremely good mood for the next half day.

In the evening, Xiao Naituanzi walked out of the room and then quietly went to Prince Xin's yard.

Looking at the yard, Xiaonuituanzi chuckled and ran towards the Huxin Pavilion.


The little girl flew to the top of the pavilion in the middle of the lake and sat on the pavilion. Then she took out a talisman and threw it into the lake.

Fu Zuan submerged into the water, causing ripples to appear on the silent lake.

The little breasted dumpling lay down on the roof of the Huxin Pavilion with her legs crossed.

Then, I saw her taking out pastries and melon seeds from her pocket and cracking them leisurely.

"You little guy, you don't have to worry about breaking your teeth if you eat so much!" A figure came out of Xiaonuituanzi's pocket, sat down next to her and looked at her dotingly.

The owner of this figure is none other than Zhou Zhongren.

But at this time, he was completely different from the translucent shadow before.

During the time when Xiao Naituanzi was in coma, he also went to Langya Mountain, which was full of spiritual energy. There, he received the guidance of Taoist Master Xuanming and quickly cultivated the human form.

And his skill has also improved a lot.

It's just that he is not a real person yet, so he does not appear as a shadow under the moonlight, and with his current strength, he cannot appear in the daytime. But if someone who understands can see it, he also has a faint risk of danger at this moment. A little golden light of merit.

If he hadn't blocked Xiao Nai Dumpling's body at the beginning, Xiao Nai Dumpling wouldn't have recovered so quickly, let alone stand here alive and kicking.

"Uncle Zhou, you are becoming more and more like a master! You are so long-winded!" Xiao Naituanzi pouted and said, "My fourth uncle taught me, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you!"

As he said that, Xiao Naituanzi threw another piece of pastry into his mouth and explained vaguely, "This... roughly means, Uncle Zhou, you can't eat such a thing, and you can't stop me from eating it too!"

Zhou Zhongren: "..."

do you mean this?

Bullying him is not human! ?
Zhou Zhongren is helpless, no one can cure this little girl!
Then Zhou Zhongren followed her example and lay down, and asked doubtfully, "What's in this lake!?"

"Hehe, it's a big baby~" the little breast dumpling said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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