Chapter 494 A rare medicinal material!

"What kind of big baby!?" Zhou Zhongren sat up all of a sudden, looking sideways at the little breast dumpling with a curious expression.

"Uncle will know later, it will be good for him~" Xiao Naituanzi said mysteriously.

These words made Zhou Zhongren's heart itch, and he stared at the lake with his eyes.

Xiao Naituanzi did not deliberately hide their movements, and their voices quickly attracted the attention of several secret guards in the yard.

"Who are you!"

Morey ran out first, holding a sword and facing them.

The little girl was not afraid at all. She raised her neck at him and replied in a sweet voice, "I am Ran Ran. I came back yesterday with Grandpa Xin Wang~"

The little dumpling with breasts is really too soft and cute, and her voice is soft and waxy when she speaks, and she feels waxy with the pastries in her mouth.

He knew that a child had come to Prince Xin's Mansion. It was said that he was a child of the Xiao family of Great Zhou.

Hearing what Xiao Naituanzi said, he took down the sword in his hand.

"Little girl, what are you doing here!? This is the residence of our county prince, you shouldn't come here!" Morey habitually said with a straight face.

But seeing the face of the little breast dumpling, he subconsciously softened his voice so as not to scare the other person.


The little breasted dumpling made a "shh" gesture to Morey, opened his big eyes and said mysteriously: "Brother, please keep your voice down, you will scare me away, baby!"

After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, he threw another talisman into the lake.

The moment Fu Zuan fell into the water, a golden light suddenly emitted along the water surface and gradually spread to the entire lake.

Morey was shocked when he saw this!
Just as he was about to open his mouth, a piece of pastry flew directly into his mouth.


Morey was startled and his eyes widened.

His martial arts has always been good, but he didn't even notice the cakes thrown by the little girl in front of him.


Xiaonuituanzi made a "shh" gesture towards him again and whispered: "Don't make any noise, he is coming~"

Seeing that the little breasted dumpling's eyes were always staring at the lake, Morey also subconsciously looked towards the lake.

At this time, ripples appeared in circles on the originally calm lake, and the ripples became increasingly turbulent.

Morey jumped suddenly and glanced at the little breast dumpling in disbelief.

He grew up here and never knew that there was anything else besides fish in this lake.

Before he could think clearly, the little breast dumpling over there had already flown down and pulled him directly onto the roof.

Morey: "..."

"Shh, don't talk!" Xiaonuituanzi whispered, and pointed his chubby little finger at the lake not far away.

Morey responded quickly and nodded slightly, "Yeah."

It didn't take long for the water ripples on the lake to become more and more obvious.

Morey stared at the lake nervously and curiously. He didn't know if it was because of his high position in the depths at this time, but he felt that the wind was cooler than usual tonight, and the hairs on his arms stood up unconsciously. Got goosebumps.


Suddenly, the water on the lake began to surge, and a deep whirlpool seemed to rise in the lake.After a short while, the water surface reflecting the bright moonlight began to surge, and something like a horn gradually emerged from the water.

Seeing this, Morey stretched his neck subconsciously.

Zhou Zhongren was also very curious as to what kind of things existed in the lake in Prince Xin's Mansion!
Something that can be called a big treasure by a small-breasted dumpling should be a rare thing!
"Then...that's a water monster!?"

Morey couldn't help but ask.


Xiao Naituan shook his head and threw another talisman to compile.

With a flash of golden light, the "big baby" with horns followed the light and slowly swam towards them.

When they swam to the shore, the little breasted dumpling suddenly jumped off the roof and headed straight for the horn.


The little girl grabbed the horn and instantly threw up something that looked like a cow but was built like a duck.

The little thing glared at Xiaonuituanzi, roared, and fire burst out of his mouth.

The little girl dodged the fire in a flash, and then a talisman was thrown from her hand.


The talisman suddenly lit up a burst of fire and started to circle around the "big treasure".

"Big Baby" seemed to be very excited when he saw the fire, and kept making roaring sounds. His two feet kept jumping up, like a struggling duck.

Then, everyone saw the "big baby" constantly sucking the fire on the talisman, as if he was tasting some delicious food bit by bit.

"Eat, eat! Eat more, but don't hold on!"

Xiao Naituanzi looked at the "big baby" and said with a smile, then threw a few talismans aside and allowed the fire to get bigger and bigger.

When Prince Xin and Princess Xin heard the noise and rushed over, the "big baby" had almost absorbed the fire, and lay comfortably on the ground with a round belly, shouting "ho ho".

"Ran Ran, what is this!" Prince Xin asked in surprise.

Princess Xin couldn't help but take a second look when she stepped forward, but even after living for so many decades, she still couldn't recognize what it was.

"Well...this is a big baby!"

Xiaonuituanzi didn't know what the specific name of this thing was, but she had seen it in a book in the master's room. She didn't know the words, but she remembered the picture.

Master said, this thing is a rare treasure that can only be found!
It's just that he is rare. Just like Xiaozhima before, he is a precious medicinal material!
As long as the horns on his head are pulled off, a high-grade elixir can be refined, which can reshape the bones and blood of the deceased!
Just in time, you can use it for Uncle Zhou~
As soon as the little breasted dumpling finished speaking, the "big baby" suddenly shrunk a lot smaller, and then it seemed to be in pain and began to struggle on the ground.

With every struggle, its body shrinks in size.

Finally, it turned into a shape the size of a palm, motionless!

Xiao Naituanzi took out a piece of yellow paper talisman and wrapped it up.

Everyone: "..."


At this time, Morey suddenly let out a sigh.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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