Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 495 The origin of the big baby, the request of the little breast dumpling!

Chapter 495 The origin of the big baby, the request of the little breast dumpling!

"This thing... wasn't this thing given to the county prince by the prince of the Duke's palace before?" Morey's eyes widened and he stammered.

Previously, when nothing happened to Prince Xin, he was a high-spirited young man.

At that time, Prince Xin was drunk and made an appointment with the young lady from the Duke's Mansion. After that, there was a faint rumor from the Duke's Mansion that the second Miss Yun Yan was engaged to Prince Xin.

Prince Xinjun won a great victory in a hunting, and later became famous for being both civil and military. At this time, the news of the engagement spread even more.

It was also at that time that Mo Cheng, the third prince, approached their county prince intentionally or unintentionally.

Prince Xin didn't want the county prince to get too close to the prince, and the county prince didn't like the third prince either.

But one time when the prince of the county was celebrating his birthday, the third prince Mo Cheng gave this piece of wood-like object as a birthday gift to the prince of the county.

Originally, the county prince would not go out of his way to see birthday gifts. He would make a book every year and just put the birthday gifts in the warehouse.

But when he saw this piece of wood, he was still a little unhappy.

This looks like just an ordinary piece of wood, but the prince would actually give this to their county king.

But the king didn't care about this, and there was no need for him to go and say it in front of the king.

But later, the prince and several young masters went hunting in the mountains.

Suddenly I heard someone else talking about this piece of wood.

He said that the wood was used by Mo Cheng, the third prince, to humiliate the county prince. He also said that the county prince was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat and dared to think of the princess of the Duke's mansion.

Originally, the county prince didn't care about the marriage, but these people are so mean-mouthed!

Unexpectedly, these people actually used the deceased princes and princesses as rafts, and said that the county prince was born to kill his father, queen, mother and concubine.

After this happened, the young prince of the county was impulsive and couldn't bear it anymore, so he had a fight with these people.

So much so that later the county prince had an accident in the woods and was almost killed when he was attacked by a black bear.

Later, after the county prince was rescued, he asked him to find this thing and throw it directly into the lake.

I thought this would be the end of it, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect to see this thing again today.

If I hadn't just seen Xiao Naituanzi subdue this thing with my own eyes, turning him into his original shape!

Even if I beat him to death, he wouldn't believe that this thing was actually the same broken piece of wood.

"Morey, what did you say!? This is what the prince gave to the king!?" Princess Xin asked in disbelief.

Morey nodded and reported everything in detail.

After hearing this, Princess Xin angrily kicked Mr. Xin on the leg.

"Let you drink less, drink less!"

"It's all your fault for Yu'er! If you hadn't drank a few glasses of horse urine and talked nonsense about Yu'er's engagement at someone else's birthday party, how could Yu'er have suffered so many sins for no reason?"

While talking, Princess Xin couldn't help crying.

She knew that the prince intended to marry Yun Yan, the second young lady of the Duke's palace!

In her opinion, the prince was jealous of their Yu'er's engagement with Yun Yan, so he thought of such a sinister trick to deal with her Yu'er.

Prince Xin was also heartbroken.

Faced with Princess Xin's accusation, he could only let her vent.

He thought more and quickly connected these things with that location.

Such a vicious and insidious killing method that leaves no trace seems to be their handiwork.Combined with this, there is a guard named Heiyan hidden in the Duke's mansion.

The old prince Xin was even more certain that those people planned so carefully just for the military power in his hands.

How vicious!

You actually want to cut off their descendants!

"Little girl, this thing has been captured! Then my grandson..." Prince Xin looked at the little breast dumpling expectantly.

Xiaotai Tuanzi chuckled, "Brother Jun Wang will be fine~ However, his body is weak and needs to be replenished! Ranran will make some pills for him!"

After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, he stuffed the sealed wood into his pocket.

"Oh, I've been busy for a long time and I'm all hungry! I really want to eat chicken drumsticks!" Xiao Naituanzi said happily while touching his deflated belly.

Prince Xin said hurriedly: "The food has been prepared a long time ago. Do you want to eat chicken legs? Grandpa will ask the kitchen to prepare more."

"Thank you, grandpa!" Xiaonuituanzi thanked her sweetly, and then raised her little paw and said, "Grandpa, I saved the life of the king's brother, can you agree to my request?"

Old Prince Xin was very happy at this moment and responded hurriedly, "Little girl, if you have any requests, feel free to ask for them. As long as I can do it, let alone one, it doesn't matter if it's a hundred!"

"Yes, little girl, tell me what you want!?" Princess Xin also said.

"Um... Ranran would like to meet everyone in grandpa's family, is it okay?" Xiao Naituanzi blinked at him with a pair of big, bright eyes.

When Prince Xin and Princess Xin heard this, they looked at each other.

Prince Xin couldn't help but frowned in embarrassment.

The little breasted dumpling puffed out his cheeks, tilted his little head and asked, "Isn't it possible?"

"It's's just...what did Ran Ran see them doing!?" Old Prince Xin asked.

In fact, their surname Mo is an imperial surname in Northern Xinjiang, and their family is too big.

All the people added up to thousands of people!
In addition, some vassal kings have already gone to their fiefdoms. It would not be appropriate to summon them back at this moment.

In addition, although he is the emperor's uncle, he is also a cousin!

If you mention this rashly, you will inevitably be suspected by those who are interested.


Seeing the embarrassed look on the face of old prince Xin, the little girl couldn't help but sigh deeply.

His little head couldn't help but droop.

Seeing this, Princess Xin hurriedly said: "It's not impossible, it's just that it's difficult to gather everyone together, and we also need to report it to the superiors."

"That's right!" Lord Xin nodded, "I will try my best to help you with this matter!"

"Thank you, grandpa!" Xiaonuituanzi instantly became happy again.

During dinner, neither Prince Xin nor Princess Xin accompanied the little breast dumplings to eat together.

Princess Xin went to see her grandson!

Prince Xin was summoned to the palace overnight.

The little breasted dumpling got a big baby and had the opportunity to find her cheap biological father, so she was naturally happy!
After devouring a whole table of food alone, he reported a prescription and asked someone to grab the medicinal materials and make pills for Prince Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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