Chapter 496: King Li was beaten and suspicious!
The next day, when Xiaonuituanzi was sleeping soundly, she noticed someone pinching her little nose.

With her automatic defense, she could just kick the opponent away no matter who it was.


Li Wang was caught off guard and was kicked to the ground by Xiao Naituanzi.

Prince Li stared at the little dumpling with breasts who turned over and slept like a pig.


Prince Xin, who was standing at the door, couldn't help but laugh out loud. He looked at the embarrassed King Li with a look of fun and a look of gloating.

I call you an old boy who doesn't know what's good and what's good, so you're going to suffer!

If you don't wait if I ask you to wait, you will be beaten!

His old man has learned from past mistakes!
What is it called! ?

If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes!

Seeing the expression on Old Prince Xin's face, Li Wang patted the dust on his body, with a stinking look on his face, and shouted in disbelief: "Little girl, get up! Your butt is in the sun!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a hard pillow was thrown towards him.

At this moment, Li Wang was already prepared. He dodged and reached out to take the pillow.

little girl!
I'm really angry when I wake up now!

He wanted to scream again, but Old Prince Xin pulled him out.

"You'd better save it! This little girl is very angry when she wakes up! Did you see that the injury on my face was caused by the little girl!" Prince Xin pointed to the injury on his face and said, "If you are not afraid of being beaten, If you want to beat her up, just keep calling her!"

"Tsk tsk..."

King Li glanced at the bruises on Old Prince Xin's face, and his heart suddenly felt balanced!

It seems that this little girl has no mercy at all!
But thinking about this little girl's ability, Wang Li instantly regained his balance.

The greater your ability, the greater your temper!

That's right.

"Your Majesty, Fifth Master Xiao and Miss Li are here!"

The concierge's housekeeper came over to report.

Prince Xin glanced at Prince Li and raised his eyebrows slightly, "You invited people here!?"

"The emperor wants to see them." King Li said.

With just one sentence, Old Prince Xin guessed the emperor's intention.

Originally, they planned to use the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty to weaken the power of the Duke of Zhenguo and the imperial concubine and find out their details, so they cooperated with each other to perform such a big drama.

Now, Xiao Jingyao and the others have made things gradually clearer.

Among the forces that the Duke's government had previously cultivated, those that could be incorporated have been incorporated, and those that could not be incorporated have died.

But Ye Zhaozhao was previously a princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty and came to Northern Xinjiang to cause trouble. Now, although her body is dead, she is hidden in the body of Erye Yun.

They currently do not have enough power to control such a thing that is neither human nor ghost.

The only thing I can do is ask this little girl Ranran for help!

Therefore, this matter must be sat down and discussed carefully!

Nowadays, Northern Xinjiang is suffering from internal and external troubles. The only solution for now is to use the power of Zhou Dynasty to eliminate the internal troubles!

"Let's go! Let's go to the front hall first." Prince Xin said.

On the way to the front hall, Prince Li told Prince Xin about the emperor's thoughts.Prince Xin instantly thought of the request Xiao Naituanzi made last night.

So he also talked to King Li.

After hearing this, Prince Li was just like Prince Xin when he heard this for the first time, his brows were furrowed!
"Could it be that Mr. Xiao Wu has another purpose in coming to Northern Xinjiang!?"

Old Prince Xin shook his head.

He thought about this all night and couldn't think of a reason.

This is really not easy to handle!
It is not a trivial matter for the vassal king to return to the capital. The current situation may arouse suspicion and lead to rebellion!

Before the Duke's Mansion and the Crown Prince's party were eliminated, more feudal princes started to cause trouble!
I'm afraid if it's not the other way around, the northern Xinjiang will soon be annexed by the Great Zhou Dynasty or the southern Xinjiang!

"He didn't object to the little girl Ran Ran coming to my place! He also asked that girl to cure my Yu'er's disease, which shows that their intentions were good!" Old Prince Xin said.

In fact, from an objective point of view, Xiao Jingyao gave him a pretty good impression.

He is smart, courageous and values ​​friendship, plus he comes from the Xiao family of Da Zhou.

Neither his personal background nor his family background are so convoluted.

But at this time, it’s essential to be on guard against others!
Speaking of the fact that Xiao Naituanzi lived here and cured the grandson of Prince Xin, Wang Li couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

How far away is he from the palace?

That little girl actually looks down on her?
After thinking about it, Wang Li was a little confused about this.

"We'd better test their tone first before making a decision." Prince Li said solemnly.


When they arrived at the front hall, Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu had already drank half a cup of tea. Seeing the two princes approaching, Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu hurriedly stood up.

"Xiao has met Mr. Xin Lao Wang and met Mr. Li!" Xiao Jingyao saluted respectfully.

Li Qingqiu also bowed to the two of them, and then she looked outside.

Seeing this, Prince Xin explained, "That little girl gave my Yu'er medicine last night, and she's still lying in bed right now!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao smiled and said: "That little girl Ranran has always been like this. She gets very angry when she gets up! I was even beaten before!"

As soon as they talked about being beaten, Prince Xin and Prince Li both touched the place where they had been beaten by Little Nipple Dumpling.

Um!Even my uncle was beaten, and they seemed to be beaten unjustly!

The two people's depressed mood after being beaten suddenly became better, and even the eyes they looked at Xiao Jingyao seemed to be a lot more pleasing to the eye.

"Two, please sit down!"

Prince Xin asked the two of them to sit down with a smile, and then looked at Li Qingqiu doubtfully, "Who is this?"

After this incident, Li Qingqiu's temperament was weakened a lot. Compared with his previous fiery temperament, he now seemed very quiet and graceful.

Facing Old Prince Xin's question, I felt a little nervous for no reason.

Xiao Jingyao was always paying attention to her emotions. When she didn't answer, a trace of distress flashed through his heart. He subconsciously took her hand and put it in his own.

The warmth in the palm of her hand gave her a sense of security, as well as courage and confidence!But at this time, Li Qingqiu still felt a little uncomfortable in front of outsiders. He shrank his hand and tried to take it back, his cheeks also felt slightly hot.

But Xiao Jingyao held her hand tightly and explained in a generous voice: "This is my fiancée, Li Qingqiu! I am the precious daughter of the Li family, the richest businessman in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

After hearing this explanation and seeing Xiao Jingyao holding the girl's hand again, the two of them remembered what Xiao Jingyao said when he revealed his identity in front of them the night before.

In their hearts, the two princes already had a dispute in their hearts.

The two exchanged glances with each other, and King Li got straight to the point: "I wonder what Fifth Master Xiao thinks of the war between the two countries on the border!?"

(End of this chapter)

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