Chapter 497: Pattern, test!
"In the war between the two countries, it is the common people who suffer! Whether it is me personally or I, the Great Zhou Dynasty, hope to live in peace with the other countries and create a prosperous world together!" Xiao Jingyao spoke loudly, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Two princes, Xiao has been in Northern Xinjiang for many days, and he knows a lot about the situation in Northern Xinjiang!"

"Now Northern Xinjiang is really in a situation of internal and external troubles. If we continue to fight with our Great Zhou Dynasty, our Great Zhou Dynasty may not succumb to your Northern Xinjiang!"

"Ha!" King Li couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "Master Xiao, are you looking down on my strength in Northern Xinjiang?"

"You little kid, you have such a loud tone!" Prince Xin said angrily.

Seeing that both of them looked bad, Xiao Jingyao had no intention of backing down and continued: "What Xiao said is true! This battle was started by Northern Xinjiang first, and it was without any reason. You are launching an attack on our country! Logically speaking, you are not reasonable."

"In terms of love, your Duke of Northern Xinjiang secretly planted spies in our Great Zhou Dynasty, and conspired with others to kill countless people in our Great Zhou Dynasty, in an attempt to annex our Great Zhou Dynasty using unfair means. There are witnesses and physical evidence for this matter. Now, you guys are not paying attention!"

"Of course, you can shirk this matter to the Duke of your country, but I don't know if the people of Dazhou will buy it! After all... one will be prosperous, and one will suffer losses!"

"Fifth Master Xiao, please don't forget that the person behind Second Master Yun is neither a human nor a ghost, but the former Princess Protector of your country. If you want to be the mastermind, I'm afraid it's you, the Great Zhou, who will take the responsibility!" King Li looked at Xiao Jingyao and said nothing less.

"It's true that Ye Zhaozhao used to be the protector princess of our country, but it turns out that these things started even older than the age of Ye Zhaozhao's birth. If you really want to care about it, the main party that caused the problem is still in your northern Xinjiang!" Xiao Jingyao said with a half-smile.

After saying that, Wang Li's face darkened visibly, and he didn't say anything for a while.

Xiao Jingyao glanced at him and showed a sincere smile, "Prince Li, the current situation is not the time to find out who is right and who is wrong. You should find a way to control the situation in front of you and seize the person whose body is occupied by Ye Zhaozhao. Second Master Yun will get rid of him, right?"

"That's right! That's right!" Old Prince Xin tried to smooth things over with a smile, "The fight between the Great Zhou Dynasty and Northern Xinjiang will inevitably allow Southern Xinjiang to take advantage of it!"

King Li said: "The Great Zhou Dynasty is also suffering from internal and external troubles, and is also being attacked by Southern and Northern Xinjiang! If we really fight, we in Northern Xinjiang may not lose!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."


Xiao Jingyao snorted coldly.

I didn’t expect that this dignified layout of King Li would be so small!I really misjudged him!
"Beijing may not lose, but will it definitely win?"

"The conflicts between Southern Xinjiang and our Great Zhou are mostly over food, and our Great Zhou happens to be rich in food. What do you think if we reach an agreement with Southern Xinjiang? What does Prince Li think?"

"We have been prepared for the internal troubles of the Great Zhou Dynasty! Ququ, a general from the Zhu Kingdom, is no match for my Xiao family army!"

"Master Xiao Wu has such a strong tone!" King Li said in a deep voice.

Xiao Jingyao was not afraid at all and shrugged, "What Xiao said is the truth! Does Prince Li have to argue with Xiao about right and wrong today?"

"Hmph, don't you want to take the opportunity to disrupt our northern border so that you can fish in troubled waters?" King Li said angrily.


Xiao Jingyao looked at Old Prince Xin with a confused face.


Old Prince Xin coughed and said with a smile: "Don't let the two of you hurt your harmony!"

"Hmph! While talking about peace and not wanting to see the people displaced, at the same time he asked his niece to save the grandson of Prince Xin and then made rude demands, using morality to kidnap the royal family of my northern Xinjiang, and then disrupt my northern Xinjiang! Xiao Xiao The Fifth Master is really a good strategist!" King Li said mockingly.

Xiao Jingyao: "???" What does this mean?

What moral kidnapping! ?

What scheme?
Let your niece make rude requests! ?

The little girl made a request to them! ?
What request can disrupt the royal family of Northern Xinjiang! ?
What the hell?

Why can't he understand a word! ?
Xiao Jingyao looked baffled!A head full of question marks.

Seeing that Xiao Jingyao's doubts were not fake, the old prince Xin nodded slightly to Wang Li. Then the old prince Xin spoke and said: "The little girl has made a request to see all the members of my Mo family!"

"It is both reasonable and reasonable for her to make such a request! But...our vassal kings in Northern Xinjiang are all in the fiefdom! Such a summons without reason will cause chaos!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Little Nipple Tuanzi wants to meet someone from the Mo family?

Or everyone?
What does the little girl want to do?
Could it be that the power of faith is not enough and we need some purple dragon energy or something? ?
For a moment, Xiao Jingyao didn't know what Xiao Naituanzi's purpose was!
But if you want to disrupt the Northern Xinjiang royal family, that is impossible!
Therefore, Prince Li has talked about love in so many roundabout ways, all for the last sentence.Fortunately, he still quarreled with him like an elementary school boy.

However, this detour is too big.

He likes to beat around the bush so much, no wonder he hasn't even figured out that his princess's sweetheart is him after so many years!
How can such an ordinary person have so many ideas?
What's more, Princess Li is the one he likes!
"Prince Li, please forgive me! I really don't know what Ranran made this decision! As for her purpose, I will understand it if I ask her later." Xiao Jingyao said bluntly: "As for the war issue, Xiao is still the same as before. In a word! Neither I, Xiao Jingyao nor Da Zhou want the people to live a life of fear and displacement."

When Xiao Jingyao said this, his eyes were fixed on Wang Li without any intention of dodge, and his tone was loud and clear without any hint of guilt.

At this point, Prince Xin and Prince Li finally believed his words.


Prince Xin suddenly laughed, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes almost covered his eyes.

"As expected of a member of the Xiao family, his behavior is very similar to that of your grandfather and father!"

"It's really scary for younger generations, awesome for younger generations!"

"Not bad!"

Xiao Jingyao finally saw that one of the two people was trying to test him.

I feel a little upset!

However, after this incident, the battle should soon stop.

If Northern Xinjiang and Da Zhou reach a peace agreement and work with Northern Xinjiang to eradicate Ye Zhaozhao and other parties, then Southern Xinjiang will soon stop!

As for the great general of the Zhu Kingdom...

There is nothing to be afraid of in front of his fourth brother!

Everything will be over soon!
(End of this chapter)

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