Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 498: Is the little breast dumpling the son of a ghost?

Chapter 498: Is the little breast dumpling the son of a ghost?

"I'm coming~"

At this time, the happy voice of the little breast dumpling came from the direction of the door.

"Ran Ran!"

When Li Qingqiu saw the little breast dumplings, a long-lost smile finally appeared on his face, and he stood up in surprise.

"Sister Qingqiu!"

The little breasted dumpling was also very excited to see Li Qingqiu, and rushed towards her like a little cannonball.

Li Qingqiu hurriedly knelt down and took the small breast dumplings running over into his arms, "Ran Ran, Sister Qingqiu misses you so much!"

Li Qingqiu's nose felt inexplicably sore, and tears almost fell from his eyes.

"Ranran misses Sister Qingqiu too. When Ranran was sleeping, she heard Sister Qingqiu calling me all the time, so I woke up quickly!" The little breast dumpling raised his hand and held Li Qingqiu's hand. Face, turned to look at Xiao Jingyao and said with disgust: "It's really useless!"

"Look, my sister Qingqiu has lost weight!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Hearing this, he felt helpless and distressed.

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm useless!" Xiao Jingyao said angrily.

He hadn't rescued Qingqiu for such a long time. If Xiao Naituanzi hadn't woken up and appeared, he would have risked his own life.

He is indeed useless!
However, in front of outsiders, can you save him some face?

Can't we teach you a lesson in private?

Li Qingqiu couldn't help but smile when he heard Xiao Naituanzi's words. He reached out and pinched Xiao Naituanzi's soft little face, then held her hand and sat down next to Xiao Jingyao.

Xiaonuituanzi suddenly leaned into Li Qingqiu's ear and whispered: "Sister Qingqiu, you can't marry my fifth uncle so quickly. You have to torture him to see if he dares to lose his wife again." Got it!"

When Li Qingqiu heard this, he couldn't help but smile and glanced at Xiao Jingyao subconsciously.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

If a girl is outgoing, it’s not like this if her elbows are turned outward! ?

Do you dare to speak louder?
My wife ran away, it’s her fault!

"Little girl, it's almost done! What do you want to do by kidnapping my wife? I tell you, don't even think about escaping the red envelope!" Xiao Jingyao raised his neck and looked at the little breast dumplings as if he didn't think I didn't understand you.

"whispering sound!"

The little girl rolled her eyes at him and said, "Asking a kid for a red envelope is so shameful!"

"Hey! You little girl, have you forgotten how you tricked me in the first place? How about I help you recall your memories!?" Xiao Jingyao stroked his sleeves, as if he wanted to settle the ledger with Xiaotuanzi, "Let me tell you, all my money will belong to my wife in the future! I have to get back every copper!"

"Wow, Sister Qingqiu! He bullied me, please help me teach him a lesson!"

The little girl turned around and threw herself at Li Qingqiu's side, complaining aggrievedly.

There were still outsiders here, and the young and old were talking about such topics like no one else, which made Li Qingqiu's cheeks feel slightly hot for a moment.

But seeing the two of them still looking the same as before, she felt a lot more relaxed.

All of this seems to have not changed at all.

King Li looked at this scene, feeling both envious and sad.

If he hadn't been blinded by shit, wouldn't so many things have happened?

The daughter is gone, the son is in a coma, the wife has run away from home...

If he had expressed his feelings to the princess as soon as possible, and expressed his thoughts to Xiao Jingyao without hesitation, would he have been able to live such a plain but full of joy life in the future?
As he thought about it, King Li's expression couldn't help but become dazed.I also secretly made a decision in my heart.

"Stop talking!" Li Qingqiu glared at Xiao Jingyao symbolically, telling him with his eyes that there were outsiders here.

Xiao Jingyao gave her a soft and doting look in return, and changed the subject obediently, "Little girl, I heard that you want to meet everyone in the Mo royal family?"

Um! ?

The little girl with big breasts blinked her big eyes, full of innocence and doubt.

"No, what I want to meet is the people from Grandpa Xinwang's family!" Xiao Naituanzi said in a sweet voice.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Prince Xin & Prince Li: "..."

The two of them had guessed so much about their relationship, and even brought out conspiracy theories. This little girl didn't even know that Old Prince Xin's family was actually the royal family! ! !
Suddenly, Prince Xin and Prince Li felt a little embarrassed on their faces.

Xiao Jingyao glanced at the somewhat embarrassed two people, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

At this time, he was embarrassed for these two people.’s better not to rush to slap someone in the face at this time!
So Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiaonuituanzi and explained, "I believe that the old prince's surname is Mo, and he comes from the Mo royal family!"

Xiao Naituanzi was puzzled, "So? Can't Ran Ran see the royal family?"


Xiao Jingyao glanced at King Li and Old Prince Xin and explained: "If Ran Ran wants to see the royal family, it is natural that he can do so, but if Ran Ran wants to see all the royal family members, it is impossible."

"There are too many people from the royal family, and the forces are complicated. If they all come here, it will cause unrest among the people!"

The little breast dumpling is depressed!
She just wants to find her own cheap father, and then why is it so difficult to find her mother?
"Then they can't come to see me, can't I just go find them!?" Xiao Naituanzi's eyes suddenly lit up and he said with a smile.

Everyone: "..."

"Ran Ran, why do you have to meet those people?" Li Qingqiu asked doubtfully.

Based on her understanding of the little breast dumplings, there must be a reason why she is so persistent in wanting to meet this member of the Mo family!

The little girl puffed up her cheeks and pointed at Old Prince Xin with her chubby fingers, "Grandpa Xin Wang is related to Ran Ran! Ran Ran wants to find her mother!"

"What!? Are you related to Prince Xin?" Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiaotuanzi in disbelief, and then looked at Prince Xin angrily with his eyes.

Mr. Xin’s face was full of confusion!
What is a kinship line! ?

King Li heard that Xiao Naituanzi wanted to find his mother, so he asked more, "Could it be someone from the Mo family who captured your mother?"


Xiao Jingyao snorted and said nothing.

When things have progressed to this point, he has every reason to suspect that taking his sister away was a trap set by others!

Seeing Xiao Jingyao's cold face, Old Prince Xin couldn't help but touch his nose.

What's going on with this inexplicable guilty conscience! ?
Xiao Naituanzi answered Wang Li's question very seriously, "Ranran has had no father or mother since she was a child. She is a child picked up by the masters!"

"Later, when Ran Ran came down the mountain, she met her father and uncles through a line of kinship!"

Xiao Jingyao added angrily when Xiao Tiao Tuanzi said this, "Later I found out that Ran Ran is the child of my dead sister!"

Prince Li & Old Prince Xin: "..."

So the little girl is a ghost?That’s how awesome it is! ?

(End of this chapter)

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