Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 499 not only pierced his heart, but also pierced his pocket!

Chapter 499 not only pierced his heart, but also pierced his pocket!
Just when they thought this, Xiao Jingyao said again, "We went to dig my sister's grave and found that it was empty! And my sister was missing!"

"Ranran is good at pinching and calculating. He used my sister's jade pendant to figure out that she is in your northern territory!"

"So, the people who took her away back then were from your northern Xinjiang."

"There is a line of kinship between people who are related by blood. This is how Ran Ran found our Xiao family and recognized my eldest brother as her father."

"Now, she sees that there is a line of kinship between her and Old Prince Xin, which means that there is a blood relationship between Old Prince Xin and Ran Ran!"

"So, the person who took my sister away must be someone from your Mo family!"

Li Wang: "..."

Old Prince Xin: "..."


Just when the atmosphere was so awkward, Old Prince Xin suddenly burst into laughter: "It turns out that this little girl Ranran is our Mo family's daughter! If I know who it is, old man, I..."

"how are you!?"

Xiao Jingyao spoke gloomily, almost grinding his molars as he spoke.

Prince Xin's voice stopped suddenly, and he hurriedly covered his mouth.


I was so proud that I got a little carried away!

However, I don’t know what kind of bastard could abandon such a cute little girl, who is such a powerful and smart girl!

"Ahem!" Old Prince Xin pretended to cover up his cough and said angrily: "If you know who abandoned such a cute little girl, old man, I will be the first to clean up the family of the Mo family and blow his head off. !”

Prince Li: "..."

Xiao Jingyao: "..." This old man is reasonable.

If he wanted to know who abducted his sister and abandoned Ran Ran, he would blow his head off first without the old man taking action!
"Now that I have said this, I would like to ask you two to help find my sister." Xiao Jingyao said this very politely, and he stood up respectfully and saluted Old Prince Xin and Prince Li.

Prince Xin nodded and waved his hand with a smile, "Now that everything is out of the way, it will be easy to handle together!"

"We, the Mo family, have quite a few people, but if we exclude the men and women over fifty, we are missing most of them." After saying this, Old Prince Xin looked at the little breast dumplings again, and then analyzed: "Look At this little girl’s age, this incident probably happened six or seven years ago!”

"Not many people have been to your Zhou Dynasty six or seven years ago, and not many people from the Mo family have been to Zhou Dynasty."

"That's right!" King Li nodded, "Since the little girl can see those kinship lines, then just find these people one by one."

"Okay, leave this matter to my old man!" Old Prince Xin happily took on the job.

"Hehe, thank you, Grandpa~" Xiao Naituanzi smiled sweetly at him.

Those who believed in the old prince immediately felt soft in their hearts.

that's nice!

The grandson's illness has healed, and he has a little girl who is related to him by blood and calls him grandpa all the time. This feeling is simply not good.

After lunch, Xiao Jingyao took Zhang Biao into the palace with Prince Li and Prince Xin to meet the emperor of northern Xinjiang. The two parties also reached a unanimous peace agreement and only waited for envoys to be sent for exchanges after this battle.

After the old emperor learned that Xiao Naituanzi was a descendant of their Mo family, he was as proud as the old prince Xin.

Immediately, he ordered people to find all the people who had been to Dazhou six years ago and seven years ago.

Members of the royal family must report when they travel, especially to distant places.

As soon as the decree was issued, the people below reported the list within two hours.

But if we need to summon all these people back, I'm afraid it will take some time.

Xiao Jingyao's purpose in coming to Northern Xinjiang was to find Li Qingqiu. Now he not only found Li Qingqiu, but also reached an agreement with Northern Xinjiang.

The war will subside soon!

If you can stay in Northern Xinjiang for a longer time and find your sister, that would be the best thing!After coming out of the palace, Xiao Jingyao returned to the place where they stayed.

Now that they have shown their identity, they are distinguished guests from afar, so the emperor ordered people to clean out the post office.

Xiao Jingyao was not polite to them either.

Living outside is never as safe as living at a post station.

Especially since they are foreigners.

When they returned to where they were staying, Li Qingqiu and Xiao Nai Tuanzi hadn't returned yet.

Xiao Jingyao had nothing to do, so he packed up with Zhang Biao and Wu Tong.

As soon as they finished cleaning up, they heard the laughter of Xiao Naituanzi and Li Qingqiu coming from outside.

Seeing Li Qingqiu regaining his smile in front of the little breast dumplings, Xiao Jingyao also let go of a lot of worries in his heart.

He knew that there were many things she chose not to say in order to prevent him from worrying and blaming herself.

But in fact, she didn't even notice the changes in herself.

The generosity that once filled her face never appeared again.

"You are back!"

Xiao Jingyao raised a smile and greeted him out.

The hands of two people, one big and one small, were full of things.

Behind him were two temporary servants.

"What did you buy!? So much???" Xiao Jingyao hurriedly took the things over.

"Hehe, it's a gift!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a wide smile.

"A gift? Do you have one for me!?" Xiao Jingyao looked at Li Qingqiu, his eyes full of anticipation. As soon as he put down the boxes, he couldn't wait to look through them!

"No oh~"

The little girl smiled mischievously at Li Qingqiu, bared her teeth and said, "Sister Qingqiu said that buying something for yourself with your money is not a gift~"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Not only pierced his heart, but also pierced his pocket!
It's really good!

Little thing, I still want to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha!
"What? Are you unhappy with your money?" Li Qingqiu teased.

"I'm happy, how could I not be happy! Isn't my money your money? Use it as you like, I'll still have it if you don't have it!" Xiao Jingyao said hurriedly.

"Fifth Master, I'm also short of money, why don't you lend me some flowers!?" At this time, Wu Tong couldn't help teasing him despite his big beard.

"Go, go, go! No money!" Xiao Jingyao reached out and patted Wu Tong's hand, still looking stingy.

"Qingqiu is my wife, who are you? Do I know you?"

"Fifth Master, that's not what you said before. You said that we are good brothers!" Wu Tong looked dissatisfied, "What? This is a typical example of having a wife and forgetting about brothers!"

"A daughter-in-law is like brothers and sisters, and brothers are like clothes! I only have one daughter-in-law, and I have many brothers!" Xiao Jingyao said arrogantly.

Wu Tong snorted, "It's amazing to have a wife!"

Xiao Jingyao bared his teeth at him, looking like he wanted to be beaten, "It's no big deal to have a wife, so why don't you find one too!?"

"I think the daughter of the pork butcher Wang on the east side of Yamen Street is pretty good. Why don't you consider it?"

Wu Tong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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