Chapter 500 I am a dog-skin plaster type!
Are you sure that's good! ?

Wu Tong had a dark face and was too lazy to talk to him. He picked up his things and went out to get ready!
Xiao Jingyao, however, was unwilling to give up and shouted loudly at his back: "Brother, I'm serious! You're single, Wu Tong should be worried! Think about it~"

Hearing this, Wu Tong subconsciously walked faster when he went out!
Looking at his back, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Li Qingqiu's face was full of helplessness, "Why, your back hurts when you stand and talk!? Have you forgotten the time when you were pushed?"


After being scolded by his wife, Xiao Jingyao had a naive smile on his face and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Then he tightly grabbed one of Li Qingqiu's arms and leaned his head on her shoulder. It rubbed like a little kitten.

"Weren't you ignorant in the past and didn't know how good your wife was? I'm telling you, but you provoked me first. You will never leave me in this life!"

"I, Xiao Jingyao, am relying on you!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

The low and deep mulberry sound rang in her ears, which made her feel a spasm, and the sweetness in her heart surged like waves.

For some reason, even though it was not a touching word of love, coming out of his mouth made her feel as sweet as honey.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Ranran is still here!"

Li Qingqiu's face turned red and she felt a little hot. She glared at Xiao Jingyao and then subconsciously looked at the little breast dumpling.

But who would have expected that at this time, she saw Xiao Naituanzi covering her eyes with her hands. When she looked over, the little fingers between her middle and index fingers were quietly opening, and her black grape-like eyes were facing hers.


"I can't see anything! I can't see anything!"

"Hey, what's wrong with my ears? I can't hear any sounds!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Xiao Jingyao quietly gave the little breast dumpling a look and said, "Perform well. Uncle Wu will add chicken drumsticks for you."

The little girl grinned and winked at Xiao Jingyao. Her chubby little hands were raised above her head, making two V-shapes, like bunny ears, "I want four~"

Xiao Jingyao winked at her again, made a good gesture, and signaled her, "Disappear immediately!"

Xiaotai Tuanzi understood instantly and looked at Li Qingqing and said crisply: "Sister Qingqiu, I'm going to talk to brother Wu Tong!"

After saying that, the little breast dumpling jumped out and walked out. When he reached the door, he didn't forget to turn around and grin at Xiao Jingyao, and then made a "come on" gesture!

"Okay, stop acting! I saw it all!" Li Qingqiu glared at Xiao Jingyao angrily, but was reluctant to push him away.

"Hehe~ I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you!" Xiao Jingyao hugged her tightly and breathed in with his eyes slightly closed.

"Go, go! It's hot, stay away from me!" Li Qingqiu smiled and nudged his head.

"do not want!"

Xiao Jingyao relied on her and was coquettish.

Li Qingqiu had no choice but to let him do as he pleased, but his heart felt sweet.

"Daughter-in-law, when we find my sister, let's go back to Dazhou and get married!" Xiao Jingyao said.

When Li Qingqiu heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and worry gradually appeared in his heart.

"Xiao Jingyao, I...I disappeared for so long, you don't worry about me..."

Li Qingqiu looked at Xiao Jingyao hesitantly, and it was difficult to say some words.

After all, she still feels inferior!

She used to travel around alone, but she knew that her father and grandfather sent people to follow her secretly to prevent her from having any problems.

But for more than half a year, she has...

"Of course I'm worried about you!" Xiao Jingyao pinched her face angrily, "I'm worried that you don't have enough to eat and don't have warm clothes! I'm worried that you'll be bullied and wronged, I'm worried that you're scared alone, I'm worried about you... "Look at you, how much weight have you lost in the past six months? Your face is almost out of shape. Can you not worry me?"

"No... I mean..."


Li Qingqiu's eyes were red, and she was very moved. Just when she was about to express her concerns, Xiao Jingyao put his fingers directly on her lips and let out a gentle "shhh".

Li Qingqiu looked at him blankly, their eyes meeting each other, his eyes were indescribably sincere.

"Qingqiu, I know what you are going to say! But I don't care! No matter what you have experienced, it has passed! I will protect you and love you from now on!"

"Trust me, okay?"


Li Qingqiu was stunned for a while, then nodded heavily.


When Xiao Jingyao saw her nodding, he was as happy as a child. He held her face and kissed her heavily on the cheek.

"Great, you agreed! You agreed! Let me tell you, since you agreed, you will never get rid of me again in this life! I am a dog-skin plaster!"


Li Qingqiu was instantly amused by his words!
this person...

It really is!
Who compares himself to a dog-skin plaster? ?

But seeing his happy look, Li Qingqiu felt relieved.

At this moment, she really had no scruples.

Being able to marry him in this life is enough!

That night, Xiao Nai Tuanzi and everyone went to the post office prepared for them by Emperor Beiyong.

Following the instructions of the old prince and King Li, everyone inside treated them respectfully.

Early the next morning, the post manager had an uninvited guest - Prince Li.

"Good morning, Your Majesty!"

People are in high spirits during happy events, Xiao Jingyao greeted Prince Li with a rosy face.

Compared with Xiao Jingyao's happy face, Li Wang's face can be described as dripping with ink.

"Master Xiao Wu, have you forgotten what you promised me?" King Li turned his head away and said something salty.

Xiao Jingyao's face was full of doubts, "Your Majesty, what did Xiao promise you!?"

"You..." King Li glanced at him, pursed his lower lip slightly, and said with a dark face: "You promised me that you would help me get my princess back!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's face froze.

Sure enough, he guessed right!

Prince Li recognized him as early as when he disguised himself as a woman and sneaked into Prince Li's mansion!
I just haven't touched him, just waiting for him to mess up this Kyoto!
No wonder they were able to proceed so smoothly. It turned out that he was the one behind it.

It's a good trick, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

He didn't expose him before, but he chose to expose him at this time. It seems... he really has nothing to do with Princess Li!

Thinking about it, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but smile and said: "What does King Li mean? Why can't Xiao understand it?"

Prince Li: "..."

Just pretend to be confused because you understand, right?
Really good!
(End of this chapter)

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