Chapter 501 King Li asks for the Talisman of Truth!
"Why should Fifth Master Xiao pretend to be confused while pretending to understand?" King Li said coldly.

"Didn't I learn this from you, Your Majesty?" Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Your Majesty, I am not one of your subordinates!"

You have to have a begging attitude when asking for help!
Looking at this, you know you want to save face!
No wonder Princess Li was so indifferent to him!
"Do you still have that...truth charm?" Prince Li suddenly asked.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Prince Li, don't you want to use this truth talisman on the princess?" Xiao Jingyao's mouth twitched fiercely.

He dared to say that if Prince Li really did this, Princess Li would never talk to him again for the rest of her life!
The two of them have been complaining about each other for most of their lives, but they still don't cherish it properly!
King Li remained silent, but looking at his expression it was obvious that he had guessed it right!

"Prince Li, have you ever thought about how the princess came here all these years? First she was forced to marry you, then she lost her daughter and almost lost her son! If she didn't still have some hope in her heart, she would have left long ago. you!"

"If you treat her like this, I'm afraid even the last bond between you will be severed!"

"Then what do you think we should do? She doesn't say a word to me now. No, it should be that the door is not open for me." King Li said depressedly.

When he found out who the princess was in his heart, he didn't know how happy and excited he was.

I thought that telling her this would change her mind about him and make her happy.

But the result...

She actually left the palace directly with her son.

Even avoid him.

What does this make him do! ?

Hearing Wang Li's words, Xiao Jingyao secretly cursed in his heart that he deserved it.

Princess Li has been unlucky for eight lifetimes by marrying such a stupid person.

"Prince Li, you want the Talisman of Truth because you want to know something from the princess's mouth!?"

"The truth back then! I want her to tell it herself!"

"The truth back then!?"

Could it be that there was something ulterior that happened back then?
"Excuse me, why should Prince Li be obsessed with what happened back then? For so many years, the princess has not spoken out about the secrets of those years. She must have some concerns or difficulties. If you insist on knowing, you can also ask her for help. Those people took action."

"The eldest lady of the Yun family has a good relationship with the princess. She must know something! Why don't you ask her?"

"In addition, Xiao reminds me that sincerity is the surefire way! The prince might as well be more sincere to the princess. If he wants the princess to be willing to tell what happened back then, he might as well let her open her heart first."

"Of course the way to open your heart is to change your heart for sincerity!"

"If necessary, do some more tricks or something!"

"Men, first of all, you need to be thick-skinned and shameless!"

Li Wang: "..."


King Li thought about Xiao Jingyao's words in his mind, and seemed to understand something!It seems like I don’t understand anything.

After being silent for a while, he asked again, "Can you let that little girl Ran Ran go see my son?"

Li Yuan is his and the princess's son, and the princess's heartthrob. If Xiao Naituanzi can cure him, the princess's mood will naturally improve.

If Li Yuan gets better, all this will naturally fall into place!

"Well, it depends on what Ran Ran means!" Xiao Jingyao said.

Hearing this, King Li stood up and said, "Then I'll go tell her!"

Xiao Jingyao hurriedly stood up and stopped him, "The little girl is still asleep at the moment. She was seriously injured when she fought with Ye Zhaozhao before, and it took more than half a year to wake up. Sleeping is conducive to her recovery." Also, that little girl is so angry when she wakes up! As soon as she falls asleep, it’s okay. I won’t stop you if you go and I won’t stop you! If you get beaten, don’t blame me for not reminding you. "

Li Wang: "..."

Why are you saying it now?
He and that old guy Xin Wang were both beaten for real!
I wonder if he, Li Wang, has ever been beaten by anyone in his life except his father!
"Okay, after she wakes up, please help me!"

After leaving these words, King Li left.

After leaving the post house, King Li thought for a while and went to the dungeon.

At this moment, the female relatives of the Duke's Mansion were imprisoned in the dungeon.

Because of the old prince's care, the people in the first and second rooms lived separately.

At this time, only Mrs. Yun and Yun Lian were left in the big room.

Despite the harsh environment, the mother and daughter cuddled together peacefully!
Suddenly, the cell door was opened.

The mother and daughter both looked towards the door. When they saw Prince Li in front of them, Mrs. Yun's expression changed slightly, but she didn't say anything.


Compared with the sarcastic remarks he had made towards Mr. Yun, his brother-in-law, the way Li Wang called her "sister-in-law" seemed somewhat affectionate.

Mrs. Yun Da glanced at him slightly surprised and waited for him to speak.

"Sister-in-law, come out with me!"

King Li looked around. This man was talkative, so it would be better to leave first.

"Your Majesty, now that we are prisoners, please just say whatever you want! I don't know anything about the Yun family!" Mrs. Yun said.


Yun Lian shook his head at Mrs. Yun.

Being spoken to coldly, King Li's expression turned a bit grim, and his tone became a little colder, "Don't Mrs. Yun just want to live? If you don't want to live, what about your husband and daughter? Do you also want them to die? ?”

Thinking of her husband and daughter, Madam Yun's eyes immediately turned red.

She is already a dying person, and death is not a pity.But her daughter and husband...

Madam Yun Da raised her head blankly, and then slowly stood up.

Seeing this, King Li strode out.

Mrs. Yun Da patted Yun Lian's hand comfortingly, and then walked out with King Li.

When he reached a place where no one was around, Prince Li stopped, turned around and asked straight to the point: "What on earth is Yun Jin hiding from me? She was so unwilling to marry me back then, but why did she come to Prince Li's Mansion again?" Already?"

"She was the one who saved me and the emperor back then, not the imperial concubine, right!?"

Upon hearing this question, Madam Yun's eyes immediately turned red, not because of herself but because of the grievances the princess had suffered over the years.

She saw the pain in the princess's heart bit by bit, and she felt extremely distressed.

What a good person. Just because of his kind act, she suffered for most of her life, felt wronged for most of her life, and felt guilty for most of her life.

Mrs. Yun's tears flowed down her cheeks when she thought of the terrible things that happened in the Duke's Mansion.

"Has the prince asked Yun Jin? But she refused to say anything no matter what?"

(End of this chapter)

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