Chapter 502 The truth of the year!

"Yes." King Li nodded.

He had discovered something was wrong a few years ago, and after a few tests with the imperial concubine, his suspicions deepened. So he went to ask the princess, but the princess insisted that the person who saved them back then was the imperial concubine.

Every time he wanted to ask more questions, the princess either avoided answering or kicked him out.

And every time after driving him away, the princess would not be able to sleep for several days, and in the end she almost died.

So after a few times, he no longer dared to ask.

But this also concluded that the princess had something on her mind that was busy with him.

Later, the changes in the imperial concubine and the ambitions of the imperial concubine and the prince gradually emerged, which gradually made him more convinced of those things.

But now, everything is over, and this has become a knot in his heart.

"Your Majesty wants to know what happened back then, maybe he likes Yun Jin, right?" Madam Yun looked at King Li's face intently and said.

King Li did not answer and chose to remain silent.

He has always been like this, unwilling to express his feelings in front of others.

What's more, the person in front of me is still an outsider.

Although King Li did not answer, Madam Yun also saw that he liked her, so she sighed and said, "Your Majesty guessed it right. The person who saved you and the emperor was Yun Jin."

"But she saved your lives, but made you suffer and feel wronged for most of your life!"

Madam Yun said, tears falling again uncontrollably.

Although King Li had already guessed the result, he still couldn't help but feel a little excited when he heard the answer.

Mrs. Yun Da continued: "When the old lady was critically ill and needed Tianshan Snow Lotus to save her life! So she risked her life and went to Hanshan Temple to seek medicine. She knelt there for a day and a night. When she came back, she saw you in the Purple Bamboo Forest, so I will save you."

"But what about the veil? What happened?" King Li asked.

After the princess rescued them, she left behind a handkerchief, and it was that handkerchief that led them to the Duke's Mansion.

"That veil indeed belongs to the imperial concubine! Even the clothes Yun Jin wore at that time belong to the imperial concubine! Because before Yun Jin went to Hanshan Temple, she attended the plum blossom banquet. During the plum blossom banquet, she accidentally got it dirty. I had lost my clothes, so I changed into spare ones.”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Yun couldn't help but sigh that this was really a trick of fate.

If not, why would Yun Jin have to suffer so much?
"After Yunjin rescued you, she fell down. It was the imperial concubine who brought the snow lotus back! But the snow lotus she brought back was missing one petal and was not effective enough, so she could not save the old lady's life."

"Because of this, Yun Jin fell into deep self-blame and felt that she had killed her dearest grandmother."

"Later, you and the emperor came to the door! The imperial concubine said that the veil was hers!"

"The Duke's Palace was already in decline at that time. The emperor wanted to marry him, so the Palace of the Duke of Guo made a trick and placed this life-saving grace on the concubine."

"Originally, this was not a bad thing for Yun Jin! After all, if Yun Jin's temperament had entered the palace, he would have died long ago! Moreover, Yun Jin had a jade bracelet on his hand at that time. A discerning eye could see this jade bracelet. Just know what it is.”

"The former Duke's wife pressed Yun Jin, but Yun Jin had such a temper that she wouldn't tell her no matter how hard she pressed her. She just said that she didn't know." "Later, at my grandmother's funeral, Prince Li fell in love with Yun Jin, so he and the Duke The government proposed marriage."

"The Duke of Guo only has two daughters. One will marry the emperor and the other will marry Prince Li. What an honor it would be! So he forced Yun Jin to marry regardless of whether she wanted to or not."

"Do you know how they forced Yun Jin? They used the only relic left by her grandmother to coerce her! They also made her swear to never tell the truth about the matter, otherwise her grandmother will not be able to live in peace in heaven."

At this point, Madam Yun was already crying, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

"And you! If you don't cherish Yun Jin properly after marrying her, you'll make her depressed and suffer the ridicule of others!"

"The most hateful thing is that she gave her own life in exchange for the two children! One fell into the lotus pond after entering the palace, and the other became half-dead after entering the palace!"

"But forget it, you still defend that woman! You still speak for that woman everywhere!"

"Prince Li, I just want to ask you, what is your heart made of? Are your children inferior to a woman who is always scheming?"

"It's really sad for Yun Jin to marry you!"

"You are not good enough for her!"

At the end of the speech, Madam Yun was almost hysterical and expressed all her unhappiness.

She had wanted to say those few questions for a long time, but she never had the chance!

Today I finally told the truth, and I feel better.

However... what they don't know is that the grievances the princess has suffered are not limited to these?

After hearing these words, King Li couldn't help but lower his head, and his scarlet eyes couldn't help but feel a little more guilty and angry.

No wonder she didn't say anything no matter how hard she pushed her!
No wonder she no longer interacts with anyone else in the Yun family except the big house of the Yun family!

But he stabbed her heart again and again. After his daughter was gone, he harmed his son again!
In the end, he even forcibly adopted the children of the Yun family to her. Although he was thinking about the overall situation at the time, he never considered her feelings.

"Prince Li, you should remember, right? There was a Nanny Li next to Yun Jin. She was sent by the imperial concubine to monitor the princess's every move! Back then, before the prince entered the palace, it was this nanny who gave the prince He drank a bowl of poisonous porridge, which caused the prince to fall off his horse."

"Not only that, but Nanny Li also gave the princess medicine. As long as you stay in Yunjin's room as the prince, you will definitely give her a bowl of medicine the next day."

"If Yun Jin hadn't discovered it accidentally, I would have been kept in the dark for the rest of my life!"

Hearing this, Prince Yun was shocked again.

He remembered that Nanny Li, who was later executed by Yun Jin!

From that day on, everyone in the mansion was saying that Yun Jin was cruel and even his grandmother, who had been with him for many years, wanted to be executed.

From that day on, the people in the mansion had seen how powerful the princess was, and they no longer dared to make any trouble or say another word in front of her.

Thinking about it after so many years, if Li Wangfu had not separated his family early, the population would have been simple.Had Yun Jin been tortured to death a long time ago?
"My lord, I can see that Yun Jin does not exist in your heart. Treat her well in the rest of your life! She is really suffering."

(End of this chapter)

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