Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 503 The weather is dry and it’s going to rain!

Chapter 503 The weather is dry and it’s going to rain!
After leaving the dungeon, King Li turned around and went to the other courtyard where Princess Li lived.

"My lord!"

When the people around the princess saw King Li coming, they called out respectfully, and then subconsciously glanced into the room with hesitant expressions.

"Where is the princess?" King Li asked.

"Replying to the prince, the princess is reciting sutras to the prince inside! The princess said that this was her last journey to send him off, which was a blessing for her as a daughter. She also said... and said that no one should disturb her when he comes. "The little girl said, she raised her head and carefully glanced at King Li's face, and then made a gesture of invitation, "Your Majesty, please leave first!"

Li Wang: "..."

"I am waiting outside. When will he come, and when will I leave!" King Li said firmly.

Xiao Jingyao is right, a man's face is nothing! ?

If they don't explain it clearly, I'm afraid they will live like this for the rest of their lives.

This is what he doesn't want.

I don’t want to see it either!
When the little girl heard what King Li said, she couldn't help but be stunned.

When did the prince come and was rejected by the princess, he didn't leave in a hurry with a dark face?
What's the matter with today?
Although the little girl was confused, she still had to do what she had to do. She said respectfully: "Then please come into the back room, Your Majesty. The weather is hot now and the back room is cooler."

Hearing this, Wang Li raised his feet and was about to walk into the inner room, but as soon as he took half a step, Xiao Jingyao's words popped into his mind, "If you want her to see his sincerity and heart, you have to eat it first." After suffering, once a woman softens her heart, half the battle is won.”

So, he hesitated for a while before taking his step back.

"No need, I will wait for her here. Whenever she comes out, I will leave."

When these words came out, not only the little girl was surprised, but also Prince Li himself felt very uncomfortable.

If it were in the past, he wouldn't have said anything like this even if he was beaten to death.

But once you say doesn't seem that difficult~
"Um... that... Your Majesty, it's noon right now, and the sun is very bright outside. If you were outside, you might get heatstroke soon!" the little girl persuaded.

King Li raised his head and looked at the sky. The dazzling sunlight shone down, and it was indeed a bit dry, but...

"It's a joke, it's just that the sun is a little brighter. I have been through the sea of ​​swords, guns and fire on the battlefield. I will suffer from heat stroke!? Wouldn't it be a joke if you tell me?" King Li deliberately said this very loudly, as if It was as if he wanted to let the princess hear these words on purpose.

Little girl: "..."

Seeing that King Li insisted on this, the little girl said nothing more, bowed and went into the house to do what she should do.

She thought that when the prince couldn't bear it any longer, he would always leave on his own.

But the little girl seemed to have underestimated King Li's perseverance this time.

An hour passed, and King Li's clothes were soaked through, and he was not even seen moving.Like a wooden stake without emotion.

When the little girl saw this, she hurriedly went into the house to report to Princess Li, fearing that something would go wrong.

When Princess Li heard the little girl's report, her hand holding the pen paused, and a drop of ink fell down, and her beautiful eyebrows twisted involuntarily.

"Let him go! When he can't stand it anymore, he will leave naturally." Princess Li said expressionlessly.

King Li suddenly seemed to be a different person, which also surprised her.

But she didn't want to see him.

Once, that person was a light in her heart!Every time she couldn't stand it anymore, she would think of the scene when they first met.

Even though her heart was bitter, at least at that moment she felt it was sweet.


The person she longed for turned out to be her husband, the person she had been complaining about for most of her life.

The moment she knew the truth, her beautiful imagination of that person burst like a bubble!

She just felt as if her sky was about to collapse. God had really played a huge joke on her, taking away the last hope in her heart.When she saw him again, she didn't know how to get along with him.

She didn't want to quarrel with him, and she was beyond the age to quarrel with him.

My tears have dried up and my heart has died!

The little girl didn't feel surprised at all when she saw Princess Li's unconcerned expression. Instead, she felt relieved.

The prince is really blind to fall in love with a woman with a snake-hearted heart like the imperial concubine and give up such a beautiful princess.

The princess is right, since he is going to suffer and suffer, let him go!

People like Wang Ye are the most impatient, and he might not be able to bear it anymore and leave soon.

However...this time they still underestimated King Li's determination, and King Li also underestimated the princess's cruelty.

Until the sun set, Princess Li did not go out to see King Li.

But the more this happened, the more King Li seemed to understand Princess Li's painstaking efforts over the years, and the more determined he became in his determination to explain clearly to her and apologize properly.

Therefore, until it got dark, King Li still stood motionless.

Every time I ate lunch but didn't eat dinner, my clothes got wet and dry, and then dried and wet again and again. I don't know how many times.

On the opposite roof, Xiaonai Tuanzi, Xuan Yin and Zhou Zhongren were sitting on it.

Xuan Yin said with a look of disgust: "Tsk, tsk, this King Li's head is made of elm wood! Why can't he wake up? Do you understand the bitter meat trick? Doesn't it go in naturally after this fainting?"

Zhou Zhongren hummed and said with a smile: "If I were Princess Li, I would order someone to send her to Prince Li's Mansion right now!"

Xuanyin: "..."

"No way, is Princess Li so cruel?" Xuan Yin swept his bald head and muttered a few words, "Empty is color, color is emptiness!"

Zhou Zhongren said: "This King Li deserves it! What does this little hardship mean!?"

Xuanyin: "..."

"Amitabha, good is good!"


At this time, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly laughed, her big bright eyes flashing with a wicked smile, and then she took out a talisman from her pocket.

Xuan Yin and Zhou Zhongren looked at each other and said in unison, "What do you want to do?"

"The weather is dry and it's going to rain!" Xiao Naituanzi said calmly.

After saying that, she threw the talisman in her hand into the sky.

Xuanyin: "..."

Zhou Zhongren: "..."

"Did Prince Li offend you?" Xuan Yin said angrily.

Xiaotiao Tuanzi stood up with his little body and kept casting spells in his hands. Hearing Xuan Yin's words, he said in a strange way: "I'm helping him! Didn't the Sixth Master say that only by suffering the most hardships can you be successful?" To be a master? You just have to endure more hardships."

"Well, God is going to entrust this person with a great responsibility, and he must suffer first..."

The little girl talked about a lot of great things.

This made both Zhou Zhongren and Xuan Yin smile bitterly.

It seems that it is impossible for Prince Li to return home comfortably while holding his princess in his arms today!

(End of this chapter)

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