Chapter 507 Visit!

"Hello, sister Ranran!" Prince Xin smiled shyly.

Xu Shi had not seen outsiders for a long time, and Prince Xin seemed a little shy, but his face was full of smiles when he faced the little breast dumpling.

Not going out for a long time, and being in a coma for a long time, his skin color is very white, and his legs and feet are also somewhat awkward.

"I heard that Sister Ranran is here, so I came here to meet her. Thank you Sister Ranran for your life-saving grace." King Xinjun said.

"Hehe, you're welcome~" Xiao Naituanzi smiled sweetly at him and said in a milky voice, "Ranran accepted a big baby and asked Grandpa Xin Wang to help Ranran find her parents, so brother doesn't have to Say thank you!"

"Brother, if you go out and bask in the sun more, your health will get better day by day. In a few days, when the king of the county marries his wife, your health will be completely fine~"

After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, he saw a suspicious blush on Prince Xin's face.

He is in good health now and will get better and better!She shouldn't be unhappy to marry him! ?
After staying for a short while, Prince Xin was pushed out by Morey to bask in the sun.

In the room, Prince Xin and Princess Xin talked about Prince Xin’s marriage.

Princess Xin, who was originally a little dissatisfied with the marriage between Prince Xin and Yun Lian, learned that Prince Xin had an encounter with her, and heard Xiao Naituanzi say that the two were a match made in heaven. From then on, Princess Xin was completely No more opinions.

It's just that the things happening in the Yun family are indeed bad enough now. If they want to save Yun Lian, they may need to spend a lot of effort.

After discussing for a while, Prince Xin said mysteriously, "It's not difficult to keep that girl, as long as Yun Jin opens her mouth."

"Yunjin?" Princess Xin looked at Mr. Xin in confusion, "That girl Yunjin has been too lazy to even attend the palace banquet for so many years. Invite her?"

"What's more, she and the Duke's Mansion have been like enemies for so many years, and they don't move around at all."

"Such a big thing happened in the Duke's mansion, and she didn't show up. Now you say you're going to find her?"

"Yes." Mr. Xin nodded, "Although the child feels uncomfortable, he is a kind child after all."

"Uncle Yun family, we grew up together with the old lady of the Duke's Mansion. Naturally, we have a deeper relationship."

"Besides, Madam Yun is on good terms with her. She doesn't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face."

"Letting that girl Yun Lian marry as the adopted daughter of King Li can avoid a lot of trouble." Hearing this, Princess Xin nodded, "Okay, I'll go see Yun Jin later."

"I'll go too, I'll go too." Little Nipples volunteered and raised his little paws.

The purpose of her coming here was to follow the old princess to meet Princess Li.

Although she could go by herself, it would be better to go with the princess and her grandmother.

"Okay, I'll take you with me." Princess Xin agreed with a smile.

What she wanted to do was take Xiaotuanzi to meet Li Yuan, Prince Li's son. The child never woke up, and she felt it was a pity in her heart.

That child is very good in terms of character, knowledge, and even martial arts. He is the best among individuals.

If he could wake up, it would be a great help to Northern Xinjiang.

Princess Xin immediately asked someone to prepare a carriage.

Then someone handed over the greeting card.

If it were an invitation from an ordinary person, Princess Li would probably not accept it or even look at it.

But Princess Xin is different.

Princess Xin and her grandmother had a good relationship back then. When she stayed with her grandmother, Princess Xin was also kind to her.

Back then, Princess Xin once said with a smile that she would marry her for King Xin.

Although times have changed now, the feelings from back then are still there.

Moreover, the children of the two families have played well since childhood, and their experiences are also different.

Princess Li was naturally extremely happy for Princess Xin's visit.

(End of this chapter)

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