Chapter 508 Marriage with Prince Li?

"Aunt Yun!"

When Princess Xin got out of the carriage with her little breast dumplings, Princess Li came out with two little girls.

"Yunjin girl!"

Princess Xin stepped forward with a smile, held Princess Li's hand, and said strangely, "You girl, if I don't come to see you, you will never see me again!"

Hearing this, Princess Li's eyes suddenly turned red.

"What did Aunt Yun say? Yun Jin was thinking about Aunt Yun, but..."

Seeing the grievance in Princess Li's eyes, Princess Xin couldn't help but sigh and clapped her hand to interrupt her words.

"Yunjin, I brought a little girl here for you to meet today." Princess Xin turned to look at the carriage.


Princess Li looked over curiously.

"Hi, how are you, Auntie Princess? Auntie, you are so beautiful!" Xiaotuanzi opened the curtain of the carriage, and a little head came out from inside, greeting Princess Li with a bright smile.

Princess Li was stunned for a moment, but was immediately attracted by the small breast dumplings!

Especially when she smiled sweetly at her, it made her seem to see her own daughter.

The little breasted dumpling was so nimble that he immediately jumped off the carriage.

Then he took the initiative to hold Princess Li's hand.

"Hello, auntie~ I'm Ranran~ Auntie is so beautiful, auntie, please hold Ranran's hand and go!" Xiaonuituanzi said with a smile.

"Aunt Yun, she..."

Princess Li was a little confused by Xiao Naituanzi's boldness, and at the same time she was also a little overwhelmed and surprised.

"It's so nice to be in the sun. Auntie, let's go into the house first!" Before the old princess could speak, Little Tits Tuanzi started shouting, and then pulled Princess Li towards the house.

Princess Xin looked helplessly at Princess Li who was being pulled in by the little breast dumpling.

How many years has Yun Jin maintained this dignified face?Unexpectedly, I was broken by the little girl today.

This seems to be a bit popular.

It seems that it is absolutely right to bring the little girl to see her.

Several people entered the house together, and Princess Li asked the little girl to bring some pastries to Xiao Naituanzi.

The little breast dumpling said thank you happily, and her chubby little face bulged with food, like a little squirrel.

Princess Li just stared at her for a moment, with a smile on her face. From time to time, she would use a handkerchief to wipe the pastry crumbs around the corners of Little Nipple Dumpling's mouth.

"Aunt Yun, whose little girl is this? So cute!" Princess Li's face was filled with envy.

"She is a child of the Xiao family of Da Zhou, and she is also the son of the Mo family. We are still investigating which one she is." Princess Xin replied.

"Da Zhou? I have never heard of any prince or county prince marrying a woman from Da Zhou, or a woman related to Da Zhou."

"I really don't know, but there are clues now. I believe I will find it soon." Princess Xin looked at Princess Li and stopped talking about this topic. She said bluntly: "I am here today. In addition to coming to see you, There are two other things besides.”

"Aunt Yun, just tell me if you have anything to do." Princess Li said.

Princess Xin pointed at the little breast dumpling with a smile, "My Jue'er's illness is cured, and it was this little girl who cured it! So I brought her here because I wanted her to show Yuan'er too."

Hearing this, Princess Li stood up in disbelief, "Aunt Yun, you... are you lying to me? How old is this girl... how old is she?" "I'm five years old~"

When Xiao Naituanzi heard this, he immediately raised his little palm, shook it in front of Princess Li, and said something in a sweet voice.

Seeing her cute little expression, Princess Li's heart instantly softened.

It's just that it's a bit difficult for her to believe that a small breast dumpling can cure people's illnesses.

At first, her daughter was still acting coquettishly in front of her when she was this old!
Being able to recite a few poems and recognize a few words is considered pretty good.

"Yun Jin, my Yu'er and your Yuan'er can be said to be in the same boat. Why can't I understand your feelings as a mother? How could I entertain you with this kind of thing?"

"To be honest, my Yu'er's illness has recovered and she will be able to go out soon. The second thing I came here for today is actually to ask you, Yun Jin, to act as a matchmaker."

"Protect the matchmaker?" Seeing the affectionate look on the old Princess Xin, Princess Li began to believe her words, but the suddenness of her words made her unable to turn around for a while.

"Yes, matchmaker!" Princess Xin said bluntly: "I want you, Yun Jin, to recognize your eldest niece Yun Lian as your adopted daughter and make a marriage arrangement with my Yu'er."

"In the past, my Yu'er was in poor health, so we got married for the sake of happiness. It fulfilled the wish of our two old people. Your eldest sister-in-law should not be willing to do it, but the two children are destined. Earlier, Yu'er met his parents when he went out to pay respects. Yun pity that girl, that girl once saved her. Now because of the incident between the imperial concubine and the prince, the Duke’s mansion has also put the eldest family in trouble! We can’t bear to let a good child be so involved, so we want to put the previous Renewing the marriage can be regarded as saving that girl's life."

"Yunjin, what do you think?"

"Okay, okay, okay! It's really great. My eldest brother and sister-in-law will be very happy if they know that they can save the life of Lian'er."

"Are you agreeing?" Princess Xin said with a smile.

"Yes." Princess Li cried with joy, and happily held Princess Xin's hand, "Thank you, Aunt Yun!"

Princess Xin took out her hand from under hers and gently patted the back of Princess Li's hand.

"Thank you, thank you to this little girl Ranran." Princess Xin looked at the little girl with a smile, "This little girl is good at pinching and calculating. She said that the two children are destined."

While eating the pastry, the little girl nodded in agreement, "Well, there is a fate, and Auntie Princess and Uncle Wang Li are also destined."

Princess Li: "..."

She and King Li...

Evil fate!

She still hasn't figured out how the elegant and graceful man she has always been thinking about suddenly turned into the graceless, shameless and awkward man from King Li.

The scene at the Plum Blossom Banquet these days appears in my mind from time to time.

No matter what, she couldn't connect the person with King Li back then.

When Princess Xin saw that Princess Li heard Xiao Nai Tuanzi's words, she was distracted for a moment and quickly gave Xiao Nai Tuanzi a look of praise.

Seeing this, the little breasted dumpling also blinked at her and burst into laughter.

Princess Li was stunned for only a moment, then she didn't dwell on this topic any more and returned to the previous topic, "Since the two children are destined to be together, then Yun Jin will accept this matter!"

"My eldest brother and sister-in-law will also agree after they find out." Princess Li said.

"That's good, that's good! I'll make preparations when I get back, and I'll send matchmakers to Prince Li's palace to hire them." Princess Xin said with a smile.

People are in high spirits during happy events, and the old Princess Xin's smile seemed to be more than ten years younger.

But when Princess Li heard this, her brows became a little tangled again.

(End of this chapter)

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