Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 510 For the sake of her beauty, I’ll forgive her.

Chapter 510 For the sake of her beauty, I’ll forgive her.

Why does this little baby say everything?


Princess Xin, who was beside her, laughed out loud when she heard this, "Hahaha... Yun Jin, you are still young, but you can still use your body to raise a younger brother or sister for that child Yuan'er!"

Princess Li: "..."

"Aunt Yun, why are you making fun of me?" Princess Li said with a blushing face.

Another one?
How can she give birth when she is old?

Besides, she and King Li... no longer had that friendship.

It is impossible to have a child again in this life!
For the rest of her life, she just wanted to live by her son.

As long as she lives, she will guard him for the rest of her life. If her life is about to end, she will take her son's life away before leaving.

"Yunjin, you kid thinks too much! This person should be more selfish and think more about himself." Princess Xin persuaded her.


Princess Li didn't know how to answer these words for a moment.

Seeing this, Princess Li didn't say anything more!

Sometimes this person just lives in his own obsession. If he can think about it, the sky will be vast, but if he can't think about it, it will be a cliff.

"Yunjin, take Ranran to see Yuan'er!" Princess Xin changed the topic again.

Princess Li looked at the sincere look in Princess Xin's eyes, then looked at the little guy with a smile like a flower in front of her, and nodded after thinking for a moment.

"You come with me!"

Princess Li stood up and led the two of them to the house where Li Yuan lived.

At first, when she was in Prince Li's Mansion, Princess Li moved to Li Yuan's courtyard. Now she moved to another courtyard and the mother and son also live in the same courtyard.

Within two steps, he arrived at Li Yuan's room.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a gust of cool wind.

The little girl jumped into the house and walked straight to Li Yuan's bed.

After staring at Li Yuan for a while, Xiaonuituanzi stretched out her little hand and gently placed it on Li Yuan's wrist.

After a while, she put her hand down again.

"Ran Ran, how are you?" Princess Xin asked.

The little girl didn't answer. She took out the silver needle she carried with her and unfolded it in front of the two princesses. Then she saw her chubby little hand gently brushing over the silver needle.

In just a split second, several silver needles landed on Li Yuan's head.

Seeing this, Princess Li's heart almost lifted.

Subconsciously, she wanted to step forward to stop her, but Princess Li caught her in time, and then gently shook her head at her.

"You can tell from Ranran's acupuncture technique that her medical skills are not bad." Princess Xin said in a low voice.

To be honest, she didn't know how advanced this little guy's medical skills were before she came here.But that day when Xiaonuituanzi grabbed the "big baby", she saw it.She wondered in her mind whether this Li Yuan was the same as her Yu'er.

Thinking of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, I brought little breast dumplings to have a look.

Unexpectedly, this little girl is so small, but this move will let people know whether she is really capable.

This made her feel a little relieved.

I hope that the little girl can really revive the child Li Yuan, so that Yun Jin can live an easy life for the rest of his life.

The silver needles in Xiao Naituanzi's hand fell one by one, and soon he saw that Li Yuan was pricked like a hedgehog.

When Princess Li saw this, her eyes turned red with distress.

"Yunjin, why don't we go out and sit and wait!" Princess Xin said.

"No, I'm just watching here!" Princess Li shook her head, holding the handkerchief in her hand and sobbing softly.Princess Xin sighed and had no choice but to accompany her silently.

"Princess, there is someone from the palace, saying that I will give this to you!" At this time, a little girl who was following Princess Li came in from outside, took a letter and handed it to Princess Li.

As soon as she heard that it was someone from the palace, Princess Li's eyebrows subconsciously revealed a look of disgust.

She didn't want to take it, but when she saw the writing on it, she couldn't help but take it.

Seeing this, Princess Xin patted the back of her hand.

Princess Li took the letter and walked around the screen.

When she saw the contents of the letter, Princess Li's eyes were full of ridicule.

At this point, I still want to take advantage of her!

It’s okay, it’s okay to go and see her for the last time!

She wanted to ask her why!
She had already promised them, why should she be so cruel to her!
back room.

After Xiaotai Tuanzi inserted all the silver needles into Li Yuan's acupuncture points, she continuously pumped her inner energy into his body.

After a while, a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on Li Yuan's forehead.

The sweat beads were black, like sewage, and exuded a fishy smell.

Seeing this, Princess Xin couldn't help but frowned tightly.

"This..." Isn't this a symptom of poisoning?

At that time, Li Yuan obviously fell off his horse and broke his head, causing him to fall into coma.

But now...

What's going on here?

It's terrifying to think about it, there is... a ghost in Liwang's Mansion!

After watching for a while, Princess Xin walked out and ordered someone to prepare some warm water.

As soon as the instructions were given, Princess Li walked in.

Princess Xin was afraid that she would be sad, so she hurriedly grabbed her and talked to her parents.

Time passed little by little, and Princess Li also felt something was wrong. When she saw the personal guard who was following her son coming in with water, she couldn't help but wonder: "This is..."

"Princess, you are not unaware of the prince's love of cleanliness. I will give him a good wipe down later." The guard said respectfully.

"Yeah." Princess Li didn't think anything of it. She nodded and motioned for him to bring the water in.

She originally wanted to go in and have a look, but was dragged away by Princess Xin to discuss Mo Yu and Yun Lian's betrothal gifts in detail.

Unable to get away, she had no choice but to tell the people around Mo Yuan to watch more.

An hour later, just when Princess Xin was about to lose her hold, Little Nipples came out of the house.

As soon as Princess Li saw her, she stood up quickly, her expression slightly excited, her eyes full of hope, "Ranran, Yuan'er, he..."

"Auntie Princess, my beautiful brother hasn't woken up yet, but he has been poisoned. I have already given him medicine, and he should be able to wake up after a few more injections~"


Princess Li took a few steps back in disbelief and murmured.

"Yes!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "Well...but it seems that my brother had taken an antidote before, but the medicine was not enough to detoxify him, so it made him sleepy!"

"He... wasn't he comatose because there was blood in his brain? Wasn't it because he broke his head? Why... was he poisoned?" Princess Li still couldn't believe this.

"It must be poisoning~" Xiaotiao Tuanzi said with a little pout.

She was a little unhappy about Princess Li's distrust.

never mind!

For the sake of the princess's beauty, she didn't care~
(End of this chapter)

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