Chapter 511 Princess Li enters the palace

When Princess Li saw that the little breast dumpling didn't look like she was lying, she seemed to have thought of something and walked directly around the screen into the inner room.


When he saw Li Yuan's appearance at this time, he couldn't help but exclaimed.


The guard hurriedly blocked Li Yuan behind him and looked at Princess Li with some guilt.

Princess Li stepped forward slowly with a trembling body.

"Princess, there are subordinates here, and the prince will not suffer any injustice." The guard stopped in front of Princess Li.

"Step aside!"

Princess Li pulled away the guard and walked to the bed in three steps at a time.

Soon, a suppressed whining sound came from inside the screen.

Princess Xin sighed and glanced at the little breast dumplings.

She held Yun Jin for so long because she was afraid that she would be sad when she saw Li Yuan's appearance.

This little girl is good, she doesn't hide anything.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and shrugged her little shoulders with innocent eyes.

She is also very helpless!


"It's good for the princess to cry when she cries~" The little breast dumplings walked to the chair, then climbed up, took the pastries on the table, and started eating.


I have used up a lot of energy and am really hungry!

Princess Xin looked at her heartless appearance and couldn't help but shake her head.

After a while, Princess Li walked out of the room in a hurry, without even saying hello.

Princess Xin: "..."

"Hey, auntie Princess is getting excited!" Xiao Naituanzi said excitedly.

When Princess Xin heard this, she felt rows of black lines falling down on her forehead.

This little girl really doesn't mind the excitement.

But Yun Jin really needs to vent the frustration in his heart.

Otherwise, she would never be able to get over this hurdle in her heart.Princess Xinlao and Xiao Naituanzi stayed in Princess Li's courtyard for a while and then left on their own.

The little breasted dumpling followed Princess Xin to Prince Xin's Mansion again. As soon as she entered the door, she slipped away to find Prince Xin.

The two of them muttered for a long time, not knowing what they said, and then they saw Old Prince Xin leaving Prince Xin's Mansion in a hurry with his eyes shining brightly.

Here, Princess Li hurriedly came out of her villa and went straight to the palace in a carriage.

As soon as she entered the palace, she went straight to the residence where the imperial concubine was.

Seeing her menacing look, the people in the palace couldn't help but think that it was going to rain red from the sky.

Princess Li has always looked weak and unable to take care of herself. Have you ever seen her look like this?
Seeing this, the palace people hurriedly reported to the emperor.

The emperor is having a headache right now about how to deal with the imperial concubine!
At this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the palace man's report.

"Who are you talking about? Princess Li???" the emperor repeated uncertainly.

"Yes...yes!" The palace man nodded uncertainly.

"She went to the imperial concubine?" the emperor asked.

"Yes." The palace man replied.

The emperor thought for a while and stood up, "Let's go and have a look with me."

"Yes." The palace man nodded.

At this time, the imperial concubine’s bedroom was in Zhongcui Palace.

The imperial concubine Yunyue was making tea leisurely, and every move she made was pleasing to the eye.

Compared with Princess Li's gentle and elegant temperament, the face of the imperial concubine, as a compatriot sister, is much brighter and more gorgeous.

After decades in this harem, the sharpness and calculation in her brows could not be concealed no matter how hard she tried.

Being detained here and still able to maintain such a comfortable appearance is a character that cannot be underestimated.

"Princess Li, Princess Li! You can't go in!"

At this time, the voice of the guards guarding the palace entrance rang out from the door.

When the imperial concubine in the Zhongcui Palace heard this, the corners of her mouth slowly curved, her eyes became more calculating, and she conveniently placed a cup of hot tea beside her.

Princess Li at the door threw King Li's token from her arms and rushed in with undiminished momentum.

"Yun Jin, you're here! Sit down!" Imperial Concubine Yun Yue smiled faintly, and her every move revealed nobility.

This familiar look makes it difficult to suspect that there is any rift between the sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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