Chapter 512 Paranoid Concubine
"Yun Yue, let me ask you whether it was you who caused my Qingqing's death! And whether it was you who caused my Yuan'er's poison!" Princess Li was not in the mood to deal with her, so she started to question her.


Seeing this, Yun Yue always kept a faint smile, "Yun Jin, it's been so many years! You are still the same, your temper and temperament have not changed at all! This may be the last time our sisters meet, why do you have to do this? Where’s the stiffness?”

"Sit down, you and I sisters can have a good time catching up on old times!"

Seeing her expression, Princess Li became even more angry. She picked up the freshly made tea on the table and threw it at Yun Yue.

But how could Princess Li be Li Yue's opponent?
Before the tea in Princess Li's hand could be spilled, Li Yue grabbed her wrist and said, "Yunjin, you have been in poor health since you were a child and were raised by your grandmother. Have you forgotten that your sister is capable of martial arts?"

After saying this, Yunyue gently took out the teacup containing tea from Princess Li's hand, and then drank the tea in one gulp gracefully.

"This is the finest Yunshan Oolong sent by the emperor. It only produces four kilograms a year. It is a pity to waste it like this."

Princess Li was furious, but had no choice but to say with tears in her eyes and gritted teeth: "Shameless."


Yun Yue sneered, shook off Princess Li's hand, and sat down again without haste, "Shameless?"

"Yun Jin, if I hadn't entered this palace because of your life-saving grace, do you think you would still be the ignorant person you are today?" Yun Yue said sarcastically.

"This palace is just a place that eats people without spitting out their bones! Any promises are worthless in the face of power and status!"

"Sister is protecting you, do you know that?"

"Yun Yue, isn't it because you want that supreme power that you want to enter the palace? If you didn't want to, why would the emperor force you to enter the palace?" Princess Li retorted.

"No, no! You don't know anything! As the eldest daughter of the Yun family, she has to shoulder the responsibility for the rise and fall of the Yun family. The Yun family was already at the end of its strength! If I had not entered the palace, the Yun family would have been lonely by now!"

"Strong words!" Princess Li's eyes were red, "You have your own reasons for everything you do! But where is my Qingqing and my Yuan'er! They are just children! Why do you do this to him!"

"It's not you!" Yun Yue pointed at Princess Li angrily, "You useless thing! You have been married to Prince Li for many years but you can't win his heart! I have no choice but to make this move!"

"Also! You swore not to tell anything about what happened back then, but you still made King Li suspicious!"

"It's you, it's all your own fault!"

"It's you who harmed your daughter and son!"

"Yunjin, if you want to blame it, you have to blame yourself!"

"Yun Yue, don't shirk your responsibilities and say how noble you are! While you were marrying the emperor, you were having an affair with King Li and tricked him into bringing my son and daughter into the palace! If you do this, You just want to side with King Li! From the beginning to the end, you only have the highest position in your heart!" Princess Li glared at her, "Also, when I gave it to you, there were still three pieces of Tianshan Snow Lotus. The petals are enough to hang my grandmother's life! But why are there only two petals left at the back!? Where did the other half go?"

Hearing this, the expression on Yunyue's face stiffened for a moment, and she subconsciously looked at the position of her palms.

Following her gaze, Princess Li also noticed the palm of her right hand.

She remembered that there was a very deep scar on the palm of her hand, which was accidentally cut when she fell into the water when she was a child.

But now, that scar is gone.

In the early years, the injury was examined by the imperial doctor, who said that it would leave scars for life.

She accidentally heard that the Tianshan Snow Lotus could remove scars, and then she suddenly understood where the Snow Lotus had gone.Facing Princess Li's question, Yun Yue chuckled lightly and said nonchalantly, "Yun Jin, you have been here for more than [-] years, shouldn't you just want to understand this now? You think I should?" Do you think you are innocent? Or do you think you are stupid?"

"That's right! I secretly hid the missing snow lotus petal back then."

"Obviously we are twin sisters, and I am not bad in appearance either. I am proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting! But that old guy is very picky about me!"

"With her here, my family won't be able to see my existence! Why should I keep such a person!"


As Yun Yue spoke, she laughed heartily. Looking at Princess Li's angry eyes, she continued: "Now that I have said this, I won't hide it anymore!"

"That's right, thanks to your life-saving grace back then, even if you didn't want to enter the palace, the emperor would not embarrass you and would reuse people from the Yun family!"

"But so what? That will only make them pay more attention to you and ignore me!"

"Why don't I take this opportunity to become a master?"

"The prince back then and the emperor now promised me to be the queen!"

"Madman, madman!" Princess Li roared angrily and slapped her away.

This time Yunyue didn't dodge at all and received the slap abruptly!

Instead of being angry, she smiled, with an extremely scary expression on her face, and then she giggled again, with tears streaming down her face!This look makes people look sad and pitiful.

Just listen to her continue: "It's a pity that the emperor's promise is just like the barking dog! It's useless at all!"

"He thought he was favoring me, but he was actually putting me on the fire!"

"What is the title of imperial concubine!? Aren't you going to live under others and look at other people's faces? It's even a secret joke of others."

"Yunjin, I'm so miserable!"

"I'm so sorry!"

"Although King Li doesn't like you, he only married you! Do you think it would have been completely different if I had married him back then?"

"Yunjin, do you know how jealous I am of you?"

"You can easily get things that you even disdain, but for me, it takes a lot of effort!"

"Aren't you unwilling to marry King Li? Why do you want to give birth to two children for him? My sister is here to help you! As long as your children are gone, you will be completely free!"


Listening to her paranoid words, Princess Li felt as if she was entangled by a poisonous snake at this moment, and she was chilled from head to toe.

"You are a lunatic!" Princess Li couldn't say anything vicious, she only said this back and forth!
"Yes, I am a madman! But it was you who drove me crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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