Chapter 515: King Li is about to die~
Before the princess could speak, several men in black over there all attacked her.

King Li raised his sword and stood in front of Princess Li. His physical weakness after being seriously injured made it particularly difficult for him to deal with it.

"That old boy Li Wang is dying, are we sure we can't go and help him?" Prince Xin asked Xiao Naitanzi leisurely as he looked at the battle ahead.

"Don't worry! You won't die!" Xiaotai Tuanzi said without taking it seriously. just needs a little more pain~
Old Prince Xin: "..."

Well, he keeps watching the show!


Suddenly, the man in black stabbed Princess Li with his sword, but King Li quickly rushed towards Princess Li.

The sword in the man's hand stabbed straight into King Li's chest.

He raised the sword and dropped it, blood splattering everywhere.

"Yunjin, are you okay!?"

King Li slowly raised his head and asked worriedly.

"I-I'm fine!"

Princess Li was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she was at a loss as she looked at King Li who was covered in blood.

"Haha... That's great!" King Li looked at her suddenly red eyes, laughed, and said weakly, "I'm sorry."

"Yunjin, I'm sorry for all these years!"

"I'm sorry for you!"

"No... you can't die~, nothing can happen to you! You can't die!" Princess Li kept shaking her head, holding the bloody King Li in her arms, her hands trembling as she tried to cover his bleeding of holes.

But it doesn't help!
"Grandpa, it's our turn!" Seeing this, the little girl not far away ran out after saying this.

She first went to King Li and Princess Li and stuffed a medicine into King Li's mouth. Then she took out a silver needle and gave it to King Li to protect his heart.

Prince Xin got the order from Xiao Naituanzi, and hurriedly gave a signal to his people, and swarmed forward with his people.The sound of clanging swords clashing constantly sounded.

Not long after, these people were arrested by those who believed in the old prince.

"Ran... Ran Ran... is he okay!?"

When Princess Li saw that the bleeding on King Li's wounds had stopped, she spoke nervously.

"Don't worry, Auntie Princess, you're just like your beautiful brother, lying in bed and unable to get up~" the little girl said in a sweet voice.

Hearing this, Princess Li could no longer control her tears and fell down.

Seeing this, the little breasted dumpling couldn't help but secretly laugh.

Princess Li blamed herself, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault! If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be like this. It's all my fault. I am the sinner of Li Family, wuwuwu..."

Princess Li's pain became louder and louder, and her tears seemed to be desperate.

Old Prince Xin dealt with the men in black and rushed over. He looked at Princess Li and said, "Fortunately, this old boy caught up with you. Otherwise, if you were caught, the consequences would be more serious."

"Your sister is obviously using you as the last straw!"

"Me? Life-saving straw?" Princess Li was a little confused. How could she be regarded as a life-saving straw?

Old Prince Xin glanced at the unconscious King Li with disgust, "This old boy, King Li, only cares about you! Your sister may have noticed it! So she wants to threaten him with you!"

Hearing this, Princess Li was a little stunned.

Does King Li like her?

Seeing that Princess Li didn't seem to believe it, Old Prince Xin kicked Prince Li in the leg.

"Old boy, I see you're awake! Stop pretending to be dead! Get up and explain!"

"It's useless to ask others to help you protect your own wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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