Chapter 516 Absolute public revenge!
King Li was kicked and it hurt like hell, but he resisted and didn't let himself reveal any flaws.

Prince Xin raised his eyebrows and kicked him again.

Damn boy!
I ask you to endure it!
Let’s see how long you can endure it!

Li Wang: "..."

King Xin, you old guy, when I get better, I don’t care who you are, you will still be fooled!
Little milk dumpling: "..."

Grandpa Xin Wang is definitely avenging a private revenge, deliberately!
However, she enjoyed watching the show!

She wanted to see how long Uncle Li Wang could keep pretending!
She knows her medicine well, it’s impossible to think about it now~
Seeing that there was no movement from Prince Li, Prince Xin raised his foot and wanted to kick him again.

But before the foot fell, it was blocked by Princess Li!

"Old Prince, Your Majesty is injured, but he can't stand your treatment like this!" Princess Li stopped her.

"Yun Jin, what did this old boy do to you before!? You, little girl, are still protecting him!?" As the old prince Xin spoke, he glanced at King Li lying on the bed and hummed: " If you want the old man, I say, you should take this opportunity to kill him! There are no other messy people in Li Wang's Mansion. If you kill him, you will be the old lady of Li Wang's Mansion from now on! Everything in Li Wang's Mansion is your!"

Everyone: "..."

"Cough cough..."

At this time, King Li coughed heavily and woke up leisurely.

If it weren't for the wrong situation, he would definitely beat him to death!
This old man is too old to do anything!

It is said that couples should not be persuaded to make peace but to divorce. This old man actually persuaded Yun Jin to kill her husband. This is simply unconscionable!
"Hey, wake up!" Seeing this, Old Prince Xin glanced at him with ridicule in his old eyes.

King Li didn't even bother to look at him. He looked at Princess Li extremely weak and a little aggrieved, like a poor abandoned little wolf dog, and said weakly, "Yunjin, I hurt!" Everyone said: "... …”

Is this still the majestic Prince Li who is sweeping thousands of troops outside? ? ?
Prince Xin turned away his face and complained in a low voice, "It's so shameless!"

The little breasted dumpling covered her little mouth and giggled.

Princess Li's first reaction when she saw King Li woke up was to breathe a sigh of relief, and then a flash of joy flashed through her heart. After hearing his words, she froze in place again.

Especially when King Li looked at her and acted extremely vulnerable, she was a little overwhelmed and didn't know how to react.

King Li looked at her as if she wanted to run away, and quickly hugged Princess Li's waist, and said shamelessly, "Yunjin, I hurt~"

Everyone: "..."

Are you still pretending to be addicted?
However, Princess Li softened her heart when she saw him like this. She sat motionless on the ground for fear that touching his wound would cause it to bleed.

Prince Xin snorted and ordered his people to take back all the people they had captured. Then he had people reassemble the carriage and lift King Li onto the carriage.

There are two reasons for this. King Li really carried out all kinds of shamelessness to the end, acting coquettishly and miserably in front of Princess Li.

He was hit by a sword because of Princess Li, who felt extremely guilty.

Seeing that he didn't speak normally, he just thought that his brain was broken and his consciousness was unclear, so he didn't take his words seriously at all.

All the way back, Prince Li held Princess Li's hand and talked nonchalantly, while Xiao Naituanzi and Prince Xin sat outside the carriage and followed the carriage slowly forward.

(End of this chapter)

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