Chapter 523 Meeting your biological father?

The carriage was much faster than Father Laifu imagined.

Towards evening, their carriage had arrived at the foot of the imperial mausoleum.

Zhang Huwei looked at Eunuch Laifu for a while, then looked at the surrounding environment, and finally reached out and pinched his thigh hard.


Zhang Wewei gasped in pain.

It was only at this time that he truly knew that he was not dreaming!

Although Father Laifu was somewhat mentally prepared, he was still a little unbelievable after experiencing it personally.

They say that there are masters in the world, and you really can’t deceive him!
Fortunately, such a child comes from the royal family, otherwise it would be bad.

The little girl jumped out of the carriage, stuffed a piece of pastry into her mouth, looked at the towering mountains not far away and said with a puffy face: "The Feng Shui here is pretty good~"

When Laifu heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "I didn't expect Miss Ran Ran to know Feng Shui!?"


The little girl nodded her little head, holding her head high with pride on her face, "Ran Ran knows a lot!"

"Grandpa Laifu, let me take you up the mountain!" Xiaotuanzi walked to Laifu's side and grabbed Laifu's sleeve with his chubby little hands.

Laifu was about to say no, but before he could say the words, he felt that his body was suddenly suspended in the air.

Then, he saw himself flying into the air.

Although he is also a martial arts practitioner himself, he can also do light kung fu, but compared with Xiao Nai Tuanzi... his little kung fu is simply insignificant.

At this moment, he was nothing but a waste, being dragged along by a little baby.

The most important thing is that this little baby is so strong that it is hard to imagine how she can lift him up.

Zhang Huwei, who was behind him, looked at the two people who disappeared in an instant, as if he was in a fantasy.

"Wait for me!"

Zhang Huwei shouted in the direction where the two disappeared, but the only response he received was the echo from the mountains.

I finally understand why this little girl said bringing too many people is a burden!

Now it seems that he is just an unnecessary burden, right?

Zhang Huwei was not that good at flying up the mountain, so he could only slowly walk up the mountain step by step.

At this moment, on the mountain.

The guards guarding the imperial mausoleum were fighting with a group of men in black.

When Xiao Naituanzi and Eunuch Laifu landed on the eaves of another courtyard next to the imperial mausoleum, many people were already dead below.

When Father Laifu saw this scene, he was horrified.

Thinking of what Xiao Naituanzi said before setting off.

If he had been slower, he would have collected the bodies for the Second Prince and his party!
From the current situation, it seems that if we wait a little longer, we will have to collect the bodies for them!

Fortunately, they came with Xiaonuituanzi, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!
While Eunuch Laifu was stunned, Xiao Naituanzi had already flown down and started fighting with these people.

With the addition of Xiao Naituanzi, those men in black are naturally no match.

It didn't take long for the royal tomb guards to reverse the situation.

Seeing that the situation was over, the people in black simply bit their tongues and committed suicide in order to avoid more pain.

Eunuch Laifu showed his personal token and ordered people to clean up the place. Then he led Xiaotai Tuanzi to see the queen and the second prince.

The queen was greatly frightened, her mood was a little unstable, and her face was pale.

As for the second prince, his arm was cut during the fight. Coupled with some previous injuries, he was even more weak now.

When Eunuch Laifu led the little breast dumplings to the queen and the second prince, the queen was bandaging the wound on the second prince's hand with red eyes!
"Old slave Laifu, I have met the Queen and the Second Prince!" Eunuch Laifu bowed respectfully to the Second Prince and the Queen. "Eunuch Laifu doesn't need to be so polite. If Eunuch Laifu hadn't arrived in time just now, we, mother and son, might have..."

"Your Majesty, thank you very much. It's all Miss Ranran's fault."

As he spoke, Eunuch Laifu turned his body sideways, took a step back, and stood behind and to the right of Xiaotai Dumpling.

Eunuch Laifu's actions couldn't help but make the queen look askance.

You must know that this Laifu has been with the emperor since he was a child. When he was in the palace, most of the nobles like them were fawning and did not dare to take advantage of Qiao.

Rarely did he have such respect for someone.


During this interval, the second prince beside him suddenly accidentally knocked over the medicine jar beside him.

The Queen looked at him doubtfully, but saw his eyes staring directly at the little breast dumpling.

That look... was a little complicated.

In a daze, the queen seemed to see her son's fear!
The queen's eyes glanced around the little breast dumpling's body.

The little girl is white and tender, and her fleshy little face is so bulging that people can't help but want to pinch it.

Her big eyes are also bright and bright, and they look weird and lively when they turn.

This little appearance is like the little boy sitting on Guanyin, which makes people feel very cute.

It's too late to make people like such a little girl, how could she make people feel scared! ?

Must be an illusion!

However, this face looked familiar, but for a moment she couldn't remember where she had seen it before!

She must be the daughter of some minister's family!
"Eunuch Laifu, I wonder which minister's daughter this cute little girl is?" the queen asked.

"Go back to your mother-in-law, this little girl's name is Ranran. Her mother's family is the Xiao family of Dazhou. As for her father's family..." Eunuch Laifu looked back at Xiao Nai Tuanzi, who had a pair of eyes. But he stared straight at the second prince.

Eunuch Laifu paused and gently pushed the little breast dumpling with his hand, "Ranran, are you sure?"

The little breasted dumpling blinked, then blinked again.

He looked at the queen, and then looked at the second prince carefully.

The second prince felt very guilty when she looked at him like this, and his eyes did not dare to meet the eyes of Xiaotai Dumpling, so he avoided them.

"He is my father!"

Xiao Naituanzi pointed at the second prince and said loudly.

Her voice seemed a little aggrieved.

woo woo woo...

She could see that the "daddy" in front of her recognized her, but...but he didn't seem to want to acknowledge her.

woo woo woo...

She is an unwanted child!

The queen stood up in disbelief and looked at the second prince in disbelief, "Second prince, what's going on!?"


The second prince was in a dilemma. How should this matter be explained?

He never expected that this child would come to the door on his own.

I never expected it to be in this situation!

(End of this chapter)

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