Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 524 The little breast dumpling cried sadly!

Chapter 524 The little breast dumpling cried sadly!
"Mother, this..." The second prince looked at the queen with a confused look on his face and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

After hesitating for a moment, he glanced away and said in a deep voice: "No, I'm not his father!"

When Eunuch Laifu heard this, he looked a little disappointed.

The Queen's expression became a little enlightened, and her son knew it.

It was clear that he had something to hide just now. The Queen glanced at the little breasted dumpling standing not far away. She felt very fond of her but didn't want to get close to her.


The moment Xiaotiaotuanzi heard the second prince's denial, his big bright eyes were filled with tears. He pouted his little mouth as if he was angry, "Humph, if you don't recognize me, then I I won’t recognize you either!”

"Bad guy, I never want to see you again!"

"I just need my fifth uncle! Humph!"

After finishing speaking, the little breasted dumpling turned around and left.

"Miss Ranran!"

Seeing this, Laifu hurriedly chased him out.

However, how could he catch up with the speed of Xiao Naituanzi?

As soon as he chased her out the door, the figure of the little breast dumpling had disappeared.

"Ouch!" Eunuch Laifu patted his thigh anxiously, "What can we do?"

The empress and the second prince also came out. They couldn't help but feel worried when they saw the little breast dumpling disappearing, "Eunuch Laifu, where is the child? What's going on?"


Eunuch Laifu glanced at the second prince, couldn't help but sigh deeply, and recounted what happened.

The Queen and the Second Prince had different expressions after hearing this.

The Queen glanced at her son subconsciously, knowing in her heart that he must know something.

After the second prince heard this, his hands were tightly tangled together, and his brows were filled with confusion.

Eunuch Laifu said with pity: "If His Highness the Second Prince had recognized Ran Ran just now, I don't know how happy the Emperor would be! And if we have such a little princess in Northern Xinjiang, why not worry? Prosperity?”

"See what Mr. Lai Fu said!" The Queen Mother shook her head and said, "Don't forget, this little girl not only wants to find her father, she also wants to find her mother! If the emperor had just admitted it rashly, we would Where can I conjure a mother for her?"

"Besides, the Xiao family in Zhou Dynasty is not an ordinary family. How can they be so easy to fool?"

"Your Majesty said it politely, but Laifu has gone astray!" Eunuch Laifu said regretfully.

After saying that, he looked at the second prince and couldn't help but ask one more question, "Second prince, are you sure that Ran Ran is not your daughter?"

The second prince's expression flickered for a moment, and then he said firmly: "No!"

"Hey..." Eunuch Laifu sighed again and said, "Then the empress and your highness should have a good rest. We will set off back to Beijing tomorrow."

"it is good."

As soon as Eunuch Laifu left, the second prince sat on the stool in a daze.

"Your Majesty, tell your mother honestly, did you cause that little girl to have a romantic debt outside?" the Queen asked extremely seriously.

"Mother, don't you know what your own son is like? Your son will only love Lian Zhi in his life! How could he have a child with someone else?" asked the second prince.

"Then what you did just now..."

"Mother, I'm afraid that the thing you tried so hard to hide may be... you can't hide it anymore!" The second prince looked at the queen and said seriously.

Hearing this, the Queen Mother suddenly remembered something and was suddenly startled. Her originally pale complexion became even paler.

"No wonder... no wonder..."

"No wonder I looked at that little girl's face a little bit familiar, but I didn't expect... it's her!?" The Queen muttered, her face gradually becoming painful, and finally she started to cry.

"Mother!" The second prince's face was filled with worry, and he looked at the queen with concern.


The queen suddenly burst out laughing, looking a little crazy.

"Mother, don't worry! Maybe... maybe this little girl who suddenly appeared will be our life-saving straw?" the second prince said.

"Hehehe... a life-saving straw? Your Majesty, you don't understand your father... That is the crime of deceiving the emperor! The crime of deceiving the emperor! If this matter comes out, it will not only be us, but also your uncle's family. , King Qin’s family...and those former palace servants will all die under the sword!"

"Your Majesty, we can't take risks with them! No!"


The second prince thought of Xiao Nai Tuanzi's abilities.

A little girl who is only five years old, she can find her biological uncle's family, and she can also figure out the life, death and location of her mother.

They have already arrived in their northern territory, and it will be a matter of time before they find her mother.

"Your Majesty, if you sacrifice one person to protect everyone, please recognize that child!" Suddenly, the Queen's eyes became fierce, and her face and words were very firm.

The second prince's heart trembled.


"This is the best solution that the Queen has come up with!" said the Queen.

"But..." The second prince's face was full of disapproval.

If this matter is found out, the current situation in Dazhou and Northern Xinjiang may mean that the war will start again!

And they were already very ashamed of that person. If they abandoned her, he would probably go... crazy.

"Mother, please let me think about this matter again! Let's go back to the capital first," said the second prince.

The queen rubbed her brows and sighed helplessly, "Your Majesty, my mother knows that you are benevolent and righteous, but being a good king requires more than just being benevolent and righteous!"

"My son knows."

The small-breasted dumpling returned to the inn in Kyoto overnight.

She didn't alert anyone. As soon as she got home, she took out her own wine, took a sip, then lay down and fell asleep.

It wasn't until the fourth day later that a servant from the inn came into the house to clean it, and then they discovered that Little Nipples was in the house.

The servants quickly reported to Xiao Jingyao and the others.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he hurried over. With their previous experience of drinking with small breast dumplings, they didn't show any fuss.

"How long has this girl been back? Or she came back alone!" Li Qingqiu looked at the little breast dumplings and wondered.

"It must not be going well! Even though this girl is always smiling and laughing, she still longs for family affection in her heart! Either the second prince is not her biological father, or the second prince refuses to admit it. "

"According to what I know about this little girl, the latter is more likely."

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao took Li Qingqiu out and carefully closed the door for Xiao Naituanzi.

"If we count the time, this girl should have been back for a few days. Let's prepare something delicious for him!"

"Yeah." Li Qingqiu nodded.

What Xiao Jingyao didn't know was that Xiao Naituanzi had already woken up when they came in, and she heard everything he said.

As soon as they went out, she sat up, hugged her legs with her hands, buried her little head, and started to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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