Chapter 525: Angry and confused!
Tired and hungry from crying, Xiaonuituanzi jumped out of bed and ran to the front hall with tears on his hands.

Isn’t he just a dad?

If you don’t recognize her, don’t recognize her!

Anyway, she still has her parents, uncles and brothers!
Who is rare!
He doesn't recognize her, and she doesn't want to recognize him yet!

Xiao Jingyao and others had just sat down when Xiaonuituanzi walked in from outside and said loudly: "I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

Everyone: "..."

"Hey, little girl, is it your father who disowns you? Is he so angry?" Xuan Yin asked with a raised brow as if he wanted to be beaten.

"It's none of your business! Humph!" Xiaonuituanzi rolled his eyes at Xuan Yin and said angrily.

"I think so! Otherwise, why are you so angry? You came back alone?" Xuan Yin didn't care that Xiao Jingyao had just greeted them, and he didn't open any pots!He just wanted to mention it.

"Brother Xuan Yin, are you blind? Do you want me to prescribe some medicine for you? Will I be angry? I won't be angry! Humph!"

The little breasted dumpling said she was not angry, but her pouted little mouth seemed to be raised to the sky.

That bulging little face that was so angry that it looked like a little pufferfish really wanted to be pinched.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, but they couldn't help but feel sad when they saw the little girl with small breasts.

"Hey, isn't it your biological father who doesn't want you? Are there so many of us still no match for your sugarcane father?"

"I'm telling you, it's his loss if he doesn't recognize you!"

"You, please refine more elixirs for my senior brother from now on. Senior brother will protect you!"

"Bah! You know how to bully me, I'll tell the master to go!" Xiao Naituanzi was so angry that he put his hands on his hips, stamped his little feet, and chased after Xuan Yin.

Xuan Yin's kung fu was not weak, and soon the two senior brothers were playing a game of chasing each other in the hall.

After a stick of incense passed, it ended with Xuan Yin admitting defeat and begging for mercy.

"Hmph!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi put his hands on his waist and pouted his mouth as he lectured: "Master is right, you will never be able to become an alchemist with your lazy appearance!"


Xuanyin: "..."

"Okay, okay, you are all hungry! Eat, eat!" Li Qingqiu saw the little girl coming up with a food box, and hurriedly greeted the little milk dumplings to the table for dinner.

After Xuan Yin's trouble just now, the little breast dumpling has returned to his usual energetic appearance.

At the dinner table, no one mentioned Xiao Naituanzi’s biological father again.

The little breast dumpling was really hungry. He ate three large bowls of rice before he stopped holding his round belly.

"Ah, so full!"

The little guy was lying on the chair, his whole body as round as a ball.'s better to be at home!

After lying there for a while, Xiaotiao Tuanzi suddenly walked up to Xiao Jingyao and stretched out his hands to him, looking at him eagerly, "Fifth uncle, I want a hug!"

This was the first time that the little breasted dumpling was so hurt that she wanted him to hug her.

Xiao Jingyao paused for a moment, then held the little breast dumpling in his arms without saying anything.

It seemed that the second prince really broke her heart during the trip to the imperial mausoleum.

Xiao Jingyao held the man in his arms, secretly planning in his heart whether he should put a sack on the second prince and beat him up.

"Fifth uncle, my father disowns me! Isn't Ranran cute? Doesn't he like me?" After a while, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly spoke up, and the angry tone was really annoying. Feeling distressed.

"Ran Ran is so cute. If your scumbag dad thinks Ran Ran isn't cute, there must be something wrong with his eyes." Xiao Jingyao comforted her while gently patting the little breast dumpling's shoulder. "Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded heavily, suddenly raised his little head and said, "Ran Ran feels the same way~"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

This sadness is like a tornado, it comes and goes quickly.

She was sad one moment, but suddenly changed the next second.

"Fifth uncle, can I ask...what happened to you in the imperial mausoleum?" Xiao Jingyao asked tentatively.


The little girl tilted her head and thought for a while, then recounted what happened in the imperial mausoleum one by one.

After listening, Xiao Jingyao felt that something was not right.

"Ran Ran, you just saw that the line of kinship between the second prince and you is very obvious, then have you paid attention to the line of kinship between the empress and you?"

"Hmm... yes, yes~" said the little breast dumpling.

She knew that if the second prince was her biological father, then the Queen Mother was her biological grandmother. This was what Eunuch Laifu told her when he was on the way, and he also said that both of them must be related to her. OK.

So, she remembers it very clearly.

"That's strange!" Xiao Jingyao said doubtfully.

Logically speaking, if there was such a powerful daughter suddenly, the second prince and the empress should be happy to acknowledge her. Why wouldn't they recognize Xiaotai Dumpling?
Is there any secret in this?
"Ran Ran, please put this matter aside for now. Tomorrow, the fifth uncle will send someone to investigate the matter of the second prince!"

"Your eldest brother and fourth brother are almost here. They have brought your mother's jade pendant. With that jade pendant, we can find your mother! It doesn't matter if your sugarcane father doesn't recognize you by then. , we are going to take your mother away!"

"Also, since the fifth uncle is here! We must seek justice for your mother and you!"

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded with a smile.


Uncle Fifth was right, she had so many people hurting her, so there was no one missing.

When she finds her mother, there will be another mother to love her.

Then they will go back to their grandmother.

After thinking about this, Xiaotai Tuanzi suddenly realized that she was the carefree little girl again.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingyao asked Zhang Biao and Wu Tong to go outside to find out about the second prince.He himself was not idle and went to Prince Xin's Mansion with Li Qingqiu to inquire.

Sometimes, people from their royal family know better about some unknown things.

Xiao Naituanzi was a life-saving benefactor to Prince Xin. If the old man knew something, he would not hide it too much.

Xiao Naituanzi didn't go with them, she went to Prince Li's Mansion.

King Li had already ordered the concierge that if the little girl came over, he would let her in directly without reporting.

The little girl had a smooth journey all the way to Prince Li's yard.

Don't ask why it is Prince Li's yard. The reason is that this shameless bitch, Prince Li, has been staying here and refused to leave.

Normally, people would go to court as long as they were alive, but this time, for the first time, they had not gone to court for several days.

The emperor has sent people to invite him several times, but he has not moved.

Just to be able to enjoy Princess Li's service more.

And in the past few days, Prince Li seized the opportunity and launched an offensive against Princess Li.

The relationship between the two has also made breakthrough progress due to the day and night getting along in the past few days, and a lot of things have been exchanged!
(End of this chapter)

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