Chapter 526 Who made me unhappy?

"Your Majesty, Princess, Miss Ranran is here!"

King Li was pulling Princess Li to pretend to be weak, and his servants came in to report.

As soon as the servant finished speaking, the little breast dumpling jumped in from outside.

"Auntie Princess, I'm coming~"

When Princess Li saw Little Nipples Tuanzi coming in, she quickly pushed Prince Li away who was trying to lean on her, then stood up and went towards Little Nipples Tuanzi.

"Ran Ran, why are you back so soon? Didn't I hear that you went to the imperial mausoleum?"

King Li was pushed away by Princess Li, his expression was a bit unpleasant, and he looked at the little breast dumpling with resentment.

This little girl... stole his princess.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the way King Li looked at her, Xiaotiao Tuanzi puffed her cheeks at him, rolled her eyes and said with a grin, "Uncle King Li, your injury hasn't healed yet?"

When King Li met his gaze, he felt a little cold in his heart for no reason.

This little girl... has a funny smile!

Princess Li didn't pay much attention to the expressions between the two people. After listening to Xiao Naituanzi's words, she said: "It will take a hundred days to break your muscles and bones. How can it be so easy for Uncle Wang Li to hurt your heart and soul?"

"Well, that's right!" King Li nodded in agreement.

"Well, Auntie Wangfei is right! Ranran is also a doctor, so of course he knows this! Uncle Li Wang has a disease like this. He not only needs to take medicine, but also needs to be on a diet!"

"It's best not to get oily!"

“Eat something light and you’ll feel better faster~”

Prince Li: "..."

Thank you so much~
God knows that he is a meat-loving person. If he doesn't eat meat for a whole meal, he will feel uncomfortable. Why should he stop eating meat?It would be better to kill him!
This little girl did it on purpose!

"Well, Ran Ran is right, I will give the order right now! The prince must not eat meat until he recovers!" Princess Li believed deeply and kept these words firmly in her heart.

King Li was on the side hearing the cry and felt like crying without tears.

Judging from the situation in the past few days, Yun Jin will definitely keep an eye on his food and drink every day!
At that time, there were only two choices before him, either to get better quickly, or to continue to pretend to be sick and drink rice porridge every day.


Who is wrong for him to offend, but this little girl?

There is no chance in the pit, and there is no way to beat him!
I can only admit it!


Suddenly, Prince Li's eyes lit up.

He can't trick the small one, but he can trick the big one!

Isn't this little girl looking for her father?

This father is still from the Mo royal family!Wouldn't this be easier to handle?

Thinking about it, King Li asked: "Little girl, did you go to the imperial mausoleum to see the second prince? Is that your father?"

"No!" The little breasted dumpling puffed up his little face and replied angrily.


King Li was confused. He had found everything he should look for, but if he didn't find it, who else could he find?

King Li wanted to ask a few more questions, but Xiaonuituanzi didn't want to say anything anymore. He looked at Princess Li and said, "Auntie Princess Li, Ran Ran went to see my beautiful brother~"

"Auntie will go with you." Princess Li said.

"No, no need!" Xiaonuituanzi waved his hand, looked at King Li, and smiled, "Auntie Princess, you'd better stay with Uncle Li Wang!"

Princess Li hesitated for a moment, then ordered someone to take Xiao Naituanzi to see her son. She then turned around and went to the kitchen to cook porridge for Prince Li herself.

The poison on Prince Li’s son Mo Yuan’s body has almost been eliminated!

The toxins that have been removed are no longer so dark!

After Xiao Naituanzi gave him another injection, he wrote another prescription and asked his guard to grab the medicine.Part of the medicine is used to refine detoxifying elixirs, and the other part is used to prepare medicinal baths.

The little girl stayed in Prince Li's Mansion all day, and after Prince Li took a medicinal bath, she performed acupuncture again.

When the needle was removed, Prince Li's eyelids suddenly trembled.

The guard supporting him was very excited, "Wake up... wake up, the prince is about to wake up!"

"Shh!" Xiaonuituanzi made a shushing gesture towards him and stuffed an antidote pill into Prince Li's mouth.

After a short while, Prince Li's brows slowly frowned, and Manshang gradually became uglier.


Suddenly he spit out a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes.

"Hi, hello, pretty brother, I'm Ranran!" Xiaotuanzi smiled and waved her little hand at him.

Li Yuan, who had just woken up, was still a little confused. He stared blankly at the small breast dumpling in front of him and didn't know how to react.

"Brother just woke up, let him lie down and rest more!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

It took a lot of effort to revive Li Yuan this time, but now his stomach was empty and he felt very hungry.

After Xiao Naituanzi gave two pills to the guards, he was ready to go home for dinner.

Although Princess Li didn't know that Xiao Nai Dumpling would be hungry after using her internal power, she also prepared a lot of her specialty dishes for Xiao Nai Dumpling.

Knowing that Li Yuan was awake, she felt excited and happy, but she was not in a hurry to see him. Instead, she ate with Xiao Naituanzi and asked some details about taking care of Li Yuan.

So, a big lemon essence appeared on the dinner table.

Even if Lemon Essence didn't speak, she could feel a sour smell while sitting there, and her resentful eyes could almost kill someone.

It's a pity that at the moment, all Princess Li's thoughts are on her son who has just woken up and preparing food for the little breast dumplings. She doesn't even look at him.

"Cough cough!"

King Li was completely ignored and coughed deliberately to attract Princess Li's attention.

Princess Li finally glanced at him, but lectured: "Your Majesty, Ran Ran said, you must eat something light until you recover! Don't even think about other dishes!"

Li Wang: "..."

"That's right, that's right! Uncle Wang Li, you have to listen to the words of the princess and aunt~" Xiao Naituanzi looked at Wang Li with a rather gloating look.

She is not happy!

Uncle Li Wang would just be unhappy with her!
Who made him delay in sending her the money he promised? ?

Then she can take away the princess and her aunt for the time being!

The princess and aunt are so beautiful!

The princess and aunt are so gentle!

The voice of the princess and aunt is so nice!
King Li looked at the small eyes of Xiaonuituanzi, and then looked at the tasteless bowl of porridge in front of him, and he immediately felt like crying.

this little girl...

Let him come! ?

Prince Li snorted, picked up the porridge in front of him and downed it in one gulp.

"You guys eat, I'm going to see Yuan'er!" King Li stood up and said depressedly.

In order not to expose the flaw in his pretense in front of Princess Li, he deliberately covered his wounds when walking, looking like he was walking with difficulty.

If he didn't leave, he was afraid that the little girl would be able to expose his condition.

As soon as King Li left, Princess Li thought for a while and talked about Prince Li's condition. After speaking, she looked at Xiaotai Tuanzi and said, "Ranran, is there any medicine that can make him better faster? Or give him some medicine. ?”

"Hehe, the princess asked Uncle Wang to drink more white porridge and show up less in front of him. Uncle Li Wang will definitely be full of life in less than three days!" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi said with a smile.

King Li who had already left: "..."

I will really thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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