Chapter 529 Xiao Jingyao’s strange aura!

At that time, Xiao Naituanzi hadn't woken up yet.

Eunuch Laifu didn't let Xiao Jingyao wake up the little breast dumplings. Instead, he and Xiao Jingyao drank tea and waited quietly.

While waiting for the little milk dumplings, Eunuch Laifu suddenly asked: "Master Xiao, Miss Ranran relies on the line of kinship to identify her relatives? Are we right?"


Xiao Jingyao nodded.

"Then..." Eunuch Laifu hesitated and asked tentatively, "Then there is no time to admit my mistakes!?"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao understood what Eunuch Laifu meant by asking.

"Eunuch, do you want to say that my Ran Ran mistakenly identified the second prince?" Xiao Jingyao said with some displeasure.

"Master Xiao, misunderstanding! Our family also wants to help this lovely girl Ranran find her biological parents as soon as possible, right?"

Xiao Jingyao had a straight face and did not accept what Eunuch Laifu said, and said bluntly: "I know that the emperor likes our Ranran very much, and also hopes that our Ranran will be his descendant, but... Eunuch Laifu, you are Accompanying Ran Ran to the imperial mausoleum, you must have seen with your own eyes how the second prince rejected us, Ran Ran, right?"

"To be honest, Ranran can only use this kinship line to tell whether there is a blood relationship between these two people."

"The first relative she met when she first came down the mountain was my eldest brother. At that time, she thought he was her biological father."

"It was only later that I discovered that the obviousness of the kinship line indicates the closeness of the blood relationship."

"The reason why Ran Ran believes that the second prince is her father is not just a random statement. First of all, the line of kinship must be more obvious than that of the previous Mo clan members. Secondly, there is also a line of kinship between Ran Ran and the Queen. "

"Based on this alone, we can't get away with the fact that the second prince is Ran Ran's biological father."

"After all, in the entire Northern Xinjiang, there shouldn't be anyone else who has the blood of both the Queen and the Mo family!"

Eunuch Laifu: "..."

Eunuch Laifu swallowed subconsciously. If it were true... then it would be a serious crime of decapitation! ?
"Eunuch Laifu, I, Xiao Jingyao, will not mince words in front of you today. It doesn't matter whether Ran Ran has a biological father or not, but I, Xiao Jingyao's sister, must take her back."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Eunuch Laifu replied hurriedly.

But he was wondering in his heart, could it be that the second prince was afraid that Xiao Ning would be found and taken away, so he didn't recognize his daughter?
Do not!
His Highness the Second Prince does not look like that kind of person.

Is this Xiao Ning dead?Are you afraid of causing dissatisfaction with the Xiao family and causing a war between the two countries?
Eunuch Laifu's mind was spinning and he was constantly speculating on various possibilities.

Xiao Naituanzi got up, washed up, ate something briefly, and then went to the palace.

When we arrived at the palace, it happened to be time for lunch.

The emperor invited Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Naituanzi to have a meal together. Naturally, the empress and the second prince, mother and son, were also with them.

The little girl's big eyes lit up when she looked at the table of delicious food on the table.

"This smells so good~"

The little girl with small breasts squeaked and teleported to the table, swallowing her saliva while looking at these delicious dishes.

"Are you hungry!?"

The emperor walked up to the little breasted dumpling and looked at her small appearance. He felt that the meals that he would normally have no appetite for were now delicious.

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi showed a smile to the emperor.

The emperor's love and attitude towards her can be felt by Xiao Naituanzi, and that means he is sincere.

So when faced with the emperor's overtures, she did not hesitate to smile.

The queen next to her looked at the smile of the little breasted dumpling, and her heart felt soft.

She also wanted to be close to her like an emperor, but this girl didn't seem to like her very much.

"Master Xiao, sit down!" The smile on the emperor's face was very friendly, "Just treat today as an ordinary family banquet, no need to be formal." "Thank you, Your Majesty." Xiao Jingyao nodded slightly and nodded politely.

Every move he makes reflects his noble demeanor.

After everyone sat down, no one spoke.

Except for the little breast dumplings, everyone has good table manners and etiquette.

The queen had a light appetite, so she put down her chopsticks after a few bites, and then used serving chopsticks to serve the emperor and the little milk dumplings.

Xiaonuituanzi was a little reluctant at first, but seeing the sincerity and kindness on the Queen's face, she slowly accepted the fact that she would serve her food.

"Eat slowly and be careful not to choke!"

The queen was surprised at how quickly Xiaonuituanzi ate, and even more surprised at how much Xiaonuituanzi ate.

Seeing her eating so much and going in, I couldn't help but be a little afraid of her holding on.

On the side, Xiao Jingyao explained calmly, "Don't worry about the Queen. Even though she is young, she has a big appetite."

On the other side, the second prince and the emperor had already put down the bowls and chopsticks.

After listening to Xiao Jingyao's words, the emperor said happily: "Being able to eat is a blessing, being able to eat is a blessing."

The conversation started, and the second prince also took advantage of the situation and asked, "Can Ranran study and learn the rules?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jingyao's face immediately turned ugly.

This is like saying that their little girl has no rules and is ignorant.

But I don’t want to think about it, how old is her little girl now?

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince is joking. Our Xiao family is the most unruly and unfettered! Ranran is the only female child of our Xiao family. Naturally, she can do whatever she wants and how she feels comfortable!"

"Besides, some bastards who killed a thousand swords abandoned us Ran Ran at the foot of the mountain. If Ran Ran hadn't met her masters and raised her, I'm afraid she wouldn't have survived to this day."

"Rules? What are those? We just don't learn if we don't like it!"

Second Prince: "..."

He just asked casually, and he was so sarcastic and weird...

"Look at the second prince, he is well behaved and as gentle as jade! But who knows, behind the scenes..."

Xiao Jingyao paused deliberately when he said this, picked up the drink on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

No matter how good-tempered the second prince was, his face turned a little darker when he heard these words.

The son he was interested in was ridiculed in front of his face, and the emperor and queen naturally looked unhappy.

Xiao Jingyao smiled indifferently, slowly put down the cup, and continued: "I want to say that these rules are so annoying. We Ran Ran like to be unfettered and free. Your Highness the Second Prince... the rules are so good, I guess this There must have been a lot of effort behind it, right?”

"Uh-huh, Ranran doesn't like rules the most. I'll beat anyone who asks me to learn the rules!" Xiao Tuanzi held a piece of meat in his mouth, clenched his greasy little hands into fists and raised them in front of everyone.

Her milky-voiced words were not lethal, but instead had a hint of cuteness and cuteness.

"Pfft!" The emperor was immediately amused by her. He took the handkerchief from the hands of the palace attendant and came over to personally wipe the oil stains from the corners of Xiaonuituanzi's mouth, and said dotingly: "Okay, okay, okay, you If you don’t want to learn, don’t learn. I hate these rules the most, it’s so annoying!”

Everyone: "..."

The emperor seemed to be... speaking vulgarly just now!


The second prince opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the emperor's words.

(End of this chapter)

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