Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 530 Taking the initiative, Xiao Jingyao beats people up

Chapter 530 Taking the initiative, Xiao Jingyao beats people up
"Why, you want to teach your daughter some rules before she even acknowledges her!?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jingyao's eyes couldn't help but darken.

This is very strange!

You didn’t recognize Ran Ran before, but now you want to recognize her after having such a Hongmen Banquet?
What made the second prince suddenly change his attention?
"Father, I..." The second prince wanted to say that he didn't mean it, but Xiao Jingyao interrupted him first.

"What does your Majesty mean by this? Is it possible that His Royal Highness the Second Prince, who is so gentle and well-mannered and outstanding in etiquette, actually has a daughter? I heard that His Highness the Second Prince's princess is still observing filial piety for the family?"

The emperor's family of three: "..."

"Oh, look at my mouth!" Xiao Jingyao looked at the expressions on the faces of the three people with great interest, then slapped his own mouth in an exaggerated manner, and continued to sarcastically say: "Is it possible that His Highness the Second Prince wants to experience it in advance? What does it feel like to be a father?”

"It's just a pity. My Ran Ran is not the kind of girl who can recognize anyone she wants! If His Highness has such an idea, Xiao Mou should advise His Highness to give up this idea as soon as possible! After all, my Ran Ran can I don’t like the rules and etiquette the most.”

"Fortunately, you are not the same family! No, you can't enter the same family."

Second Prince: "..."

This is really an old hermaphrodite!
It left him speechless for a moment.

Immediately, the second prince turned his eyes to the emperor, and the emperor glared at the second prince fiercely: Something that fails to succeed but fails to fail!
"Master Xiao, are you kidding me?" The emperor looked at Xiao Naituanzi with a smile, stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Naituanzi's head, "How can Ran Ran be compared to an ordinary little girl? The second brother is a bit pedantic. I have learned etiquette and rules since I was a child, and I thought that Ran Ran was just like other children."

"Ran Ran has seen it before. The second child is her biological father! The second child is Ran Ran's biological father! I believe in Ran Ran's abilities and cannot be wrong! Today the second child also admitted to me that he gave birth to Ran Ran. thing."



As soon as the emperor finished speaking, he heard a scream from the second prince, which shocked both the emperor and the queen.

No one expected that Xiao Jingyao would suddenly take action and hit the second prince's Qingjun face with his fist.

The second prince did not react so quickly and was punched twice by Xiao Jingyao.

After reacting, the two soon started fighting in the room.

The second prince has some martial arts skills but not very high. Compared with Xiao Jingyao, he is simply incompetent.

Xiao Jingyao caught him and punched him in the face.

In a short time, the second prince's face swelled into a pig's head, and his parents no longer recognized him.

"Dong dong!"

Xiao Jingyao pushed the second prince to the ground and hit his eyes with two fists, one on the left and one on the right.Suddenly, both eye circles turned blue-black.

Xiao Jingyao tossed his hair, got up from the ground, clapped his hands, looked down at the second prince and said: "These fists were made by me as Xiao Ning's brother and Ran Ran's uncle! "

"Let me tell you, since you didn't admit that you are Ran Ran's biological father before, then don't even think about recognizing Ran Ran back easily!"

"My Ranran is not an object. You can accept her when you want her, and abandon her when you don't want her!"

"Also, hand over my sister quickly. We already know that my sister is not dead! Where did you hide her?"

Second Prince: "..."

He is very unjust!

All this happened so fast that the emperor and empress had no time to react, and Xiao Jingyao had already finished beating him.Only the little breasted dumpling was happily watching the show while holding a chicken drumstick in one hand and gnawing on it.

If she hadn't been so busy at this moment, she would have cheered Xiao Jingyao!

Uncle Fifth is so cool, isn’t it?
Dare to bully her?

Don’t even look at who is behind her!
The little breasted dumpling kept her mouth shut, but when Xiao Jingyao looked over, she winked at him.

Xiao Jingyao received her signal and winked at her.


The empress, who finally reacted, exclaimed, and rushed forward to help the second prince up, "Prince, are you okay!? Come, come, call the doctor!"

After hearing the queen's words, someone immediately came in and took the second prince away.

The queen felt a little uneasy, glanced at the heartless little dumpling with complicated eyes, said goodbye to the emperor and left in a hurry.

The emperor looked at the leaving queen and second prince, his face so dark that he was about to drip with ink, but at this time he was still trying his best to restrain himself.

After all... Xiao Jingyao was fighting in the name of his sister and Ran Ran as the second prince.

Although he is a prince, he first kidnapped his younger sister and harmed his Xiao family, and then refused to acknowledge his daughter and hurt that little girl Ran Ran's heart. As an elder who loves his younger generation, doing this is not the best thing for him to do. Excusable.

If he doesn't beat the second child, it would appear that he, Xiao Jingyao, is incompetent.

However, the second prince was his son, and beating his son like this in front of him really did not take him, the king of the country, seriously.

The emperor was just thinking about how he should teach him a lesson to save his face, when he saw Xiao Jingyao kneeling down and saying sincerely and apologetically: "Please forgive me, Emperor Beijiang, and please forgive Xiao for his angry behavior just now." Lift!"

"I accidentally found out about the dog man who kidnapped my sister back then. Xiao couldn't hold it back for a moment!"

"It's really because of my sister's departure that year that my entire Xiao family fell into a place of no return."

"Also when Ran Ran went to the imperial mausoleum to recognize him, the second prince clearly said that Ran Ran was not his daughter, which made Ran Ran sad for a long time!"

"Ran Ran is the treasure that our Xiao family protects. How could he treat her like this!"

Xiao Jingyao's acting skills are superb, and the emotional cards he plays are so hard to find fault with!

A sincere apology extinguished most of the anger that had accumulated in the Emperor of Northern Xinjiang's heart.

After all, the other party took the initiative!

The second prince indeed caused great harm to the Xiao family.

Besides, he also wanted to recognize the little girl Ran Ran. If Xiao Jingyao was punished at this time, the little girl Ran Ran would inevitably not be angry.

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind for a while, the emperor felt deeply that his son was not as important as his granddaughter, so he took a deep breath and said: "I know you are angry in your heart. Today's fist is what the second son deserves! Let's let this matter go. ! As for Ran Ran... Since she is the second child's daughter, she will naturally recognize Ran Ran back!"

"do not want!"

After the emperor finished speaking, Xiao Naituanzi simply refused.


(End of this chapter)

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