Chapter 531 Princess Pearl!

"Ran Ran, don't talk nonsense!" Xiao Jingyao pretended to scold him.

Xiaonuituanzi pretended not to hear, but seeing that the emperor's face was not very good-looking, a smile appeared on his soft little face.

As soon as he put down the chicken legs in his hands, he grabbed the emperor's sleeves with both hands regardless of how much oil there was on his hands, rubbed his little head on the emperor's elbow, and said in a soft and waxy voice, "Grandpa Emperor." , although I don’t recognize my father, I like you as my grandfather very much. Wouldn’t it be great if I recognized you?”

The little girl was like a little kitten, and her voice was soft, so that the anger in the emperor's heart instantly disappeared without a trace.

How can I still remember my son who was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen?
There is only this soft and coquettish little granddaughter in front of me.

As soon as this sweet voice came out, my heart felt as if I had eaten honey, it was so sweet that I would never get tired of it.

The emperor felt that what the little girl said made sense.

If the son doesn't recognize his daughter, it means he doesn't have the blessing. The granddaughter is still his, so she can recognize her.

"Hahaha... Okay, okay, okay!" Emperor Longyan laughed happily and immediately shouted outside, "Come here, prepare pens, inks, paper and inkstones for me. I will issue a decree to confer Ran Ran as the Princess Pearl, from now on she will be the apple of my eye, the eldest princess of my Northern Territory!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

This little girl's sugar-coated bombshell... is amazing!
He admires it!admire!

After hearing the emperor's instructions, the little girl quietly gave Xiao Jingyao a proud look.

Then, in Xiao Jingyao's astonishment, he kept wiping the oil stains on his hands onto the emperor's bright yellow dragon robe!
Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Good guy!
This is plucking the hair from the tiger’s mouth!
However, according to the emperor's fancy and liking for the little breast dumplings, it was just a dragon robe, so he probably wouldn't care much about it.

So, Xiao Jingyao quietly gave Xiao Naituanzi a thumbs up.

The news that the little girl was named the Pearl Princess blew out like a gust of wind when they left the palace.

The emperor recognized his granddaughter and personally issued an imperial edict to inform the world. He also said that he would prepare a special banquet for Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

With this decree, the people in the capital couldn't help but burst into excitement.

Xiao Naituanzi didn't care much about these empty names. As soon as she came back from the palace, she went to Xiao Jingyan to get the jade pendant left for her by her mother.

For some reason, Xiao Jingyao was a little flustered.

This feeling was just like when something happened to Xiao Ning.

This is the telepathy between their twins.

He hadn't felt this way in a long time.

This couldn't help but make him worry that something was going to happen to Xiao Ning.

You must know that Xiao Ning is just a half-dead person now. If something happens... there is only one possibility!

They finally found out that their sister was not dead, so how could they let her die before finding anyone?

Moreover, the sudden change in attitude of the second prince and the queen really puzzled him, as if they were hiding something.

It is precisely for this reason that his thoughts are like a mess that cannot be untangled no matter how hard he tries.

After Xiao Naituanzi got the jade pendant from Xiao Jingyan, she went to the lobby.

She had previously given this jade pendant to Mrs. Xiao to keep in mind. Now that she had taken it back, she could use the jade pendant to figure out Xiao Ning's specific location.

Everyone watched with bated breath as Xiaonuituanzi kept changing his moves on the jade pendant, and a formula they couldn't understand spilled out of his mouth.

After a while, Xiaonuituanzi stopped and slowly opened his eyes.She jumped down from the stool, with a serious look on her little face. She looked at Xiao Jingyao and the others and said, "Ran Ran calculated that my mother is in danger."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao and the Xiao brothers couldn't sit still anymore and stood up together.

"Ran Ran, can you know the specific location of my aunt? Take us there immediately." Xiao Jingyan said solemnly.

Compared to Xiao Jingyao, he was calm at this time.

The little girl nodded her head and said seriously: "Follow me."

At this moment, the sky was getting dark, and Xiao Naituanzi, along with several members of the Xiao family and even Xuan Yin, were walking through a street in the capital city of Northern Xinjiang.

After a while, several people appeared in front of a mansion.

"Qin Palace?"

Xiao Jingyao and others looked at each other with doubts in their hearts.

"Isn't Ran Ran the daughter of the second prince? Logically speaking, my aunt's property should be in the name of the second prince! Why does she appear in Prince Qin's palace now?" Xiao Jinghan asked in confusion.

Others are also filled with questions.

Wu Tong beside him said, "Fifth Master, do you still remember the news we found out when we first came to Northern Xinjiang?"

"What news?" Xiao Jingyao thought about it carefully, but he didn't think of anything.

Wu Tong didn't sell it, and said: "The day we first came to Northern Xinjiang, we found out that the King of Qin did not support the imperial concubine and the deposed prince and was thrown into prison. He was said to be the No. 1 advocate of peace. Even when he was with He signed all our peace agreements in Zhou Dynasty."

"We also found out that King Qin's wife and the Queen often went into the palace to talk to the Queen even though they were handkerchiefs. Their relationship is better than that of the sisters from the Queen's natal family."

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

"You want to say that this Prince of Qin belongs to the Queen and the Crown Prince? So the Crown Prince put Ning'er in Prince Qin's Mansion? Is this out of trust?"

"Yeah." Wu Tong nodded.

"This matter... is more or less weird!" Xiao Jingyan said without saying much.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him in unison.

"No matter how trustworthy King Qin is, how can he be as good as the Queen's own royal family?" Xiao Jingyan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Jinghan retorted, "Hasn't the second prince been engaged to a young lady from the Huangfu family since he was a child? He has created an image of being loyal to his fiancée outside. Such a thing is so Of course it needs to be hidden."

"Wouldn't it be better to find a more remote courtyard or a pile to place my aunt?" Xiao Jingyan said again: "What's more, since he has preserved his aunt's life, it means that he has her in his heart! Go here It’s better to go to your own place to see your aunt in Prince Qin’s palace, isn’t it?”

Xiao Jinghan could not refute these words.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up his little face and said, "It doesn't matter why he put my mother here, can't we just go in and find her?"

Everyone: "..."

What Xiao Naituanzi said was that the reason now was not to consider what the second prince would do, but to consider how to rescue people from the Qin Prince's Mansion.

This King of Qin is the emperor's younger brother, and his relationship with the emperor is very unusual.

It is said that this person has good knowledge, but as a royal person, he has no ambitions. He only wants to write books and become a great scholar.

(End of this chapter)

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