Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 532 Xiao Ning is actually in Prince Qin’s Mansion?

Chapter 532 Xiao Ning is actually in Prince Qin’s Mansion?
But the emperor valued her very much and gave him the task of compiling history books.

Because of this fancy, he also arranged a lot of guards and masters in his mansion.

Although it would be easier for them to get in, it would be impossible without disturbing anyone!

Furthermore, they must seek justice for the series of problems that followed after they brought Xiao Ning out.

Avoid being passive. After they find someone, they must take a preemptive strike and occupy a favorable position!

"Fifth Master, it is said that King Qin is celebrating a wedding!" Wu Tong reminded.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's eyes lit up.

"In this case, I will bring wine and talk to the King of Qin! Ran Ran will take the eldest and third eldest son to find your aunt. Wu Tong and Zhang Biao are waiting outside to be ready to respond at any time." Xiao Jingyao said.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in unison.

Xiao Jingyao ordered again seriously: "After all, this is Northern Xinjiang and not our own place, so be careful."


Several people responded.

Xiao Naituanzi took out some talismans from his pocket and handed them to everyone.

"This is the invisibility charm~"

Several people hurriedly took Fu Zuan over.

After Xiao Jingyao picked up Fu Zuan, he went to prepare wine with Zhang Biao.

After the wine was ready, he took the wine and swaggered to knock on the door of Prince Qin's Mansion.

At the same time, brothers Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyan and Xiao Jinghan also put invisibility charms on their bodies and followed Xiao Jingyao into the gate of Prince Qin's Mansion.

Different from the layout and style of other palaces, this Prince Qin's palace is full of elegance, which is very consistent with the image of him that he learned about.

As soon as he entered Prince Qin's palace, Xiao Jingyao separated from Xiao Naituanzi and others.

Soon, Xiaotai Tuanzi led a few people to a remote yard.

But as soon as they arrived, they saw several men in black with good light skills flying out.

Immediately afterwards, the courtyard suddenly burst into flames.

Everyone in the Xiao family: "..."

"Third brother, set up the formation!"

The little breasted dumpling shouted, his little face full of seriousness.

"Okay." Xiao Jinghan responded and immediately began to set up the formation.

These men in black deliberately set fires, obviously to cover up something.

Just catch one and they'll be able to figure things out.

Soon, the fire in the courtyard started burning, and the little girl immediately flew up to the eaves to cast rain, while Xiao Jingyan showed up and started fighting with the men in black.

Before Xiao Jinghan's formation takes shape, he must keep these men in black.

The men in black naturally wanted to silence the people who suddenly jumped out, so they all surrounded Xiao Jingyan. This gave Xiao Jinghan time to set up his formation.

the other side.

As soon as Xiao Jingyao saw King Qin, before his butt even touched the ground, the officials from Prince Qin's palace hurried over to report it.

"My lord, it's not good! It's not good! There's a fire in the backyard!"


When King Qin heard the news, he stood up in shock.

"Quickly, gather people to put out the fire!" King Qin hurriedly ordered, looking at Xiao Jingyao hurriedly and apologetically, "Fifth Master Xiao, look at my house..."

"My lord, it's important to put out the fire! I'll go put out the fire with you!" When Xiao Jingyao heard that there was a fire, he felt a little uneasy. He interrupted King Qin's words first and hurried out without waiting for King Qin to say anything. Door.

King Qin: "..."

Those who didn’t know this thought it was Xiao Jingyao’s house that caught fire!

The matter was urgent, so King Qin hurried to the backyard with the housekeeper without thinking too much.

Just halfway through, a group of men in black suddenly appeared in the sky. Without saying a word, these men in black slashed at the people in Prince Qin's Mansion with their knives.King Qin: "..."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

what happened? ? ?

"Prince Qin, who have you offended? Are you planning to raze your Prince Qin's palace to the ground?" Xiao Jingyao asked while protecting Prince Qin.

King Qin didn't know kung fu, so he stumbled around and let the housekeeper and Xiao Jingyao protect him.

After hearing Xiao Jingyao's words, King Qin was also confused.

Although he is a bit stubborn and has offended many people in the court, it is just a verbal dispute and cannot reach the point of wanting to silence him.

What's more, he is the emperor's biological brother.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" King Qin dodged and replied: "Everything is fine on weekdays, why did something happen today?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Prince Qin, you don't think this is for me, do you?"

Hearing this, King Qin said nothing.

Apparently, that's what he suspected.

Otherwise, why would these people come at this time if they had not come earlier or later?

Xiao Jingyao was so angry that he cursed.

If he came for them, why did he come to Prince Qin's Mansion?Wouldn't it be easy to ambush them when they go out on weekdays?
However, this is not the time to argue about this.

Outside, Wu Tong and Zhang Biao, who heard the commotion, also rushed in quickly.

"Five masters!"

Both of them fought in front of Xiao Jingyao.

"Go to the backyard and take a look!" Xiao Jingyao ordered seriously, regardless of King Qin's presence at this moment.

"Yes!" The two agreed.

King Qin's eyes widened when he heard Xiao Jingyao's words, and suddenly thought of something!
"Master Xiao Wu, what do you mean?"

"Prince Qin, I want to ask you what you mean! Xiao got the news that my sister Xiao Ning is hiding in your Prince Qin's house!" Xiao Jingyao simply stopped pretending and showed off his cards!

"She...she is your sister!?"

King Qin looked at Xiao Jingyao carefully, and the light in his head suddenly lit up.

No wonder!
No wonder he felt that Xiao Jingyao looked familiar when he first met him. It turned out that they were brothers and sisters.

"Prince Qin, did you admit it!? You imprisoned my sister?"

Xiao Jingyao didn't expect King Qin to say it so quickly, and he was slightly surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense, what about imprisonment!"

King Qin was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick!
"Hmph! You yourself have just admitted that my sister is in your house. Let's see how you continue to quibble when I rescue my sister! Then don't blame me for being unkind."


"Xiao Jingyao, this is my northern border, and you brought so many people here! You burned my mansion, and you beat and killed me! Even if you go to the negotiating table of the Three Kingdoms, I am justified."

"Prince Qin, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Why don't you shake your head every day to see if you can hear the sound of water? The people I brought here, they still kill me? Do I kill my own people?"

King Qin: "..."

His mind was very confused at the moment, and he really didn't think much about it.

"Prince Qin, Fifth Master, the skills of these people are consistent with the martial arts moves of the killers raised by the Duke's Mansion." At this time, Zhang Biao said loudly.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Prince Qin: "..."

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the remnants of the Duke's Mansion, that is, Ye Zhaozhao and the others.

These people are really pervasive!
First he wanted to capture Princess Li, then he wanted to kill the second prince, and now... was he trying to capture his sister to threaten them?
But among these three people, his sister was the easiest to catch, so why was she ranked last?
(End of this chapter)

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