Chapter 533 Grandpa Huang, help me~

At this time, it suddenly started raining in the sky.

Xiao Jingyao knew that this should be the credit of Xiao Naituanzi.

At the same time, he felt a lot more relieved.

After extinguishing the fire, his sister should be able to be rescued!
Everything went smoothly for the little breasted dumpling. After the rain put out a little bit of the fire, she quickly rushed into the room.

At this time, Xiao Ning was lying on the bed, and Xiao Naituanzi saw her unconscious body at a glance.

When he saw his mother for the first time, Xiaonuituanzi's eyes suddenly turned red, and he couldn't help shouting, "Mother!"

However, Xiao Ning on the bed could not give her any response.

The little girl wasn't angry either. She wrapped the bed sheet around Xiao Ning's body, resisted it, and flew out.

"People are there!"

As soon as the little breast dumplings landed, a man in black shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the people in black were seen surrounding him.

"These people don't seem to be together!" Xiao Jinghan had just dealt with the men in black who set fire earlier. Now he was fighting with these men in black and he quickly discovered the difference.

The martial arts of these later men in black were relatively higher.

"Go pick up aunt!"

How could Xiao Jamyan not know that there were two groups of people when he had been fighting against these people?
It's just that this is not the time to talk about this. Their mission is to rescue their aunt, and those who stand in their way are their enemies.


Xiao Jinghan responded.

Of the three of them, his martial arts was the weakest, so it would be better for her to carry her aunt on her back.

If Ran Ran fights them, these people are no match.

Xiao Jinghan fought his way towards Xiao Naituanzi.

The men in black seemed to have noticed their intentions and hurriedly attacked Xiao Jinghan.

Xiao Jinghan was tripped up by these people for a while.

"Eldest brother, third brother, I'll leave this place to you. Ranran and mother will leave first~" Xiao Naituanzi suddenly said.

After saying that, she was seen carrying Xiao Ning and quickly crossed the wall of Prince Qin's Mansion, disappearing into the night like a bolt of lightning.


When the people in black saw this, they immediately chased after him.

But how could they catch up with Xiao Naituanzi's speed?
Although her hands were restrained by carrying Xiao Ning, she ran fast.

The little naughty dumpling ran all the way to the palace and went straight to the emperor's palace.

The emperor was just getting ready to sleep when he saw the window of his palace being kicked open.

The emperor sat up in shock.

Eunuch Laifu shouted loudly: "Come here, protect the frame!"

The guards outside the door heard the cry for help and rushed in with swords in hand, aiming at the opened window.

"Grandpa Huang, help me! Your cute little granddaughter who loves flowers is going to be killed~"

Suddenly, the soft and glutinous voice of the little breast dumpling sounded outside.

Everyone was surprised.

The emperor and Eunuch Laifu looked at each other, and Eunuch Laifu said: "Your Majesty, she seems to be the Pearl Princess!"

"Is it Ran Ran?"

The emperor hurriedly opened the thin quilt covering himself and walked over barefoot.

"Your Majesty, it's dangerous! Let the guards go check the situation first!" Eunuch Laifu hurriedly grabbed the emperor.Upon hearing this, the emperor hurriedly waved to the guards.

Before the guards could come forward to check, Xiaonuituanzi appeared in front of the emperor with a henhouse head capable of hatching chicks, "Grandpa Emperor!"

"Ran Ran? It's Ran Ran!"

The emperor saw the little breasted dumpling's face clearly and hurriedly waved the guards to retreat. He walked up with a distressed look on his face, looked at her dirty look and asked: "Ranran, what are you doing? Did you make yourself look like this?"

"Someone is chasing me~"

The little girl replied, then carried Xiao Ning around in a large circle and entered the emperor's palace from the main entrance.

The emperor and Eunuch Laifu's eyelids trembled, and there were question marks on their foreheads.

Is this... resisting a corpse?

No, what they wanted to ask more was how did this little girl resist this corpse at such a young age?
The little girl didn't care about their expressions. After entering the house, she placed her girly body on the emperor's dragon bed.


Eunuch Laifu: "..."

"Little... little princess, this is... this is the emperor's dragon bed!" Eunuch Laifu reminded, and then carefully looked at the emperor's face.

Seeing that the corners of the emperor's mouth were twitching, but showing no signs of anger, he was slightly relieved.

The emperor really doted on the little princess. He was not even angry when he placed a corpse on his dragon bed at this late night.

No, the most important thing now is where did this little girl get her body?

"Ran Ran, if you don't give Grandpa Huang a reasonable explanation, Grandpa Huang will spank you!" the emperor said with a straight face.

This bed of his has never been slept on by his concubines, but now...

"Grandpa Huang, she is my mother. She is only safe if she is placed here with you!" Xiao Naituanzi covered Xiao Ning with a quilt, turned to look at the emperor very seriously and said, "Grandpa Huang, my mother is I’ll leave it here for now, Ran Ran is going to save Uncle Fifth and the others~”

"what happened!?"

The emperor didn't pay attention to the face of this female corpse before, but now he looks exactly like Xiao Jingyao's face, doesn't it?

Combined with what Xiao Naituanzi said, the emperor naturally felt that something was not right.

An unconscious person could lead to murder?
If you say there's nothing wrong here, I won't believe it even if I beat him to death!
"Well... there's no rush to explain, we'll talk about it when Ranran comes back!" Xiao Naituanzi said in a hurry and walked out the door.


Eunuch Laifu: "..."

"Laifu, quickly go to the post manager to see if anything happened! If nothing happens to the post manager, go and investigate carefully!" the emperor ordered in a deep voice.


Eunuch Laifu responded.

Just as he was about to leave, the emperor added, "Let someone keep an eye on the movements of the second prince and the queen!"

Eunuch Laifu was shocked when he heard this, but he quickly responded.

The empress and the second prince had different attitudes toward recognizing the girl. No wonder the emperor was suspicious.

Do you want to say that the queen and the second prince killed Xiao Ning?

Father Laifu thought it was impossible.

After all, if they wanted Xiao Ning to die, they could have just ignored Xiao Ning a few years ago. Why should they take action now?

They have a reason to take action!
Eunuch Laifu did not dare to think further. He responded to the emperor and went down to order people to do things.

Xiaonuituanzi quickly came out of the palace again and went all the way to Prince Qin's Mansion.

When she arrived at Prince Qin's Mansion, there was still the sound of swords clashing inside.

(End of this chapter)

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