Chapter 535: Is the Queen rebellious?
"Prince Qin, the Emperor already knows what happened tonight, and we have also captured some of the first batch of people! Just come with us to the palace!"

No matter how many secrets there are here, he will definitely investigate the matter clearly.

The injustice his sister suffered must not be swallowed in one breath.

"it is good!"

King Qin also wanted to know the ins and outs of today's incident. If he didn't investigate clearly, I'm afraid these people would come again.

"Steward, write to the prince immediately and ask him to come back!" Prince Qin ordered before leaving the house.

His own daughter-in-law was almost killed, and now people from his wife's family and his missing daughter have come calling, and he is still out there looking for medicine and looking for his daughter!

The butler responded.

When Xiao Jingyao and the others entered the palace, the emperor had already received the news!

There was already a curfew, but now they were ordered to come in. Not only that, the emperor also gathered up the Minister of Punishment and the Minister of Dali Temple overnight.

Why can't he, the emperor, sleep while they, as ministers, can sleep?
The emperor's main focus is psychological balance.

The Minister of Punishment and the Minister of Dali Temple were sleeping soundly with their beloved wives in their arms. The emperor summoned her all night and they almost fell off the bed in fright.

When the two of them arrived at the Imperial Study Room, Xiao Jingyao, who was all injured, Wang and Xiao Naituanzi had just arrived.

As soon as Xiao Jingyao entered the door, he knelt on the ground with a bang, "Your Majesty, please make the decision for Xiao and Xiao's sister!"

King Qin: "..."


Minister of the Ministry of Punishment & Minister of Dali Temple: "..."

How did Mr. Xiao Wu become like this?They all passed by the post office when they came, but they didn't see anything happening there!
King Qin complained in his heart, then bowed respectfully to the emperor, and then told the story of tonight's events from beginning to end.

This man was quite impartial. He didn't express his guesses, he was just stating the facts.

Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but give him a high look.

After King Qin finished speaking, the emperor called for the imperial physician. During the period when the imperial physician came, he also called the queen and the second prince.

"Master Zhang and Master Wang, you two, those arrested men in black from the seventh trial and the first trial, find out what their backgrounds are." Before everyone arrived, the emperor ordered the Minister of Punishment and the Minister of Dali Temple.

"Yes." The two agreed in unison.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Jingyao said: "Your Majesty, these people are all secret guards or dead soldiers. If you just ask like this, you won't get anything out of it!"

"What? What good idea can Mr. Xiao have?" Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment had a straight face and a somewhat unkind tone. Didn't Xiao Jingyao question his ability in front of the emperor?
"Master Zhang, Princess Mingzhu has a talisman called the truth talisman. As long as you stick it on this person, he will answer whatever you ask, even if you don't want to tell the truth! To save time, use that!" Xiao Jingyao said.

After saying that, he winked at Xiao Naituanzi and said, "Ran Ran, give it to Fu Zuan."

"oh oh!"

The little girl nodded her head, took out a truth charm from her pocket and handed it to Mr. Zhang from the Criminal Department, "Here you are, ten taels of silver~"

Mr. Zhang from the Criminal Department: "..."

He had been very interested in this truth talisman just now. It smelled so good, but now he felt that the light piece of paper was a bit irritating in his hand.

He suspected that Xiao Jingyao and Princess Mingzhu were trying to make money from him under the guise!
The emperor heard that this talisman was so powerful and wanted to see it. Seeing that the Minister of Punishment was still holding the talisman, he couldn't help but urge: "Qing Zhang, give me the money quickly! I'm still waiting!"

Mr. Zhang from the Criminal Department: "..."

He had reasonable suspicion that they were working together to cheat him out of his money.

The emperor had already spoken, and the Minister of Punishment had no choice but to take out ten taels of silver and hand it to Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Just think of it as a favor to the emperor's newly recognized Princess Pearl.

"Okay, Zhang Aiqing, bring them in! I want to watch it myself."

"Yes." The Minister of Punishment responded.

The Minister of Dali City stood by and watched with concern. He should be the little brother of the Minister of Punishment tonight!After hearing the emperor's order, he went out on his own and asked someone to bring in the two arrested men in black.

The man in black had his acupuncture points tapped by the little breast dumplings and was unable to move. He didn't even have the strength to commit suicide.

As soon as he came in, the Minister of Punishment put the truth talisman in his hand on one of the men in black.

"Whose people are you? Who sent you to set fire to Prince Qin's palace?" the Minister of Punishment asked impatiently.

After the words fell, the man in black didn't say a word.

Minister of Criminal Affairs: "..."

What did you say when you asked what you said?

The Minister of Punishment looked at Xiao Naituanzi.

The little girl jumped down from the stool and gave him a disgusted look.


"His acupoints haven't been unlocked yet!"

Minister of Criminal Affairs: "..."

Suddenly I felt very embarrassed.

The little breasted dumpling untied the acupuncture points of the man in black who had the truth-telling charm on him, shrugged his shoulders, raised his head and said, "Uncle Zhang, you can ask!"

Mr. Zhang, who was initially disliked by Little Nipple Dumpling for being stupid, suddenly became happy after hearing this call from Uncle Zhang.

This is the first time that he has received such respect from the emperor's beloved little princess.

So, the Minister of Punishment asked again.

"Tell me, why did you go to Prince Qin's palace to set fire to it? Whose instructions did you receive?"

The man in black replied: "We are the emperor's... empress's people. She asked us to go to Prince Qin's Mansion to set the fire. She said we must kill Prince Qin's Crown Princess!"


As soon as this was said, the emperor stood up in shock.

The Minister of Punishment and the Minister of Dali City were also in disbelief.

Why did the queen want to kill a half-dead man?
Not only the emperor and others couldn't figure it out, but even the King of Qin couldn't figure it out.

Normally, the queen and his princess have a very close relationship, just like good sisters.

The queen knew about Xiao Ning's existence a few years ago, but...she had never made a move in all these years, so how could she do it now?
"It is indeed her!" Xiao Jingyao said through gritted teeth.

I have long seen what they are hiding!

Judging from their attitude towards Xiao Nai Tuanzi before and after, it seems that what they want to hide is not simple.

Now he wants to kill his sister!

This is an attempt to cover up the truth!

"Come here, tell the queen and the second prince to come over as soon as possible!" the emperor said, suppressing the raging anger in his heart.

Even an emperor is suspicious.

The queen knew clearly that Xiao Jingyao was looking for Xiao Ning, but at this time she sent someone to kill Xiao Ning, which had to make him suspect that the queen wanted to provoke a war between the two countries.

Or maybe, like the previous Duke of Guo's family, this Huangfu family has become restive?
"Your Majesty, there is something that Xiao has a question in his mind!"

At this time, Xiao Jingyao spoke in a deep voice again.

(End of this chapter)

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