Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 536 Prince Qin stepped on the thunder accurately!

Chapter 536 Prince Qin stepped on the thunder accurately!
"What question?"

The emperor looked at Xiao Jingyao with a bad expression and asked.

"According to King Qin, my sister, Xiao Ning, is King Qin's daughter-in-law and the wife of King Qin's son. So why would Ran Ran see that there is a biological relationship between her and the Queen?"

"As far as I know, the Queen and Princess Qin have no blood relationship at all!"

After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, the air seemed to suddenly freeze.

In the room, the Minister of Punishment and the Minister of Dali Temple both lowered their heads.

This Xiao Jingyao, this envoy of Zhou Dynasty who relies on himself, dares to say anything?
It's pitiful that they were picked up in the middle of the night to hear these words, and their heads were tied to their waistbands.

"Xiao Jingyao, what are you talking nonsense!? What do you mean! Don't think that just because you are from the Zhou Dynasty, you can talk nonsense! I swear to God, Mo Yan, that I have never done anything to disgrace my brother!"

King Qin's reflex arc was relatively long, and it took him a while to understand the meaning of Xiao Jingyao's words.

This is saying that he has an affair with the queen!
He has been honest throughout his life and has never had any deviant intentions for the stability of Northern Xinjiang. How can he tolerate such slander!
Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows slightly, "Prince Qin, I just raised a question, but I didn't say anything!"


King Qin choked.

This bitch didn’t say it clearly, but wasn’t that what it meant?

Don't admit it! ?
Could it be that his royal brother and his princess have a relationship...

Thinking of this possibility, King Qin's face darkened instantly!
"What happened, I will know when the queen comes!" The emperor's face was also extremely ugly. If this matter is not investigated clearly today, he, the emperor, and his brother, King Qin, will be notorious.

That disgusting title will be attached to him or King Qin for the rest of his life.

At this time, he could not refute like King Qin.

Everything will be based on facts.

"Laifu, go and get a large silver note for Princess Mingzhu!" the emperor suddenly ordered.


Laifu responded.

"Brother Emperor, is it possible that you still don't believe me?" King Qin's entire face was dark, and he looked hurt in his eyes when he looked at the emperor.

They have been brothers for many years and have always trusted each other.

This is Lin Lao, Lin Lao, is he actually being instigated by someone with just a few words?

He is not afraid of using this truth talisman on him, but if it is used, there will be discord between their brothers.

He had always regarded himself as a noble scholar, but he could not bear such humiliation.

"Emperor brother, although you are not my biological brother, I was raised by Concubine Shu. How can I not believe in our brothers' feelings?" The emperor knew King Qin's character and knew that he would not do anything to betray him. Things happen.

This talisman...

Naturally, he wanted to use it on the queen.

If you dare to betray him, he will never tolerate it.

After hearing the emperor's words, King Qin finally looked better.

"Your Majesty, the banknotes are here!"

Eunuch Laifu came back and handed the banknote directly to Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

The little girl knew that the emperor wanted her truth talisman, so she quickly took out a stack of talismans from her pocket, compiled them, and counted eleven chapters to Eunuch Laifu. She laughed so hard that her teeth went blank. "Grandpa Huang, buy ten and get one free!"


At this time, he really couldn't laugh anymore.

Two men in black were taken down.

After a while, the imperial doctor came in with his medicine box.

When the imperial doctor walked to the door, he noticed the subtle atmosphere in the imperial study room, so he buried his head and walked in the door.

"The humble minister Zhao Baiqi has met the emperor. Long live the emperor. Long live the emperor."

Doctor Zhao respectfully bowed to the emperor. "Okay, let's show it to King Qin and Envoy Xiao first! Especially Envoy Xiao, his body is very precious."

The emperor waved his hand to Dr. Zhao to get up, and said the next sentence almost against his back teeth.

Xiao Jingyao felt a little funny when he heard the emperor's tone of voice.

On the surface, the emperor asked the imperial physician to treat him, but in fact he wanted to cut him into pieces!


He just liked the feeling of others wanting to kill him and having to protect him.

Seeing Xiao Jingyao's pride, the emperor felt that his breath was stuck in his heart and felt uncomfortable and tight.

"Grandpa Huang, just treat Grandpa Qin first~" At this time, Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Hearing this, the emperor suddenly became happy!
My granddaughter is so considerate!
The seeds of their Mo family are the seeds of the Mo family, and they always turn towards their Mo family.

Look, she knew that he was angry with her, the fifth uncle, so she turned towards him!

The emperor borrowed the donkey from Poxia and waved his hand: "Listen to the little princess and let Prince Qin treat him first!"

"Yes." The imperial doctor responded.

King Qin was also pleased with himself, and gave Xiao Jingyao a proud look, as if to say, "Look, look! My granddaughter still loves me!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Two old guys!
How naive you are at this age!


Suddenly King Qin hissed.

Doctor Zhao's hand that was applying medicine to him paused, "My lord, please bear with it, it hurts a little."

"Ran Ran, do you still have the medicine you just gave to your fifth uncle? Why don't you give some to Prince Qin too?" Xiao Jingyao had a smile in his eyes, watching Prince Qin deliberately speak louder.

"Look at how painful Prince Qin hurts just to look at it! Your medicine is better after all. Not only does it not hurt when applied to the wound, it also has a light fragrance, which is very comfortable."

King Qin: "..."

Come on, sew this king's mouth shut!

King Qin gritted his teeth and turned away his face!

Ugh...shame on you!
Ugh...he doesn't have any medicine for his granddaughter!

The granddaughter doesn’t have him in her heart!

After listening to Xiao Jingyao's words, Xiao Naituanzi took out another medicine bottle from his pocket and handed it to King Qin.

King Qin immediately smiled, smiling like a chrysanthemum.

He took the medicine and said, "Ranran, I am grandpa, and grandpa is the best at reading! From now on, grandpa will teach you how to read!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Hehe, my father and mother told me not to mess with my relatives when I go out~"

The little girl said something in a sweet voice, and then sat down next to Xiao Jingyao obediently.

Call ~
Terrible grandpa!


Xiao Jingyao couldn't help laughing.

This old man!

If he knew that what Xiaonuituanzi hates the most is reading and writing, would he regret what he said just now?
This is really a precise step on the thunder!
Prince Qin: "..."

It must be this person named Xiao who has led his obedient granddaughter into trouble!
"The Queen has arrived, and His Royal Highness the Second Prince has arrived!"

At this time, the little eunuch's sharp voice sounded outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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