Chapter 538
"Prince Qin, I'm sorry, I can't hide this matter anymore. Heng'er is our son... Poof!"

The queen suddenly said this, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth as soon as she finished speaking.

"Mother!" The second prince exclaimed and hurriedly supported her body.

"Queen, what nonsense are you talking about!" Prince Qin couldn't believe it.

The emperor suppressed his anger tightly and looked at the queen with sinister eyes.

The Minister of Punishment and the Minister of Dali Temple really wanted to dig a hole in the ground and put themselves in it.

"Prince Qin, don't be excited!" Xiao Jingyao said: "What the Queen said is false, and it will naturally be counterattacked by this talisman of truth."

As soon as Xiao Jingyao explained, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately this is not true!
But what makes people curious is what the queen is hiding, and she actually did not hesitate to drag King Qin into the water to be buried with her at this time.

The queen and the second prince turned pale when they heard Xiao Jingyao's words.

"Tell me about it! What are you hiding?" The emperor looked at the two people and asked.

With the Talisman of Truth, the Queen couldn't lie, so she slowly told what she had hidden in her heart.

It turned out that the queen was pregnant with twins.

Originally, giving birth to two children this time was a great joy. The queen was so happy that she couldn't sleep.

She wanted to share it with the emperor at the first moment, but at that time the emperor was having an affair with the imperial concubine Yun Yue, and there was too little time to see her.

Because of the twins, she was so sick that she couldn't go out to see the emperor.

When she was five months pregnant with the child, she suddenly heard something that the emperor had a nightmare.

It is said that the twin dragons are coming to the world, and northern Xinjiang is about to usher in disaster.

This statement is also supported by Qin Tianjian.

It is said that if a concubine in the harem gives birth to two princes at once, great disaster will befall Northern Xinjiang.

The queen was panicked at that time. She was glad that no one knew about her pregnancy with twins except the imperial physician at the time, but she was also afraid that if the news spread, it would cause trouble for herself and even the entire family.

But at that time, her belly was already four months old.

To be on the safe side, the queen deliberately planned to almost have a miscarriage, so she legitimately left the palace and returned to her parents' home to raise the baby.

The emperor only had eyes for the imperial concubine, so naturally he had no suspicion and left the management of the harem to the imperial concubine.

After returning to Huangfu's house, the queen wanted to abort the child in her belly.

But the fetus was too big and her body was relatively thin. The imperial doctor said that if she aborted the fetus, she would probably have no children in the future.

So the queen hesitated!
She was not favored by the emperor in the palace. If she had no more children, she might be stepped on for the rest of her life and become a joke in the eyes of others.

Queen Huangfu is naturally proud, and she cannot let others see her jokes.

So she decided to give birth to the child.

At the same time, I prayed that these two children would be two little princesses or a princess and a prince.

In this way, the Ssangyong argument no longer exists.

But she doesn't seem to be favored by God.

The two children were born when they were just over eight months old!

It's two princes!
Due to premature birth, the little one was suffocated and weak.

So the queen decided to send the older one out and keep the weak one by her side, which was the second prince Mo Xun.

As for why the older one was sent to Prince Qin’s Mansion, it was all due to some combination of circumstances!
King Qin's health prevented him from having children for the rest of his life. Princess Qin knew about this, but she didn't want to offend King Qin, so she hid it.

It happened that year Princess Qin pretended to be pregnant and wanted to adopt a child from somewhere else.

But the family that gave the money before was not blessed, and the child was dead after birth.

So Princess Qin happened to meet the queen's child.

The queen was naturally happy to learn that her eldest son had been sent to Prince Qin's Mansion.

The King of Qin has a noble character and is the uncle of his children. The Princess of Qin is also a good person, and she can always take care of her in the royal family.

This is no different than having two children by her side.Because the two children were born at the same time and are cousins, no one would suspect anything even if the two children looked similar!
The queen also used this reason to make friends with Princess Qin.

It's all so perfect and perfectly hidden!

The two children had a good relationship. When they were young, Mo Heng from Prince Qin's family was sent to the palace to be Mo Xun's companion.

Mo Xun was weak and could not practice martial arts, so he would go to the King of Qin to learn from the knowledgeable King of Qin.

Because Mo Xun was weak, Mo Heng also studied medicine.In order to protect him, he also diligently practiced martial arts, which was often reprimanded by the King of Qin.

That is to say, six years ago, Mo Xun was going to be an envoy to Zhou Dynasty.

Mo Heng yearned for the vast world, so he secretly followed him!

Mo Heng was naughty, and Princess Qin always doted on him and protected him.

Just like that, Mo Heng pretended to be a bodyguard and followed Mo Xun.

Everything went smoothly at first, but then they were assassinated and Mo Xun disappeared.

So Mo Heng pretended to be Mo Xun, searching for his whereabouts while dealing with other envoys.

Later, the envoy gave Mo Heng a charm drug to make him lose his temper at the Zhou Dynasty's banquet.

Mo Heng took Chinese medicine, but fortunately he had practiced martial arts and had the internal strength to suppress it.

Later, he met Xiao Ning and the two had a relationship. Xiao Ning was in a very bad mental state at that time and wanted to die.

Mo Heng felt guilty and asked about some things about Xiao Ning, so he thought of fake death.

He concealed the truth and took away Xiao Ning.

But after Xiao Ning woke up, she still wanted to die, so he gave Xiao Ning acupuncture and sealed some of her acupuncture points, making her forget what happened in the past.

Later Mo Xun found it!
Mo Heng took Xiao Ning to live in a small courtyard in the capital city of Dazhou.

The two got along day and night and developed feelings.

And because of that time, Xiao Ning was also pregnant.

Mo Heng stayed by her side until she gave birth to her daughter.

Mo Heng was so happy that he wanted to take his mother and daughter back to Northern Xinjiang twice, but what he didn't expect was that someone was chasing them.

In panic, the two hid their daughter in the grass and lured away the killer.

While escaping, Xiao Ning accidentally hit her head on a tree and fell unconscious.

Later, when Mo Heng went to find his daughter, there was no trace of her daughter.

So he had no choice but to take Xiao Ning back to Prince Qin's Mansion and take care of her with medicine.

Over the past few years, he has been outside either looking for Xiao Ning's medicine that can cure her or looking for his daughter.

The queen certainly felt sorry for Mo Heng.

But Mo Heng was very stubborn.

When he brought Xiao Ning back, the queen wanted Xiao Ning to die.

But Mo Heng said that if she died, he would die too!
Knowing that Mo Heng had the temperament to keep his word, she gave up and let her go.

After meeting Ran Ran, Ran Ran mistakenly identified Mo Xun as her father.

At that time, they thought that Ran Ran should be the missing daughter of Xiao Ning and Mo Heng.

In order to prevent this matter from being exposed, everyone who knew the truth back then was charged with the crime of deceiving the emperor.

So the queen decided to make the mistake right and let the second prince recognize Ran Ran as her daughter.

And they were looking for Xiao Ning again.

So I thought of getting rid of the variable Xiao Ning without anyone noticing before they found her.

But... what they didn't expect was that the biggest variable was the little breast dumpling.

Unexpectedly, they would find Prince Qin's Mansion in time and rescue Xiao Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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